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Gail Asper, David Kroft head list of this year’s Kavod Honourees

By MYRON LOVE It has been a few years since I last attended a Kavod evening – and I was greatly impressed by the caliber of volunteers in our community who are  responsible for the ongoing success of our communal institutions.
I was equally impressed by the new-look Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, the host for the evening – and the first community event to be held at the synagogue since it re-opened in mid-September.  The shul had been shut down for the past year and a half for its first major renovation and expansion in over 50 years.  The result is a brightly lit, expansive space which, one synagogue president noted, will undoubtedly appeal to community members who have in recent years gravitated to venues – other than the Shaarey Zedek  –  locations such as the Convention Centre and the Gates on Roblin – for their family simchas.  
The Jewish Federation of Winnipeg has been presenting the Kavod Awards yearly (except for during the Covid lockdowns) for decades.  The original awards – The Harry Silverberg Young Leader of Distinction and Max Nathanson Young leadership Awards were first presented back in 1974.   The Sol Kanee Distinguished Community Service Award and the Max and Mollie Shore Memorial Award were introduced in 1995.  The Shem Tov Awards date back to 1996 and recognize one dedicated volunteer a year from each of the Federation’s beneficiary agencies and organizations.  The Larry Hurtig Communal Professional Award was introduced by the Larry Hurtig family in 2012 – shortly after the Federation past president and community leader passed away.  The Duboff Family Youth Award is of more recent vintage – having been given out for just the past  four years.

This year, two new community awards were presented:  The Gerry Koffman Combined Jewish Appeal Award honours the memory of the much revered former Combined Jewish Appeal campaign director who left us – far too young – in  2004.  The award will be presented annually to an individual who has contributed significantly to the campaign as a volunteer over many years.
The second new award, the Magen David Award, celebrates an individual who has shown exceptional dedication and leadership in supporting our local Jewish community or Israel.
The list of honourees this year was an impressive group – and one could argue that each deserved a separate story in the Jewish Post – but space does not allow for it.  So I shall do the best that I can.
I am going to start at the end.  The Sol Kanee Award is the most prestigious award given out by the Jewish Federation.  The honouree is someone who has contributed to the Jewish community locally, nationally and internationally – and this year’s winner fits the criteria to a tee. 
“I am surprised that Gail hadn’t already received this award,” observed Moe Levy. the first executive director of the Asper Foundation in introducing Kanee Award honouree Gail Asper.
Gail Asper is the third member of her family to receive the award – following to the podium her older brother, David, and her late father, I. H. Asper (along with Moe Levy himself).
I knew Sol Kanee. He was my father’s first cousin.  He has been described as arguably one of the most important forces behind the scenes in the annals of world Jewry in the second half of the 20th century.  He was also modest about it.  I recall one evening toward the end of his life when the community was honouring him,.   His speech was succinct – “The evening is late. So thank you and good night”.
I have long been an admirer of Gail.  She has made a huge difference locally – and not just in the Jewish community – nationally and internationally. She also shares Sol Kanee’s sense of modesty.
In accepting the award, she spoke of the world being divided between those who give and those who are “leaners” –  people in need and the importance of giving when you can.  “Your life could change in a heartbeat and a giver could suddenly find oneself a leaner,” she pointed out.  “It is important to appreciate what you have and be prepared to share.”
She also spoke of the rewards of being a volunteer.  “By saying ‘yes’ to volunteering, to taking on new  challenges, I have had so many adventures and met so many beautiful, big-hearted, caring people.  I encourage everyone to say ‘yes’ when asked to volunteer.”

The Max and Mollie Shore Memorial Award is presented annually to an individual who has distinguished him or herself through long-standing leadership and dedication to the Combined Jewish Appeal and commitment to the principles and goals of the Federation.   This year’s honouree was Mr. Justice David Kroft (who was appointed to the Manitoba Court of Appeal about a year ago – a court on which his late father, Guy, also served).
The award was presented by the Shores’ great-granddaughters, Stephanie and Emily Kalo.
The Kroft Family has a long history of volunteerism.  David Kroft himself has served as president of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg (as did his father, Guy, and older brother, Jonathan). He has been a Combined Jewish Appeal canvasser for 25 years.   
In his response, while expressing sadness about the events of October 7 in Israel and the upsurge in anti-Semitism – unprecedented in our time, Kroft stated that he remains optimistic about the future. He cited the newest jewel in our community, the new look Shaarey Zedek and the growing number of Jews who have been reconnecting with community over the past year.
In particular, he highlighted the strong leadership role that the Jewish Federation and its beneficiary agencies have played over the past year in helping the community get through what has been a very tough year for many.
‘This evening is a celebration of the Federation, its beneficiary agencies and all of the staff and volunteers who have contributed to their success,” Kroft said.

The third major award – the Larry Hurtig Award – was presented by Hurtig’s son, Jack, to Belle Jarniewski – once again, a more than appropriate choice.  In just a few years, the daughter of Holocaust survivors has carved out an outsized leadership role in Winnipeg, nationally and internationally in preserving the memory of the Holocaust and fighting anti-Semitism.
 “About 15 years ago,” she recalled, “Joe Riesenbach, a survivor, reached out to me to help move a project forward that had literally been collecting dust. Before I knew it, I was a member of the Holocaust Education committee, the federally appointed delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) as a member of the Academic Working Group and the Committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial. The committee elaborated the first intergovernmental definition of anti-Semitism, adopted by consensus at the 2016 IHRA plenary. “
Through her work on Holocaust preservation and education, she was introduced to the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada. She was appointed the JHC’s executive director in 2018.
“The Jewish Heritage Centre is the key to our past and our future,” she noted.  Exploring our archive is like walking back in time – it’s a treasure trove reflecting the incredible history and diversity of our wonderful Jewish community stretching back 125 years – the challenges and the many triumphs that have shaped who we are today. As the saying goes, you need to know the past to understand the present.
“The Winnipeg I grew up in was a golden age for Jews -a tapestry of multiculturalism with shared values,” she continued.  “We thought that the kind of anti-Semitism earlier generations had faced was gone forever. While we may not be able to bring back the wonder years, we must stand united as a community and be strong in our convictions.
“As for me, I am profoundly honoured to work with all of you as we build toward a better tomorrow.”

Brownie Fleishman was the first recipient of the Gerry Koffman Award – which was presented by Koffman’s daughter Jody, and wife Rachelle. Brownie has been involved in community service all her adult life. Among the organizations to which she has contributed her time have been the Jewish Federation, CJA, Hadassah-WIZO, and the Jewish Child and Family Service.

The loudest applause of the evening was reserved for Einat Paz, who received the new Magen David Award. The Israeli-born social worker is, appropriately, the Jewish Child and family Service’s manager of volunteer services.
Paz was recognized in particular for her leadership in helping to organize and co-ordinate weekly vigils – now in their 11th month – that, in more recent months, have been held on Kenaston by the Superstore – in support of the Israeli hostages in Gaza.  She has also been prominent in fostering ties between Israelis in  Winnipeg and the local community.
The award was presented to Paz by Jeff Lieberman, the Federation’s executive director.
The youth and young leadership award recipients were: Noah Greenfield (Duboff Family Award); Michael Silver  (Max Nathanson Award); and Bryan Hack (Silverberg Award).
Hack came to Winnipeg only five years ago.  Originally from South Africa, he grew up in Vancouver, where he was heavily involved in the community and Vancouver’s Jewish Federation.  In Winnipeg, he quickly continued where he left off in Vancouver. While in Vancouver, the BHC Group principal chaired the Young Adult Division for the Vancouver Jewish community, for which he received the Young Leadership Award in 2017. Over the past three years he has served as the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, Young Adult Division Chair/Co-Chair – and is currently the Chair of the CJA’s Ben-Gurion Society – the young adult outreach division.

Financial advisor Michael Silver has volunteered his time with the Rady JCC, and the JNF, as well as the CJA. He co-chaired  the Top Donors division with his wife Ellie last year.  In his response, he noted the example that his late uncle, businessman and philanthropist Arnold Frieman set for him.
He also spoke of the impact of the events of October 7 on him personally and world Jewry.  “The degree of anti-Semitism we are seeing now is reminiscent of the 1930s,” he observed.  “The universities are breeding grounds for anti-Semitism.”
Still, he added, he firmly believes that the great majority of Canadians support Israel and the Jewish people.
“I consider it a privilege to be able to part of the Winnipeg Jewish community and help ensure a secure future for our children and generations to come.”

Noah Greenfield has been proving his leadership mettle this past year as president of Hillel Winnipeg. Since October 7, the University of Manitoba student has been speaking out against anti-Zionist and anti-Israel hate.
In presenting the Duboff Family Award, Neil Duboff described Greenfield as a “mensch”.
“If we don’t stand our ground, we will not have a place in Canada,” he stated.
Among the Shem Tov winners were: Avrom Charach (Jewish Federation of Winnipeg); Ari Hanson (Jewish Child and Family Service); Bryan Borzykowski (Winnipeg Board of Jewish Education); Al Greenberg (Rose and Max Rady Jewish Community Centre);  Amy Karlinsky (Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada); Marilyn Regiec (Saul and Claribel Simkin Centre); Howard Kideckel (Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre); Shea Lerner (BB Camp); Max Palay (Camp Massad); Shael Lander (Aleph Bet Child Life Enrichment Program); and Lyle Lockhart (Shalom Residences).
Mazel tov to all and Yasher Koach

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‘Domestic terrorism,’ Canada parliamentarian says after Jewish school shot on Yom Kippur

Bais Chaya Mushka Girls Elementary School in Toronto. Source: Google Street View.

(Oct. 12, 2024 / JNS) A “firearm discharge” from a car targeted Bais Chaya Mushka Girls Elementary School in Toronto at 4:05 a.m. on Yom Kippur, the Toronto Police Service said on Saturday.

“This is domestic terrorism,” wrote Canadian parliamentarian Kevin Vuong, who represents Toronto and who noted that this is the second time that a shooter, or shooters, targeted the Toronto Jewish school.

Police said that there were no reported injuries, and that evidence of gunfire was found.

“I’m very disturbed to hear that last night, as families marked Yom Kippur, there were shots fired at a Jewish school in Toronto,” Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, stated. “As we wait for more details, my heart goes out to the students, staff and parents who must be terrified and hurting today.”

“Antisemitism is a disgusting and dangerous form of hate—and we won’t let it stand,” he said.

Pierre Poilievre, the Canadian opposition leader who is running against Trudeau, wrote that there were “more bullets fired at a Jewish school overnight in Toronto.”

“This is yet another shameful and terrifyingly common antisemitic attack in Canada in 2024. It is part of a 251% increase in hate crimes during the nine years of the NDP-Liberals,” he added. “I will ban the terrorists, secure our borders, lock up criminals and bring home safety for all.” (The NDP is the New Democratic Party.)

The Toronto Police Service added later in the day that it is “investigating the troubling firearm discharges at the Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School early this morning.” It asked anyone with relevant video footage to come forward.

“This sadistic intimidation of innocent children and families goes beyond any debates. This is terrorism,” wrote Amir Hart, a People’s Party of Canada candidate for office in Thornhill, in Ontario, which has a large Jewish community.

“We must come together as a community, regardless of ethnicity and religion, and unite against these sadistic extremists which are looking for an excuse to commit terrorism,” Hart said.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center stated that it is “deeply disturbed that a Jewish school in Toronto was hit with gunfire overnight, as the Jewish community marked Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.”

“Bais Chaya Mushka, a Jewish girls’ school, was the target of gunfire for the second time, following a similar incident in May,” it stated. “No one was injured, but windows were broken in this latest attack which comes amid a continuing surge in antisemitism in Toronto and elsewhere in Canada.”

“Tragically, the reality of life for Jews in Canada now includes gunfire targeting our schools, metal detectors and armed police outside our synagogues, ongoing harassment of Jewish students on university campuses and terror-glorifying hate rallies on our city streets,” stated Michael Levitt, the president and CEO of the nonprofit.

“This is not just a Jewish problem, and Jews alone can’t fix it. Condemnations are appreciated but they are not nearly enough,” he added. “Our leaders need to act decisively and urgently to address this grave situation before someone gets seriously hurt.”

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Young Israeli-born artist Mishelle Aminov Kosonovsky thriving in new community

By MYRON LOVE Although she has only been in Winnipeg for five years, young Israeli-born artist Mishelle Aminov Kosonovsky has already drawn much positive attention in local art circles.
Both in 2022 and 2023, she was awarded the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba’s Mona Gray Creative Arts Scholarship toward her studies at the University of Manitoba in the Fine Arts program. 
This past spring, her work was shown alongside her fellow Fine Arts grads in an exhibit sponsored by the Winnipeg Arts Council.
Last month, she began a year-long mentorship program – under the aegis of the Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) collective – for budding female artists.
And, later this month, Aminov Kosonovsky will be one of seven local  Jewish artists – including Yael Freifeld, Etel Shevelev, Halley Ritter and Shan Pullan (all of whom, along with Aminov Kosonovsky,  work together under a collective called Rimon) along with longer established artist Elena El and newly emerging artist Joel Novek – featured as part of the Rady Centre’s first annual JFest celebration of Jewish culture and the arts.
“This is the second year that we are hosting an art exhibit,” notes Shira Newman, the Rady Centre’s co-ordinator of Arts and Older Adult programming.   “We did this on a smaller scale last year. This year, we are featuring more artists who have come to Winnipeg from all over the world. We have some really gifted artists in our community.”
The art exhibit – “Glowing Embers: New Works by Manitoba Jewish Artists” – will kick off with an opening reception – on Saturday, October 26, from 7:00-8:00 – in the Adult Lounge – which will be transformed into an art gallery for the duration of the exhibit.  The exhibit will be open at different times during the next few days – so check the schedule before you come.
(JFest, which runs from October 27 to November 7, will also have a musical component and a children’s program.)

Mishelle  Aminov Kosonovsky was born in Israel and grew up in Petah Tikvah. She notes that he parents were originally from Uzbekistan in central Asia.
“I speak Russian, Hebrew and English,” she says.
Aminov Kosonovsky  credits her interest in art to her zaida’s encouragement when she was quite young.   “He was a picture framer,” she recalls.   “He brought me art supplies and let me work with him on some of his projects.  He actually gathered materials for me from scraps which we repurposed to create doll houses, miniature furniture, puppets. clocks and more.”
While still in Israel, the young artist was included in a couple of group exhibits and was featured in one solo show.
Aminov Kosonovsky notes that her parents came to Winnipeg first. She followed after completing her national service, which she did by doing art therapy – as an educational assistant – at Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel in Petah Tikvah.    
On arriving in Winnipeg, she enrolled at the University of Manitoba in the Fine Arts program.   Her acceptance into the MAWA mentorship program was the next step in her evolution as an artist.
The artist-run centre was founded in 1984 to “encourage and support the intellectual and creative development of women in the visual arts by providing an ongoing forum for education and critical dialogue.”  Its Foundation Mentorship Program (FMP) is a professional training program designed to help women and gender diverse people in the visual arts develop skills and define their decision-making philosophies by providing information, resources and support. In this year-long professional training program, established artists (mentors) meet individually with their mentees for 4 hours per month to share their experience, expertise and advice. The entire FMP group meets for 3 hours each month for critiques, discussion, gallery visits and other activities.
“I am excited to have Bonnie Marin, my first professor at university here, as my mentor,” Aminov Kosonofsky notes.  “Under her guidance, I am experimenting more with collages and print making.”
As part of the upcoming JFest activities, Aminov Kosonofsky and her sister artists who comprise the Rimon Art Collective will be leading a print-making workshop – with the theme of “home” on Monday, October 28, at 7:00 P.M.
Rimon means “pomegranate” in Hebrew. The Rimon Art Collective artists are a diverse  group of young Jewish artists who “have come together for both creativity and comfort as a supportive family seeking refuge in the transformative powers of art and community”.
“Yael (Freifeld), Shan (Pullan) and I formed Rimon about 10 months ago,” Aminov Kosonovsky reports.  “We met at university. We had come to realize that the art world is not accepting of Jewish artists and that there was  a need to create an environment where we could comfortably talk about our artistic vision with others who understand our perspective.”
Last spring, the Collective was featured in a group exhibition – under the theme of Kabbalat Shalom – at the Pembina Hills Arts Council building in  Morden.
“We hope to have more shows in the future,”  Aminov Kosonovsky notes.
She has also developed an interest in fibre art.  “Fibre art, with its emphasis on sensory motion activities, is particularly helpful in working with people dealing with trauma,” she notes.
In addition to her work as an artist, Aminov Kosonovsky is also working toward a degree in Art Therapy – building on her experiences in Israel.  She is currently enrolled in a two-year online program at Kutenai College in Nelson, B.C.
 A few months ago, Aminov Kosonofsky and her Israeli-born fiancé Vladimir –whom she met at university – moved to a rural property in the community of Lorette, outside of Winnipeg. 
“I have always loved the outdoors,” she says.  “I enjoy taking long walks in the field. “I also like horses.  In Israel, I was involved in show jumping competitions.  I hope to one day have a horse here as well.”

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Haifa University professor delivers presentation on malignant influence of AI in promoting growth of online anti-Semitism

Dr. David Barak-Gorodetsky

By MYRON LOVE For a lifelong journalist such as myself, the development of the internet has been a real boon. Long gone are the days when I would have to mail in my stories and photos – the latter after having to wait a week for the photos to be developed. With the click of a computer key or two, I can check the correct spelling of names and titles, the work and education history of almost anyone or any business or institution I am writing about.    There is a world of information at my fingertips.
Regrettably though, as with most things in life, there is potential for harm as well as good – and the internet – in particular, social media – is no exception. Malicious players can – and do – use social media to foment “misinformation” and hate with their efforts greatly enhanced by the ongoing development of AI (artificial intelligence) against Jews in general and Israel specifically. 
The scope of the problem was outlined a couple of weeks ago by University of Haifa  Professor Dr. David Barak-Gorodetsky during a presentation – “Anti-Semitism Unplugged: Can AI Combat Hate” – at the new Congregation Etz Chayim – under the auspices of Canadian Friends of Haifa University.  Gorodetsky’s presentation in Winnipeg was the first stop on a tour of Jewish communities in Western Canada with plans to also speak in Vancouver and Calgary.
The presentation – which attracted about 100 – began with a prayer for the People of Israel and the IDF and the safe return of the hostages, led by Etz Chayim’s spiritual leader Rabbi Kliel Rose.
Prior to introducing the guest speaker, former Winnipegger Ariel Karabelnicoff, the executive director of CFHU,  screened a video and provided an overview of Israel’s youngest university (which was founded in 1972).
In an interview earlier this year, Karabelnicoff  noted that the university has an enrolment of 18,000 students – with a student body that reflects the diversity of Israel’s population.  About 40% of the students come from the Druze, Circassian and Arab communities and – among the Jewish students – there are many whose families are from Ethiopia.
He pointed out that the university has several campuses. The original campus – a 30-floor structure on Mount Carmel, houses several  faculties – among them the Faculty of Law – in its  new building  – and the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences that offers the only graduate program in Israel in that field. The Computer Science Faculty is located in the port area. . The faculty of Design and Architecture – formerly the Neri Bloomfield School of Design under Hadassah-WIZO hospices –  is situated in Haifa’s German Colony neighbourhood.
Coming soon for the University of Haifa,  Karabelnicoff reports, will be a new School of Medicine.  The school, he reported, will start teaching the first 50 students in October 2025. In subsequent years 150 students a year will be trained on a regular basis.
David Barak-Gorodetsky is a graduate of the University of Haifa – having earned his Ph.D. in 2016.  (He is also an ordained Reform rabbi – Hebrew Union College , 2017.) Barak-Gorodetsky is currently head of both the University’s Ruderman MA Program for Jewish American Studies within the Department of Jewish History and  the Elizabeth and Tony Comper Interdisciplinary Center for the study of Antisemitism and Racism.
One very concerning statistic that he cited, based on reports by CyberWell,  is that, previous to October 7, 75% of Arabic language posts on social media flagged as anti-Semitic focused on Jewish stereotypes, tropes and conspiracy theories.  Since October 7, that figure has dropped to about 25% – but now 60% are calling for violence against Jews – while many are also denying that the mass rapes happened or are blaming Israel for what happened.
“October 7 denial, spurred on by AI has become a  major issue,” he said.
At the same time, Barak-Gorodetsky pointed out, there is widespread indifference to the exponential increase in anti-Semitism on social media.  The scale of that indifference, he noted, is borne out by the fact that, while over 1,500 academic papers had been written about online hate, less than 1% of them deal with anti-Semitism. 
One of the major difficulties in combating AI-created anti-Semitism on social media, he pointed out, is that anti-Semitism is not always easy to define or recognize.   He cited the example of efforts by Holocaust deniers to discredit “The Diary of Anne Fran,” by suggesting that some of the pages were written with ball point pen ink. Ball point pen ink was not introduced until the 1950s.  The allegations are based on two scraps of paper that were added to the diary – most likely by Otto Frank – decades later.
He spoke about “dog whistles” – coded language such as substituting the term “Zionist” for “Jew,” chanting “from the river to the sea,” or comparing Israel to Nazi Germany.
Barak-Gorodetsky noted that a major challenge to removing anti-Semitic material is that the process is labour intensive.  “The rate of removal is only about 30%,” he reported.
“At the Universoty of Haifa,” he noted, “we have initiated a project whose focus is to create methods of detecting Anti-Semitism on social media and developing bots and other means to counter it or remove it.”
He added that among the project’s team members are individuals who specialize in certain languages and regions such as Russia and India.
Gorodetsky was asked what individuals can do in terms of online hate.  His response was: Strengthen one’s own Jewish identity. “Don’t just play defense,” he advised.  “Try to find joy in Judaism.”

The Canadian Friends of Haifa University, Ariel Karabelnicoff noted, has been in operation since 1973. The organization has been, until now, largely focused on Toronto. As executive director, he  is working to expand the CFHU outreach to other Canadian Jewish communities.
“There are a lot of Israelis living in Winnipeg, for example,” he said in that earlier interview. “I have begun reaching out to them.
“I would also like to see if we could negotiate some joint programming Between Haifa University and the University of Manitoba.”
For readers interested in contacting Ariel about supporting Canadian Friends of Haifa University, his email address is

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