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Biden Administration Has Provided ‘No Evidence’ of Israel Denying Aid to Gaza Civilians: Expert

US President Joe Biden and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken attend a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as Biden visits Israel amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 18, 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein

The Biden administration has provided “no evidence” that Israel is deliberately denying humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza as part of its war strategy against Hamas, an expert and former top US policy adviser told The Algemeiner on Tuesday, in response to a letter from the White House warning Israel that US arms shipments could be cut off unless the humanitarian situation in Gaza improves within 30 days.

John Hannah, former national security adviser to US Vice President Dick Cheney, added that it would be a “disaster” for President Joe Biden’s legacy if he were to withhold military support from Israel at this critical juncture.

“There’s no doubt the situation on the ground in Gaza is dire for innocent civilians. That’s the reality of war in general and urban warfare in particular,” Hannah said. However, he emphasized, “the administration has so far not produced any compelling evidence that Israel is weaponizing starvation against civilians.”

The White House letter, addressed to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, expressed concern over what it said was a significant drop in aid deliveries to northern Gaza in recent months. The letter stated that the decline raised questions about Israel’s compliance with a National Security Memorandum (NSM) issued by Biden earlier this year.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin wrote that Israel “must — starting now and within 30 days — act on the following concrete measures” to ensure the flow of aid, warning that “failure to demonstrate a sustained commitment to implementing and maintaining these measures may have implications for US policy under NSM-20 and relevant US law.”

The memo, sent just weeks before the Nov. 5 presidential election, requires US security aid recipients, including Israel, to ensure that humanitarian aid is not obstructed in areas where American-supplied weapons are being used. The administration’s concerns are rooted in reports from international aid agencies and the United Nations that aid deliveries to Gaza have plummeted, raising the risk of widespread famine.

However, Hannah, a senior fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, pushed back against these accusations, pointing to Israel’s efforts to keep aid flowing despite the complexities of urban warfare and the presence of Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group committed to Israel’s destruction and seeking to retain control of the neighboring enclave.

“The facts are that the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] has facilitated the delivery of more aid to territory controlled by the enemy than any military in the history of warfare, despite knowing with certainty that doing so is actually strengthening Hamas and making the IDF’s job harder,” he said.

According to Blinken and Austin, the amount of aid that entered Gaza in September was the lowest in a year. They urged Israel to allow at least 350 aid trucks into Gaza each day, facilitate aid routes through Jordan, and end the “isolation” of northern Gaza by ensuring continued access for humanitarian organizations.

The letter also called for temporary pauses in IDF military operations to enable aid deliveries, stating that “multiple evacuation orders have forced 1.7 million people” into increasingly precarious living conditions.

Hannah argued that these demands overlook the significant risks Israel is already taking by allowing aid into an active conflict zone. “There simply has been no famine or mass starvation despite all the dire warnings that the sky was falling,” he said, criticizing what he called unfounded accusations against Israel.

“On the contrary, in the face of incessant accusations since Oct. 7 from the United Nations and humanitarian aid agencies that Israel is systematically withholding aid and Gaza is on the precipice of widespread famine, the IDF has time after time shown the charges to be blatantly false,” Hannah said.

In April, Blinken warned Israel to increase the flow of humanitarian aid, stating, “If we don’t see the changes that we need to see, there’ll be changes in our policy,” though he stopped short of explicitly threatening an arms embargo.

However, a month later a report authored by renowned academics and public health officials found that humanitarian aid allowed into the Strip from the period of January-April amounted to more than 3,000 calories per person per day.

In June the IPC Famine Review Committee walked back its own prediction that Gaza was in danger of famine, saying that the findings were “implausible” and the original March review was based on inadequate information.

“Given the record of past calumny against the IDF, people are right to be deeply skeptical that the charges against Israel this time are true,” Hannah said.

Hannah highlighted the broader geopolitical consequences of the Biden administration’s stance, saying that “the fact that the administration would leak this letter and attempt to undermine and weaken Israel in the middle of a brutal multi-front war will be celebrated by Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah and won’t reflect well on the Biden administration.”

Hannah’s most pointed criticism was reserved for the potential fallout if the Biden administration decides to follow through on its threat to restrict military aid to Israel.

“It would be a disaster for Biden’s legacy, and for his image as a life-long Zionist, if he were to choose to end his presidency by withholding arms from Israel at its moment of greatest peril in the last 50 years,” Hannah said.

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Israel’s Defense Chief Calls Macron a ‘Disgrace to France’ After Israeli Firms Banned From Arms Show

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant speaks during a joint press conference with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin at Israel’s Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec. 18, 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura

Israel‘s defense minister on Wednesday called French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to ban Israeli firms from exhibiting at a naval arms show “a disgrace” and accused Paris of implementing a hostile policy towards the Jewish people.

The decision to bar Israeli firms is the latest incident in a row fueled by the Macron government’s unease over Israel‘s conduct in the wars against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah Lebanon.

It came after French efforts to secure a truce in the conflict between Israel and the Iran-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah in Lebanon foundered and as Israel carries out more airstrikes on targets in the country.

“French President Macron’s actions are a disgrace to the French nation and the values of the free world, which he claims to uphold,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant posted on X.

“France has adopted, and is consistently implementing, a hostile policy towards the Jewish people. We will continue defending our nation against enemies on 7 different fronts, and fighting for our future — with or without France.”

French officials have repeatedly said that Paris is committed to Israel‘s security and point out that its military helped defend Israel after Iranian attacks in April and earlier this month.

Euronaval, organizer of the event set to take place in Paris from Nov. 4-7, said in a statement that the French government had informed it on Tuesday that Israeli delegations were not allowed to exhibit stands or show equipment, but could attend the trade show. The decision affected seven firms, it said.

It is the second time this year that France has banned Israeli firms from a major defense show. In May, France said conditions were not right for Israel to participate in the Eurosatory military trade show when Macron was calling for Israel to cease operations in Gaza, the enclave ruled by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

“These measures not only harm relations between our two countries, but also the bonds of trust that they have built, and thus cast doubt on France’s ability to play a leading role on the diplomatic scene to promote peace and stability in the Middle East,” the Israeli embassy said in a statement.


Israeli forces have carried out numerous air strikes and a ground incursion targeting Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, causing civilian casualties and leading Western allies, including France, to call for an immediate ceasefire.

Diplomatic sparring between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Macron has increased in recent weeks after Paris had worked with Washington to secure a 21-day truce that would then open the door to negotiations on a long-term diplomatic solution.

France and the United States were caught by surprise last month when Israel launched strikes that killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Netanyahu has rejected a unilateral ceasefire that fails to stop Hezbollah, whose stated goal is to destroy the Jewish state, from rearming and regrouping. France has sought to continue to work on a diplomatic resolution.

Macron has irked Netanyahu several times, notably as United Nations peacekeeping forces have been caught in Israeli crossfire in southern Lebanon.

France, with nearly 700 troops in the 10,000-strong UNIFIL peacekeeping force, is one of the main European contributors alongside Italy and Spain.

Macron has called for an end to the supply to Israel of offensive weapons used in Gaza.

On Tuesday, Macron told a cabinet meeting that Netanyahu should not forget that Israel was created by a UN decision, according to a French official.

Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot sought to downplay the comments, saying they had been general remarks reminding Israel of the importance of respecting the UN charter.

But Netanyahu’s office said in response that Israel was established through “the War of Independence with the blood of our heroic fighters, many of whom were Holocaust survivors, including from the Vichy regime in France” — referring to the French government that had collaborated with Nazi Germany.

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At European Parliament, Urgent Call for Action on Women’s Rights a Year After Hamas Sexual Violence

The personal belongings of festival-goers are seen at the site of an attack on the Nova Festival by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, near Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel, Oct. 12, 2023. Photo: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun

Global silence and inaction in the face of gender-based violence by Hamas were condemned at the European Parliament this week, where a panel of experts warned that the denial and rationalization of the rape of Israeli women during the Palestinian terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack last year legitimized gender-based violence as a weapon of war and enabled other regimes, such as Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government, to continue their oppression of women.

“If the world continues to turn a blind eye, we embolden these regimes and open the door to more atrocities,” said Dr. Charles Asher Small, executive director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), which hosted the event.

“Antisemitism, as history shows, begins with Jews but never ends there. Today, the forces attacking Jewish people are the same ones oppressing women across the Middle East,” Small said.

The event, co-hosted by MEP Fulvio Martusciello and ISGAP, highlighted the deteriorating state of women’s rights in the region since the brutal Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas-led assault on Israel, and came one year after the attack, in which women were subjected to widespread sexual violence, including rape, torture, and mutilation.

Numerous eyewitness accounts, video evidence, and investigations by the United Nations confirmed that these acts were committed systematically, targeting women as part of the broader assault. Victims were found naked or partially clothed, and survivors have since provided harrowing testimonies of the brutal attacks, most recently last week, on the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 massacre.

(L-R) MEP Fulvio Martusciello, Manel Mslalmi, and Dr. Charles Asher Small speaking at the EU Parliament in Brussels, Oct. 15, 2024. Photo: Courtesy of ISGAP

Dr. Small and other panelists, including Claude Moniquet and Prof. Firouzeh Nahavandi, explored how extremism and political instability have compounded the suffering of women, who are often targeted both for their gender and their identity.

“The Oct. 7 attack was not just an assault on Israel but on the core values we claim to uphold — human rights, equality, and dignity,” Small said. He criticized the international community’s tepid response, noting, “The brutal murders and abductions of Israeli women by Hamas should have sparked global outrage, yet we faced silence, or worse, justifications disguised as resistance.”

The discussion also drew attention to the wider repression of women’s rights across the Middle East, with Qatar and Afghanistan cited as examples of regimes that suppress women’s freedoms while gaining international legitimacy. “Qatar funds radical movements while suppressing women’s rights,” Small noted, adding that the ongoing silence only emboldens such regimes.

“In Afghanistan, women can no longer speak publicly, let alone access education, and the world remains silent,” he said.

Manel Msalmi, president of the European Association for the Defense of Minorities, highlighted the “gendered nature of the violence” in the Oct. 7 attacks, stressing that women were specifically targeted for their gender with “unspeakable brutality designed to dehumanize and terrorize.” She urged the global community to respond with the urgency the atrocities demand.

“Whether in Iran, Afghanistan, or Gaza, women are systematically silenced, subjugated, and stripped of their most basic rights. It is disheartening that the international community has largely failed to respond with the urgency and outrage these atrocities demand,” Msalmi said.

“We cannot claim to stand for women’s rights, equality, or human dignity if we turn a blind eye to such barbarism,” she added.

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New York Times Finds a Way to Israel-Bash Even When Recommending the Talmud

The New York Times building in New York City. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Is there no Jewish subject the New York Times can touch without somehow connecting it back to Israel-bashing?

The Sunday New York Times Magazine features a regular “letter of recommendation” column devoted usually to unreserved endorsements — baseball on the radio, Danish butter cookies. The latest one is about the Talmud. Actually, not quite about “the Talmud,” as the Times headline somewhat misleadingly puts it, but about the “Daily Dose of Talmud” emails published by My Jewish Learning, which are not bad, but which are something different from the full and complete text of Talmud itself, even in translation.

Anyone who expected the Times to treat the Talmud with the same unalloyed positivity and enthusiasm that it applies to cowboy boots, practicing the saxophone outdoors, or other “letter of recommendation” topics is in for a bit of a surprise, because the Times describes the Talmud as useful largely as medicine for the writer’s guilt about Israel’s “brutal” bombing campaign.

“In the days immediately following the attacks of Oct. 7, the Talmudic rabbis felt like a comforting reminder of Jewish resilience. But in the later weeks and months, as the horrors of Oct. 7 gave way to a brutal Israeli bombing campaign, my relationship to the Talmud began to curdle,” the Times article says. “I tried hard to disentangle Daf Yomi from the bombs, from my grief and anger at those who seemed to value retribution over the sanctity of human life and the pursuit of peace.”

The article goes on: “A year later, now, with much of Gaza in ruins and tens of thousands of people killed — tens of thousands of worlds destroyed — I’m still struggling with these questions. Most days, frankly, the only answer I have is to keep reading, to keep returning to the text no matter how angry or ashamed or grief-stricken I might be.”

I guess it’s somewhat reassuring that the Jewish Times writer feels personally connected enough to Israel to be “ashamed” by its actions, rather than entirely disconnected from it. And dealing by studying the Talmud, even a version of it mediated by emails, is better than protesting against Israel on campuses or in the streets.

Yet it takes a certain level of vanity and obtuseness for an American Jew, while Israeli soldiers are risking their lives in Gaza and Lebanon and while Israeli civilians are crowded in bomb shelters to protect against Iranian missile attacks, to be publicly handwringing in the New York Times about his feeling of being “ashamed” by “a brutal Israeli bombing campaign.” The idea that the campaign is about “retribution” rather than itself about the sanctity of life and the pursuit of peace is misleading and simpleminded.

The Times writer, Michael David Lukas, was last noticed in the New York Times back in 2018, publicly proclaiming himself a pork-eater, professing his “fondness for Bernie Sanders,” and denouncing Hanukkah as “an eight-night-long celebration of religious fundamentalism and violence.” At least it’s not just contemporary Israeli violence that bothers Lukas; he didn’t like it when the Maccabees defended Israel, either.

Lukas’s social media feed is full of retweets of non-Zionist and anti-Zionists writers and publications such as Peter Beinart and Jewish Currents and extreme anti-Israel activist groups such as If Not Now.

Leave it to the New York Times to let an article recommending the Talmud drift into an expression of vicarious shame for Israeli brutality. If I drafted such an article as an anti-New York Times parody, people would think it was over-the-top.

So often at the New York Times, in academia, or in mainstream book publishing, though, Israel-bashing is, for Jews, the required price of admission. Lukas, who not only writes for the Times but also teaches at San Francisco State University and is a book author, appears all too willing to perform the public role of American Jew ashamed of Israel. Maybe by the time he finishes the page-a-day cycle a few years from now he’ll wise up. Or maybe by then the Times editors will find some way to write about the Talmud without using it as a vehicle for more Israel-bashing.

Ira Stoll was managing editor of The Forward and North American editor of The Jerusalem Post. His media critique, a regular Algemeiner feature, can be found here.

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