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Access to Canadian records of Nazi war criminals

David Matas

Introduction: Following upon the huge embarrassment caused not only to the Canadian Government, but to Canada as a whole, by the decision to invite a former member of a Ukrainian Waffen SS unit into the House of Commons where he was applauded as a “war hero,” we asked David Matas, renowned lawyer and expert on the issue of Nazi war criminals who were allowed into Canada following World War II, to write a piece providing an analysis how Canada has failed so badly, not only to prevent Nazis and individuals who cooperated with the Nazi regime, to enter Canada, but also to continually refuse to identify who those individuals were. Following is David Matas’s piece:

Getting access to Canadian Nazi war criminal records has to date been nearly impossible. Efforts to obtain access to relevant files and documents have been constantly frustrated and gone nowhere. The record is this.
On January 12, 2022, B’nai Brith Canada put in a request to Library and Archives Canada for Part II of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals. Part I was public in 1986 when the Commission reported. Part II was confidential.
Part II contained, according to Part I, 822 opinions on individual cases. The Commission recommended that the Government give “urgent attention” to investigating 20 files of alleged Nazi war criminals who might still be living in Canada. The report also recommended further investigation of 218 other possible Nazi war criminals living in Canada.
What happened to the 20 cases which were recommended for urgent attention and the further 218 which were recommended for further investigation? We have no idea. We know that there some cases which went to Court and we have the Court records of those cases. But which of these were part of the 20 or 218, if any, were not disclosed.
As of today, Library and Archives Canada, one year and ten months later, has not responded to the request for Part II, other than to acknowledge receipt and assign the request a file number. B’nai Brith Canada complained on December 5, 2022 to the Office of the Information Commissioner asking the Commissioner to issue an order setting a deadline for Library and Archives Canada to provide B’nai Brith with a copy of the Part II Report. That complaint, as of today, has not been decided.
Also on January 12, 2022, B’nai Brith Canada put in a request to Library and Archives Canada for records relating to investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals of the War Crimes Unit of the Department of Justice and the RCMP. Canada’s Program on Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Eighth Annual Report 2004-2005 stated that, since beginning this work, the Department of Justice had opened and examined over 1,800 files. Who are these people? What was the result of the investigations in these cases?
With that request too, Library and Archives Canada has not responded, other than to acknowledge receipt and assign the request a file number. B’nai Brith Canada complained as well on December 5, 2022 to the Office of the Information Commissioner asking the Commissioner to issue an order setting a deadline for Library and Archives Canada to provide B’nai Brith with copies of the war crimes records. That complaint, as of today, has, like the other complaint, not been decided.
B’nai Brith Canada on March 6, 2023 asked for an unredacted copy of Library and Archives Canada the September, 1986 report prepared by Alti Rodal titled “Nazi War Criminals in Canada: The Historical and Policy Setting from the 1940s to the Present” prepared for the
Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals. Justice Jules Deschênes who headed the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals recommended release of the report in its entirety. He wrote: “This substantial study no doubt constitutes an outstanding contribution to the knowledge of this particular question and deserves wide distribution.”
Library and Archives Canada provided B’nai Brith Canada on July 5th 2023 a redacted copy of the report, albeit with fewer redactions than there were at the time of the original release of the report. B’nai Brith Canada complained to the Office of the Information Commissioner within 30 days of the refusal to release the unredacted report. That complaint remains undecided.
The 2000 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Stockholm Declaration commits the signatories to “take all necessary steps to facilitate the opening of archives in order to ensure that all documents bearing on the Holocaust are available to researchers.” Canada joined the Alliance in 2009.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Monitoring Access to Archives Project recommended in 2017 that governmental archival institutions “release Holocaust related records, irrespective of any personal identifying information or national security classifications”.
The US Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998 created an interagency war criminals records working group to locate, identify, inventory for declassification and make public all classified Nazi war criminal records. The records subject to the Act include records of the assets of persecuted persons. The Act kept existing exemptions to disclosure in general laws, but required that they be strictly defined, with a presumption against the exemptions.
In addition to general requirements of strict definition and presumption against the exemptions, some of the exemptions were themselves redefined to limit their scope. The exemption from disclosure in favour of privacy is redrafted to become an exemption where there would be “a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy”. The exemption in favour of national security interests is redrafted to become an exemption where disclosure “would clearly and demonstrably damage the national security interests of the United States”. The exemptions in favour foreign relations and diplomatic activities is redrafted to become an exemption where disclosure “would clearly and demonstrably damage” foreign relations or diplomatic activities. The exemption in favour of emergency preparedness plans is redrafted to become an exemption for information that “would seriously and demonstrably impair” those plans.
The records which were disclosed as a result of US Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act give us an insight into why the documents were withheld. One set of documents showed that the US Government had a lot more detailed knowledge of the Holocaust while it was happening. Keeping this information confidential and not acting on it at the time, whether or not it fits arguably within any of the exemptions, does make the US government of the time look bad. There is presumably similar information in currently withheld documentation of other governments.
A second set of documents initially withheld and then disclosed through the US legislation was documents showing that the Government was providing haven for those complicit in Nazi war crimes because of their potential to assist the US in the Cold War. Again this sort of information now withheld may well be found in other archives.
A third set of documents initially withheld and then disclosed because of the legislation were documents which showed the initial unwillingness to bring Nazi war criminals to justice, and the argumentation both for and against within the government. This argumentation we know has been replicated elsewhere.
A fourth set of documents not yet fully available relates to the effectiveness and operational difficulties of Nazi war crimes prosecution efforts once those efforts got going. In Canada, there was a split between the investigation and prosecution efforts, with investigations allocated to the national police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and prosecution allocated to the Department of Justice. This fragmentation caused a sequence of operational difficulties about which we now have only partial knowledge.
There was also in Canada internal feuding within the Nazi war crimes Justice department unit, arguments whether the unit was too slow and cautious or overly energetic in the pursuit of their efforts. The documents we have now provide only a glimpse of this feuding.
A sixth set of documents not now completely disclosed is efforts of Nazi war crimes prosecution units that were established to obtain access to relevant documents in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. We know that there was a good deal of difficulty in getting that access and that eventually international agreements were negotiated that allowed foreign war crimes units direct access to those archives rather than working through local archivists. Again, this is a story which could be fully told only with release of all relevant documents.
A seventh difficulty is the inclination of archivists, government officials and Parliamentarians to address the difficulties in access to documentation all at once. Yet, attempting to do everything before one does anything is a recipe for doing nothing. Each request is particular, not least in the archival access issues it presents. An effort to resolve all these myriad issues in one fell swoop goes nowhere.
We can see in several countries self-exoneration and blame shifting as a form of Holocaust distortion. Everywhere the Nazis went they relied on local collaboration to identify, locate, detain and murder the Jewish population. What we see now in several countries is an effort to pretend that the locals were innocent, that the only perpetrators were the invading Nazis.
This whitewashing is not confined to the countries invaded. It is an attitude held within the populations which have emigrated from the invaded countries. This attitude had generated opposition to the effort to bring Nazi war criminals to justice and now generates opposition to disclosure of archives about those efforts.
Canadian privacy law allows for the lapse of the right to privacy twenty years after death. However, in the case of Nazi war criminal files, since the names of those, other than those whose cases have gone to court, are not known, neither is their dates of death. While the dates of death are not known to outsiders, they are either known or knowable to archivists.
The situation justifies these recommendations:
1) Obstacles to access to Nazi war criminal records stem from legislation which is general in nature. There needs to be legislation which is specific to Holocaust records and which provides an exception to these general requirements. The legislation needs to encompass Holocaust related archives concerning both perpetrators and victims.
2) National archives need to establish and maintain separate Holocaust records within their general collections.
3) Insofar as there is discretion in current legislation to allow for exceptions to prohibitions to access, that discretion should be exercised in favour of access to Holocaust related records, including Nazi war crimes records.
4) Parliament can obtain documents from Governments which the public can not obtain. Parliament should exercise that power to obtain Holocaust related records.
5) The public interest in access to Nazi war criminal files should prevail over the right to be forgotten.
6) There needs to be active review of Nazi war criminal files both to make publicly available the files where the dates of death are known and the fixed periods after dates of death in privacy legislation have passed, and to determine whether any of those to whom the files relate are still alive or, if dead, the dates of death, where the deaths or dates of death are not known.
Canada, as a member of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, is committed to Holocaust remembrance. To remember the Holocaust, we must remember the victims. We must also not forget their murderers. While the murderers are alive, that means bringing them to justice. Once they are gone, it means providing public access to the record of their atrocities.
During the Holocaust, the murderers were in Europe. After the Holocaust, the murderers scattered around the world to escape justice. Thousands came to Canada. Howard Margolian, a historian with the War Crimes Unit with the Department of Justice, in his book Unauthorized Entry, estimated that 2,000 Nazi war criminals and collaborators entered Canada after World War II.
It is understandable that files about individuals who are still alive are not made accessible to the public unless there is legal action. But once the individual has died, there is no reason why the file could not be made public, no matter what the state of the evidence about the individual. Not doing so amounts to covering up the haven Canada has given to those complicit in Nazi war crimes with a blanket of secrecy.
Philosopher George Santayana wrote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Yet, we can not remember a past which remains hidden from us. To remember the past we must know the past. Only through public access to Holocaust archives can we learn lessons from those archives.
Learning lessons from the Holocaust is a legacy we can create for the victims, creating meaning from the senseless death of innocents. To learn those lessons, we need access to the archives which can convey them.
The effort at understanding, of learning the lessons from the Holocaust must never stop. For that history to be written, the files of those against whom there is compelling evidence of complicity in Nazi war crimes and who are now dead must be made public.
We have a duty to the victims, not just to remember that they died, but why they died, how they died. The picture of memory we paint must be real and complete. That picture must include the murderers.
Because we will soon be at a stage where the memory of the Holocaust conveyed by survivors will no longer be with us, access to Holocaust archives looms in importance for keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive. Access to Holocaust archives should be a matter of priority to Governments, Parliaments and archival collections.

David Matas is a Winnipeg lawyer and senior honorary counsel to B’nai Brith Canada

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Gary Bettman and his job at the NHL

Gary Bettman has been the commissioner of the National Hockey League (NHL) since 1993, a tenure that now spans over three decades. In that time, he has overseen numerous transformations in the league, from expansion to new markets to labor disputes and even a global pandemic.

Bettman’s reign has not been without controversy, yet he remains a pivotal figure in the league’s history, shaping the modern NHL in ways that fans and players alike continue to feel.
The Businessman and the Visionary
When Gary Bettman became the NHL’s first commissioner, his mission was clear: grow the sport. At the time, the league struggled with player disputes, low TV ratings, and a limited presence in the U.S. Bettman wasn’t a typical hire for the role. He wasn’t a former player or hockey executive but a lawyer with experience in the NBA and a strong reputation for his business skills.

He focused on taking the NHL into new markets, especially in the southern U.S. Cities like Nashville, Dallas, and Phoenix soon welcomed NHL teams. Many doubted whether hockey could succeed in these warmer areas, but Bettman stuck to his plan. Now, teams like the Dallas Stars and Tampa Bay Lightning have become successful, with both winning the Stanley Cup.

He also modernized the league’s business practices. Bettman secured important TV deals with networks like NBC, which increased the sport’s exposure in the U.S. Recently, he landed a new deal with Turner Sports, a smart move in today’s fast-changing media world.

Bettman has also pushed for a stronger online presence, using streaming and social media to keep up with how fans now consume sports.
Labor Disputes and Lockouts
While Bettman succeeded in expanding the NHL’s business side, his time in charge has also seen major conflicts with players. Under his leadership, the NHL has gone through three lockouts—in 1994-95, 2004-05, and 2012-13. The 2004-05 lockout was particularly damaging, as it wiped out the entire season, making the NHL the first major North American sports league to cancel a full season because of labor issues.

The core of these disputes was Bettman’s push to introduce a salary cap, which many players initially resisted. Team owners, however, supported the move, believing it would help small-market teams survive financially. After the 2004-05 lockout, Bettman succeeded in bringing in the salary cap.

While the decision was controversial at the time, many now see it as a turning point that helped make the NHL more competitive. Smaller teams, like the Carolina Hurricanes and Vegas Golden Knights, can now compete with big-market teams such as the Toronto Maple Leafs and New York Rangers.

Despite the long-term benefits, these labor disputes stained Bettman’s legacy. Many fans and players remain frustrated by the lost seasons, and Bettman is often seen as a tough negotiator who prioritizes long-term stability over immediate harmony.
Expanding the NHL’s Global Footprint
In recent years, Gary Bettman has focused on expanding hockey’s global footprint. The NHL now hosts regular-season games in Europe and China, part of an ongoing effort to tap into international markets and grow the sport beyond North America.

Beyond international games, Bettman has also embraced the digital age to further engage fans worldwide. Through online streaming platforms and social media, the NHL reaches fans who might not have easy access to traditional broadcasts.

In addition, NHL betting has added excitement for fans. Popular platforms like Fanatics Sportsbook, with promotions such as the Fanatics Sportsbook promo, have allowed fans to engage with the game on a deeper level. Betting has helped the league reach a broader, more global audience by making games more interactive and exciting for those watching

Despite these innovations, Bettman’s global efforts haven’t always been met with enthusiasm. The NHL’s decision to skip the 2018 Winter Olympics upset many players and fans, especially in hockey-dominant nations like Canada and Russia. Bettman and the league’s owners opted out due to concerns about player injuries and the disruption to the NHL season schedule.
Growth in Revenue and Franchise Values
One of Bettman’s most significant achievements has been the exponential growth in NHL revenue and franchise values. When he took over in 1993, the league’s total revenue was around $400 million. Fast forward to recent years, and that number has ballooned to over $5 billion annually due to lucrative television deals, expansion fees from new franchises, and increased corporate sponsorship.

Under Bettman’s watch, the league has added multiple franchises, including the Vegas Golden Knights and the Seattle Kraken. The introduction of Vegas in 2017 was particularly groundbreaking. Many doubted whether a professional sports team, let alone a hockey franchise, could thrive in Las Vegas. Still, the Golden Knights quickly dispelled those doubts, making a historic run to the Stanley Cup Final in their inaugural season.
Final Words
As Bettman enters the twilight of his tenure, the NHL’s future seems secure, yet challenges remain. The league must navigate the evolving sports media landscape, where streaming services and social media increasingly dominate. The potential for further expansion within North America or abroad remains a tantalizing possibility. Bettman’s ability to balance tradition and innovation will be key to the NHL’s continued growth.

One thing is certain: love or hate him, Gary Bettman’s impact on the NHL is undeniable. He has transformed a league that once struggled for relevance into a global enterprise that continues to evolve under his steady if sometimes polarizing, leadership.

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Filmmaker Shira Newman brings wealth of experiences to role of Rady JCC Coordinator of Arts & Older Adult Programming

By MYRON LOVE As with many people I have interviewed over the years, Shira Newman’s life journey towards her present stage as Rady JCC Coordinator of Arts & Older Adult Programming has encompassed a range of different areas, including: fine arts, filmmaking and teaching stints, working at the Society of Manitobans with Disabilities, and the Women’s Health Clinic and, most recently before coming to the Rady JCC, the Prairie Fusion Arts and Entertainment Centre (as program co-ordinator) in Portage La Prairie.
The daughter of Joan and the late Paul Newman began her life in River Heights.  After graduation from Grant Park, she enrolled in Fine Arts at the University of Manitoba.  In addition to painting and drawing, she took a course in film – and found that she really enjoyed it.
“I learned a lot about the art that goes into filmmaking,” she recalls.  “We watched foreign films and independent films. I fell in love with the ideas of creating this three-dimensiomal world on the screen.”
After earning her first degree at the University of Manitoba, Newman worked for a few years at the aforementioned Women’s Health Clinic and the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities before returning – in her mid-20s – to university, this time Concordia in Montreal – to study filmmaking full time. 
After completing the two year program Newman returned to Winnipeg and became involved with the Winnipeg Film Group and the Winnipeg film community.
Over the next few years, she taught filmmaking in Winnipeg School Division No. 1, and also began to get work  in our city’s booming film production industry, working in set design and costuming..
Her big break came when she was asked by local filmmaker Sean Garrity to serve as script supervisor on one of his movies.
(According to Wikipedia,  a script supervisor oversees the continuity of the motion picture, including dialogue and action during a scene. The script supervisor may also be called upon to ensure wardrobe, props, set dressing, hair, and makeup are consistent from scene to scene. The script supervisor keeps detailed notes on each take of the scene being filmed. The notes recorded by the script supervisor during the shooting of a scene are used to help the editor cut the scenes together in the order specified in the shooting script. They are also responsible for keeping track of the film production unit’s daily progress.)
“I knew Sean’s films and was excited that he asked to me to work with him,” Newman recalls.
That job led to many other assignments as a script supervisor over the next ten years. “I worked on a lot of Hallmark Movies being shot here as well as some Lifetime features,” she says.
The last movie shot in Winnipeg that Newman worked on was in 2018. It was called “Escaping the Madhouse: the Nellie Bly Story”.
It was about that time that Newman felt that she needed a change in direction.  “Making a movie is a world in itself,” she observes, “but the work isn’t steady.  I decided that I needed something more stable.”
Thus, she responded to an ad for a coordinator at the Prairie Fusion Centre in Portage. The Centre, she notes, has a gallery, a store and classes. She was responsible for educational programming.
Newman stayed at the Prairie Fusion Centre for a year – commuting every day from Winnipeg.  Then she saw the Rady JCC ad calling for a Coordinator for Arts and Older Adult Programming.
“It was a perfect fit for me,” she says.
Newman is now in her fourth year at the Rady JCC.  One of the first programs she introduced was a new social club for seniors – replacing the former Stay Young Club which had been disbanded some years before due to flagging attendance.
Club programs are Mondays at 11:00. “We have guest speakers and musical programs and we celebrate all the holidays,” Newman notes.
Last year, Newman introduced a new Yiddish Festival – picking up where the former Mamaloshen left off.  “While studying filmmaking, I developed an appreciation  for the 1930s Yiddish cinema,” she reports.  “In recent years, there has been a revival of interest in Yiddish culture, music and literature.”
For the first “Put a Yid in it Festival of new Yiddish Culture,” Newman brought in younger performers in the persons of ”Beyond the Pale”, a Toronto-based klezmer band that also performs Romanian and Balkan music – and, from Montreal, Josh Dolgin, aka Socalled – a rap artist and record producer who combines hip hop, klezmer and folk music.
“We had the concert at the West End Cultural Centre.” Newman reports. “We had a great crowd with people of all ages, including kids.”
For this second upcoming Yidfdish festival at the beginning of February, Newman is organizing three concerts featuring klezmer group “Schmaltz and Pepper” from Toronto;  “Forshpil”, a Yiddish and klezmer band from Latvia; and live music to accompany a 1991 movie called “The Man Without a World” – a recreation of a 1920s silent movie set in a  Polish shtetl.
This year’s festival will also include three movies and two speakers.  Among the movies is “The Jester”.  Co-directed by Joseph Green and Jan Nowina-Przybylski – who also made “Yiddle with His Fiddle” in 1936, “The Jester” is a musical drama involving a love triangle featuring a wandering jester, a charismatic vaudeville performer, and Esther, the shoemaker’s daughter, torn between her family’s desire for a prominent match and her own dreams.
“Yiddishland”,  by Australian Director Ros Horin,  focuses on the art and practices of a diverse group of innovative international artists who create new works about the important issues of our time in the Yiddish language, why they create in Yiddish, what it means to them personally and professionally, and what obstacles they must overcome to revive what was once considered a dying language..
“Mamele” is described as “a timeless masterpiece, brought to life by Molly Picon, the legendary Pixie Queen of the Yiddish Musical.  Picon shines as a devoted daughter who keeps her family together after the loss of their mother. Caught between endless responsibilities and her own dreams, her world changes when she discovers a charming violinist across the courtyard. Set in the vibrant backdrop of Lodz, this enchanting musical comedy-drama immerses audiences in the rich diversity of interwar Jewish life in Poland – featuring everything from pious communities to nightclubs, gangsters and spirited ‘nogoodnicks’’.”
The speaking presentation will nclude a talk by the University of Manitoba Yiddish teacher Professor Itay Zutra “exploring the resilience and survival of Yiddish art, from S. Ansky’s The Dybbuk to the demons of I.B. Singer, through the trauma of the Holocaust and beyond.”
There will also be a panel discussion highlighting the pivotal experience of the Jewish community in the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, with a focus on Yiddish-speaking organizations and newspapers.
Back in late October, Newman organized our community’s first JFest – a celebration of Jewish Culture and the Arts – which highlighted the works of seven local Jewish artists.  She reports that the art exhibit was well attended.
She also mentions ongoing Rady JCC programs such as the long-running “Music and Mavens” and the annual Jewish Film Festival.
Returning to the subject of filmmaking, Newman has been a film programmer for the Gimli International Film Festival for the last four years. (The first years, she says, she served as the shorts programmer and the last three as the documentary film programmer.)
She adds that her first short film, “The Blessing,” which she made when she returned to Winnipeg from Montreal, was shown at various festivals, including the Toronto International Jewish Film Festival.It was also shown here in Winnipeg at the Winnipeg Jewish International Film Festival where it won the award here for “best short film by an  emerging or established local filmmaker.”
In her spare time, Newman reports, she has embarked on a new project.   “I am working on a documentary about Monarch butterflies and the community of people who are dedicated to preserving them. These are regular people who have become citizen scientists.  I am working with a  friend whose zaida was a biology teacher and instilled in his family a love of nature and conservation.  I have met people who have gone to Mexico to see for themselves where the butterflies spend their winters.”
Newman is anticipating that the new documentary will be completed within a year.

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Rabbi (to be) Lara Rodin

By GERRY POSNER In May 2025, the Jewish Theological seminary will welcome a new rabbi into the fold. A recent graduate of the seminary, she is a young woman from Western Canada with roots in both Winnipeg and Calgary. Her name is Lara Rodin.
Lara will be the new assistant rabbi at the Beth Tzedec Synagogue in Toronto (not to be confused with the Beth Tzedec Synagogue in Calgary, where her family still lives and where they remain members to this day). Her formal induction into the rabbinate will happen later this year, in May, in New York City.
Rabbi Rodin is a fresh, warm, and engaging young woman who already has made a difference in the lives of many families.
The jump from being Lara Rodin, daughter of Greg and Andria (Paul) Rodin, raised in a secular home, to a woman about to become a rabbi, was hardly preordained. Lara was born in Winnipeg, but she moved with her family at a young age to Calgary where she was a student at the Calgary Jewish Academy. Her connection to Judaism, though, was tenuous. Still, with her growing involvement in BBYO, also at Camps B’nai Brith at Pine Lake, Alberta and Hatikvah in BC, the seeds were already starting to grow and sprout. As well, Lara, had a strong Jewish influence from her maternal grandparents, Leonard and Elaine Paul, of blessed memory, both of whom were strongly centred in the Jewish world, particularly at the Bnay Abraham Synagogue in Winnipeg.

Lara was fortunate to attend McGill University in Montreal, where she obtained an Arts degree. Although her father Greg, a lawyer, had pushed her to study law, she was more interested in courses in philosophy and theology. She soon concluded that she need not focus so much on other religions, but work on the one she was born into.
That decision was the impetus for her to improve her Jewish learning. She even taught a class at the Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue in Montreal. That experience led to her seriously consider a career in teaching.
To proceed on a path to becoming g a teacher and also to further her Jewish education, Lara applied for and was accepted into the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. It was there that not only did she complete her Masters in Jewish Education, Lara came to realize that, while she wanted to teach, she wanted to do it within a Jewish framework. It was the intense learning at Pardes that stimulated Lara’s passion to begin the trail to the rabbinate.

Once you learn more about Lara’s family history, however, you can see how her becoming a rabbi wasn’t all that surprising. When Lara was born, she came along with a twin brother, Isaac. When her father came into the birthing room to see his newborn children for the first time, he said that he sensed that one of the twins was destined to become a rabbi, but it was Isaac, not Lara. Even as the twins grew up, Greg’s sense of a rabbinical calling for his son persisted. When Lara declared her intention to pursue a career in the rabbinate, Greg was ecstatic, stating he had it right all along – he just missed the correct gender. He likely deserves a pass on this one as back at that time, female rabbis from Western Canada were largely unknown and even to this day, a rarity.

Thus, it came to pass that Lara Rodin entered the Jewish Theological Seminary School in New York. She had to cope with the consequences of Covid and so part of her programme had Lara stuck in the basement of her parents’ home in Calgary. In 2021, while still a student, Lara was privileged to become a Tanenbaum Fellow.
Subsequently she developed a more formal association with the Beth Tzedec Synagogue in Toronto, where she has been for the past three years. In 2023- 2024, Lara became a Resnick Fellow. Both the Resnick and Tanenbaum Fellowships were highly valuable to Lara as she proceeded in her Jewish education.

Along the way, even as far back as her attending Camp Ramah, Lara met a boy there who became her husband: Jonah Levitt. They were recently married at Beth Tzedec on August 18, 2024 – another really good reason to send your children to Jewish camps!

Aside from her responsibilities at Beth Tzedec to date, Lara has been working as a Rabbi in Residence at the Robbins Hebrew Academy in Toronto. There she is putting her skills as a teacher to good use. On top of that, she is the go-to person for conversions within the Conservative movement among several synagogues in the Toronto area. In that way Lara Rodin has made contact with many young couples, all inspired to become Jewish and, in many cases, more Jewish. This is a part of her job that she says she finds particularly challenging, yet satisfying.

Of course, if you really want to check out the newest addition to Beth Tzedec, the place to be is at synagogue, where she can be found most of the time. Her smile, her genuine warmth, and her depth of thought will be obvious immediately. Or, if you like to hike or cycle, when not in the synagogue or classroom, you are likely to find Lara participating in those activities.

As the Beth Tzedec synagogue celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2025, so too it now celebrates the addition to the synagogue of Rabbi Lara Rodin. A blessing for all of us.

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