World Jewish News
Report from Israel: What Is Normality?

By ORLY DREMAN (Jerusalem, August 12, 2024) When the media tell us to prepare lots of water and where the locations for distribution of water will be, it reminds me of my parents’ stories about austerity rations during the long War of Independence. If there is no electricity – there will be no water because the water pumps are connected to electricity. We are living with uncertainty and with existential apprehension.
It is like what we wend through during Covid times when we used to stock up on products. Today we are buying three times more; it gives us a feeling that we can control our destinies. It reduces the pressure. The waiting feels worse… let it happen and it will be over with. Our normality is that I rehearse with my husband how far from the car we have to lie down on the street when the siren sounds. Normal is having stomachaches, headaches, back pain and lack of sleep due to stress. Our normality is bringing water bottles into the shelter, canned food, transistors, batteries, flash lights and more. We go out less and order take out way more.
When our grandchildren come they always ask us to remind them where to hide in case “the bad people” come. Friends call each other to wish good luck – kind of end of the world conversations.
Children do not understand the reality; it depends on how much stress they see in the home. Their survival is being together. They ask what will happen if the siren sounds during their birthday party. We sit down and talk to them. We hug, we eat comforting food and listen to music. We worry when someone says they feel “excellent.”
People walk in the street and look at the sky for unmanned aerial vehicles. They hold their phones in their hands to hear messages from the home front command. They also look behind their shoulders for a terrorist with a knife. We are awaiting the worst.
At the end of July the JNF Canada Resilience Task Force arrived in Israel… good people, like our friend Larry Vickar from Winnipeg, who came to support and contribute. They managed to visit the kibbutzim in the south, learn what security challenges they faced, and about their strength and bravery. They saw the Nova festival sight and heard the plans how to revive the communities devastated on Oct. 7th. They were at hospitals and heard lectures from doctors and mental health professionals. They met survivors and hostages who were freed. They met evacuees from the north and heard speeches by generals. Unfortunately, they only managed to be in Israel half a week when all foreign flights were cancelled and they had to leave the country on whatever flight was possible.
Tonight is Tishah B’ Av – many more Jews will fast today. This day feels more real this year. It is a day with bad tragedies. This is the day when both our temples were destroyed; the Jews from England, France and Spain were deported; WW1 began.
When we think things cannot get worse, they get worse.
Commercials abroad are about advertising clothing, cosmetics, sports goods. Here they are about how to treat anxiety, how to deal with children…
Our four-year-old granddaughter saw an ad on a tree in Tel Aviv about a lost cat. She turned to her mother and said: “This cat is kidnapped in Gaza.”
Every realityshow deals with the subject of the hostages – be it “Big Brother,” “Survival,” or just cooking shows – the text, the songs, the missions, the yellow clothes, all have to do with talking and reminding us of the present situation in the country. The hostages who returned more than eight months ago are opening up and telling of their horror experiences. They want to make Bibi understand not to let the remaining 115 hostages die. The beatings, the sexual assaults, the starving, the terrible sanitary conditions – one toilet for dozens of people, freezing in the winter, sleeping on the floor, the stress that they threaten to kill you all the time, no air in the tunnels, darkness. Some of them were alone so they did not speak for 53 days. No windows, no light – like a grave. The legs feeling stiff. The terrorists dragging the women on the floor by the hair while pointing their rifles and hand grenades at them. The women used to faint, regain consciousness , cry and vomit and faint again. The terrorists used to tell them, “You are going to make me babies.” They felt desperate and scared. Every minute was eternity. One sees the parents here at the demonstrations – with black bags under their eyes that get bigger and bigger. Some young women and men who returned need hearing aids because they were beaten so severely on the head and ears. Now they cannot sleep at night, they cry a lot, suffer from migraines, nightmares and feel dead inside.
In this abnormal country we had some escapism: the Olympics. Each one of our seven medalists dedicated their victories to the hostages, the murdered, the fighting soldiers, and the evacuees.
Remember – a few months ago I wrote that we still had 11 people missing. It took ten months, but all of them were identified – the last one a few days ago. A woman whose house was burned to the ground – only now were they able to confirm she was killed in her home with her husband on Oct 7.
I usually listen to the radio when I drive. Every time one opens the radio there are thousands of personal tragic stories… like stories of grandparents telling how their son/daughter protected their children with their bodies and the children survived to be raised by the grandparents.
When people ask each other: “How are you?” you do not hear “Fine, thank you.” The answer is: ”Sad – like everyone.”
I would like to honor young Jewish adults who come to Israel to volunteer… like our friend Mikaila Levine from California, a 19–year-old medical student who came to volunteer with Magen David Adom – even in these dangerous times. We are very proud of her. She did not think of leaving. She took the example from her grandfather, Dr. Gerry Levine, who came from North America to volunteer in the Yom Kippur War.
In conclusion, pray for us that it will be comfortable living here again. We want our lives back. We are a country that desires life and we shall overcome – like always.
I will conclude the same way we end every conversation- “May we hear good news! Amen”!
Orly Dreman is a 10th generation Israeli. Her cousin, Ruvi Rivlin, was a former president of Israel. Orly’s father was a diplomat who served both in North America and in Europe.
By profession Orly is an English teacher. She has dealt with children suffering from ADD.
Since childhood, Orly has been involved in voluntary work with the disabled, the challenged, new immigrants, the elderly and others.
Orly is married to former Winnipeger, Solly Dreman who made Aliya.
He’s a professor of clinical Psychology at BGU and treated victims of terrorism and war.
He was Brigade psychologist in the Yom Kippur War.
To read previous posts from Orly since October 7, go to:
World Jewish News
Ireland is Europe’s Most Anti-Israeli Country

By HENRY SREBRNIK Several protesters walked out during Irish President Michael Higgins’s speech at the Holocaust Memorial Day event in Dublin on Jan. 26. Representatives of the Jewish community had asked him not to give the keynote address because, they asserted, critical comments he has made about Israeli actions in Gaza made him an “inappropriate” pick for the event.
They referred to his “grave insensitivity to Irish Jews,” but the president insisted he has always stood up against anti-Semitism.
This was no surprise, because the Republic of Ireland has become Europe’s most merciless critic of Israel. Archbishop Eamon Martin, Ireland’s most senior Catholic figure, in his 2025 New Year’s message also criticized Israel’s military campaign in Gaza as “merciless” and a “disproportionate” response to Hamas’s invasion of the Jewish state.
Two weeks before that, Israel had already announced it was closing its embassy in Dublin in response to the Irish government’s repeated anti-Israel statements, its indifference to rising anti-Semitism, a great deal of it coming from its parliamentarians, and in particular its decision, formalized on Jan. 7, to join South Africa in accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Israel’s Foreign Minister, Gideon Sa’ar, explained the Dec. 15 decision, stating that Ireland had crossed “every red line” with its actions and rhetoric. He accused Ireland of “antisemitism based on the delegitimization and dehumanization of Israel.”
Israel’s ambassador to Ireland said closing the embassy was a “tough decision” for her country to take. Dana Erlich added that Ireland has taken “a more extreme stance than any other country” against Israel.
“This is an abuse of the international multilateral system by South Africa, we were sorry to see Ireland join it, but this joins an accumulation of steps, rhetoric and initiatives that we’ve seen Ireland trying to promote this past year,” she added. The Irish government said there were no plans to close its embassy in Israel.
Since Hamas’ attack on Israel, Ireland has emerged as one of the Jewish state’s fiercest critics and relations between the two countries have frayed. Its middle classes are among the most Israelophobic in all of Europe.
Posters of Israeli hostages are defaced in public spaces, while school textbooks disseminate narratives that demonize Israel and Judaism. Vehement opposition to Israel and Zionism has seen demonstrations in Dublin that include the flying of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine flags, with chants that hurl invective at all Jews.
Reports of targeted attacks against Jewish individuals, paired with the embassy closure, have left Jewish residents and visitors without the diplomatic support they need in an increasingly dangerous climate.
On the campus of University College Dublin, a sign read, “Zionist-Free Zone.” Trinity College Dublin was one of the first universities in the world to divest from Israeli companies and the campus is a veritable sea of keffiyehs. (Boycott as a concept and a tool of direct action has its roots in British-colonized Ireland.) The students’ union declared that Zionists were not welcome on campus. Jewish students were offered a safe room if they felt they were in danger.
Yet the republic’s rulers are in denial. “I utterly reject that Ireland is anti-Israel,” declared Prime Minister Simon Harris. We’re just “pro-peace, pro-human rights, and pro-international law,” he insisted.
Harris said his country would arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he landed there, following the issuance of arrest warrants for both Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant by the International Criminal Court.
Shortly after, Micheal Martin, the country’s minister of foreign affairs and defence, announced on Nov. 7 that Ireland would be backing South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ, in a reflection of the country’s long-standing position of solidarity with the Palestinian cause. His comment came on the same day that the Irish parliament passed a motion saying that “genocide is being perpetrated before our eyes by Israel in Gaza.” Three days later, the Anglican Church of Ireland’s Canon David Oxley claimed that Israelis saw Jews as a “master race” — a term usually associated with Nazi ideology.
But Maurice Cohen, Ireland’s Jewish Representative Council chairperson, said the Irish intervention in the ICJ case risks “oversimplifying a highly complex and tragic conflict, unfairly isolating Israel, and undermining the integrity of the term ‘genocide.’”
Relations between the two countries have long been complex. Ireland only extended de jure recognition of Israel in 1963 and established diplomatic relations in 1975. Until recently, Ireland had refused to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, unlike most European countries.
Sa’ar alluded to Ireland’s neutrality during World War II, when anti-British Irish nationalists cooperated against Britain with the Nazis. Indeed, on May 2, 1945, then-Prime Minister Eamon de Valera visited the Nazi ministry in Dublin and sent his condolences to the German people over Hitler’s death. A woefully poor decision, his gesture was nonetheless motivated by the overzealous need to demonstrate Ireland’s anti-British, pro-neutrality position.
The island was under English and then British rule for more than 800 years (and Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom). That “has undoubtedly shaped how people from Ireland engage with post-colonial conflicts,” asserted Jane Ohlmeyer, a history professor at Trinity College.
So clearly, some of the Irish hostility to Israel derives from the anti-British, anti-imperialist perspective of Irish history: the idea that the Palestinian experience at the hands of Israel is similar to that of the Irish with the British.
“Leaders often ask me why the Irish have such empathy for the Palestinian people. And the answer is simple: We see our history in their eyes,” former prime minister Leo Varadkar explained. “A story of displacement, of dispossession, national identity questioned or denied, forced emigration, discrimination, and now, hunger.” Not surprisingly, Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid, the Palestinian ambassador to Ireland, agreed, maintaining that Irish support comes from a history of shared experiences.
Henry Srebrnik is a professor of political science at the University of Prince Eddward Island.
World Jewish News
News from Syria shouldn’t distract from what’s been going on in Gaza

By BERNIE BELLAN Amidst the head-spinning news coming out of Syria this past week, it’s easy to forget that there is still a war going on in Gaza. What, exactly, Israel’s government is trying to accomplish there now is not easy to figure out.
The Israel Defense Forces would seem to have achieved all their military goals, including completely nullifying Hamas and Islamic Jihad as threats to Israel, so what more does the Israeli government (and here, I want to clearly differentiate between the goals of the government and the goals of the IDF) hope to accomplish?
In asking that, I want to reflect on two recent articles that appeared in Haaretz. One was about a Hebrew University professor by the name of Lee Mordechai, who has been carefully cataloguing war crimes that the IDF has been committing in Gaza.
Here is the introduction to that Haaretz article: “A woman with a child is shot while waving a white flag ■ Starving girls are crushed to death in line for bread ■ A cuffed 62-year-old man is run over, evidently by a tank ■ An aerial strike targets people trying to help a wounded boy ■ A database of thousands of videos, photos, testimonies, reports and investigations documents the horrors committed by Israel in Gaza”
The article goes on to note that “The report Dr. Mordechai has compiled online – “Bearing Witness to the Israel-Gaza War” – constitutes the most methodical and detailed documentation in Hebrew (there is also an English translation) of the war crimes that Israel is perpetrating in Gaza. It is a shocking indictment comprised of thousands of entries relating to the war, to the actions of the government, the media, the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli society in general.”
In talking with many people about what’s been going on in Gaza over the past year and a half, the reaction I often receive when I suggest that Israel achieved all its military goals very early on in this war is: “Good, let them keep on hitting them so that they’ll never pose a threat to Israelis again.”
That’s understandable, but the dehumanization of the Palestinians in Gaza is something that many of us find detestable. If Israeli soldiers have lowered themselves to the same level of brutality as their enemies, is that anything to be proud of?
As for the rationalizations that by now we’ve become so accustomed to hearing – that you have to fight dirty when you’re fighting terrorists or that the IDF maintains the highest principles of conduct – notwithstanding any evidence to the contrary, simply don’t excuse the kinds of behaviour that Dr. Mordechai describes in graphic detail in his report.
As if that weren’t enough to lead one to doubt Israel’s ongoing campaign in Gaza – which is being pushed forward by the right wing forces who are calling the shots within the Likud-led government of Israel, there was yet another thorough indictment of Israel’s strategy offered up recently, this time by former Defense Minister and Army Chief of Staff Moshe Ayalon, who accused the IDF of engaging in “ethnic cleansing” in northern Gaza.
In an interview with Channel 12 news in Israel, Ayalon maintained that “The IDF is not the most moral army in the world.”
Later in that same interview, Ayalon offered two clarifications of what he meant by using the term “ethnic cleansing.” According to a report, also in Haaretz, Ayalon explained that “First, his definition of ethnic cleansing did not include genocide, but rather ‘evacuating civilians from their homes and demolishing those homes, as is happening in Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya.’ He also said that he does not hold the military responsible for these crimes but rather the government, in particular far-right lawmakers like National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Betzalel Smotritch, who have repeatedly declared their intentions to build Jewish settlements in Gaza.”
I would venture to say that, if you didn’t know who it was that offered that assessment of what Israel has been doing in Gaza, you would likely think that it came from one of the usual suspects, such as UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The fact that it came from a former Israeli defense minister, also a former IDF chief of staff, not to mention a member of the Likud Party, should lend it some credibility.
But, in the black and white worldview that permeates so many individuals’ thinking when it comes to what Israel has been doing in Gaza, Ayalon would no doubt simply fall into the category of naive critics of Israeli policy according to so many defenders of Israeli government policy.
It’s hard to know where readers of this publication stand, however, on what Israel has been doing in Gaza. There have been almost no letters to the editor commenting on this particular issue – not that letters to the editor offer a true picture of people’s thinking. Further, I don’t make it a habit of engaging everyone I meet in a conversation centering on Israel’s strategic goals in Gaza. Frankly, as is with the case involving a discussion of Donald Trump, tempers can flare easily – and trying to engage in a relatively dispassionate conversation about either Gaza or Trump isn’t easy.
But, a recent survey conducted by three different Canadian Jewish groups shows how diverse opinions are among Canadian Jews are when it comes to Israel.
The survey was conducted by marketing firm Leger and was sponsored by the New Israel Fund, JSpaceCanada and Canadian Friends of Peace Now.
Here are some of the findings from that survey:
• While 84% of Canada’s Jews say they are “very” or “somewhat” emotionally attached to Israel and 94% percent support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, just 51% of Canadian Jews consider themselves Zionists.
• The poll also found that 34% of Canadian Jews believe the continued building of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank hurts Israel’s security, with only 27% saying they believe it helps Israel’s security. The remainder of those polled either said it made no difference or they didn’t know.
• Most Canadian Jews still believe that the ideal outcome to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a two-state solution – a Jewish state of Israel alongside an Arab state of Palestine, with 61% support amongst Canadian Jews with an opinion on the subject. 55% of Canadian Jews agree that Canadian politicians should increase pressure on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to engage in a meaningful peace process.
• Canadian Jews are also more likely to indicate their intention to vote for the federal Conservative party if the election were to be held tomorrow, with 55% indicating support for the Conservatives, and 26% for the Liberals. These trends are similar to those in the general population, but the decline in Liberal support and increase in Conservative support is more pronounced among Jews.
I would suggest that the majority of Canadian Jews don’t pay much attention to what Jewish federations do – and here it’s important to note that determining who is Jewish is not easy – as I showed repeatedly ever since the results of the 2020 census came out. (For instance, I was able to establish that only 6700 Winnipeggers identified as Jewish both in terms of their religion and ethnicity in that census.)
The groups that conducted this most recent survey of Canadian Jews’ attitudes would likely not be considered mainstream Jewish organizations in the sense that they do not follow along with what our Jewish federations and CIJA would suggest is the nominal position of most Canadian Jews on Israel. All three are highly critical of Israeli government policies and all three strive to promote peaceful co-existence among Israeli Jews and Palestinians.
Yet, by referring to the work done by Prof. Mordecai documenting Israeli war crimes in Gaza, the assessment that Moshe Ayalon offered that what Israel has been doing lately in Gaza amounts to “ethnic cleansing,” and the recent survey of Canadian Jews’ attitudes towards Israel, I wanted to show how thoughtful Jews – whether they’re in Israel or in Canada, can hold highly divergent opinions from what you are likely to read in most Jewish media (including The Jewish Post). If nothing else, if I can get some readers to consider different viewpoints when it comes to thinking about Israel, I will have accomplished something.
World Jewish News
‘Israel’s Strikes Helped Us Get Free,’ Senior Syrian Rebel Tells i24NEWS

Syrians and Palestinians living in Syria stand next to a poster depicting Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad as they mark the annual al-Quds Day (Jerusalem Day), in Damascus, Syria April 29, 2022. REUTERS/Firas Makdesi
i24 News – After the rebels entered Damascus Sunday night and announced the fall of the Assad regime, Fahd Masri, the founder of the defunct National Salvation Front and spokesperson for the Free Syrian Army, spoke with the Arab affairs commentator of i24NEWS, Baruch Yedid, to thank Israel for its “contribution” to the dramatic events.
“Without the blows you inflicted on Hezbollah and Iran, we could not free Syria,” Masri said. “Thank you, Israel. This is an Israeli victory, our brothers and neighbors.”
He added that he wished “a peace of love and respect” between Israelis and Syrians. “This is a morning of victory!”
“We will build peace with you,” he said regarding the future between the countries.
In the early morning hours of Sunday, rebels arrived in Damascus and announced the overthrow of president Bashar al-Assad’s regime, 24 years after he took over from his father, Hafez. Assad reportedly left the country and his location is currently unknown. According to foreign reports, IDF armored forces were stationed in the Quneitra area of southern Syria to prevent rebels from reaching the border between the countries. The Israel Air Force allegedly attacked strategic weapon warehouses, chemical weapon warehouses, and laboratories around the Syrian capital.
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