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Sympathy to Scorn: The Fight Against Anti-Israel Media Coverage Since October 7

Partygoers at the Supernova Psy-Trance Festival who filmed the events that unfolded on Oct. 7, 2023. Photo: Yes Studios

There are few words left that can fully encapsulate the sheer horror of October 7, 2023 — the day when Hamas terrorists, alongside Palestinian civilians, unleashed an unfathomable wave of barbarity and bloodlust on defenseless men, women, and children.

The brutality they inflicted is almost unspeakable, and the fear and anguish endured by the victims continue to haunt those who survived.

Some survivors, along with those held hostage in Gaza and later freed in prisoner exchanges, have bravely shared their stories, while many remain too traumatized to speak. Heartbroken families who exchanged their final words with loved ones trapped inside their homes by armed terrorists have also shared their grief. First responders and emergency personnel who rushed to the scene have detailed, in raw terms, the atrocities they witnessed and the lives they struggled to save.

But the voices we will never hear belong to those who endured the very worst of Hamas’ barbarism — those who were tortured, sexually assaulted, mutilated, and murdered in cold blood.

Many of these horrific acts were captured by the body cameras of the terrorists themselves, who filmed not only the slaughter but also their sickening pride in committing such violence. Their actions, and the sadistic glee they reveled in, reveal the depth of cruelty and hatred that October 7 has come to represent.

October 7th marked the single deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. In those immediate hours, there was a fleeting moment when the world — or at least the media — seemed united in grief. As Israelis and Jews across the Diaspora wept over the unfathomable brutality inflicted upon their community, it appeared that the world too was mourning.

However, for some in the media, the words “Never Again,” or the resonant “Never Again is Now,” echoed in the aftermath of October 7, were not to be taken literally.

Once Israel began its defensive response against Hamas — a genocidal terrorist group openly committed to repeating the October 7 massacre until Israel and its people are wiped from the earth — the backlash from certain corners of the media was swift, disproportionate, and relentless.

The narrative shifted from grief and horror, to harsh criticism of Israel’s right to defend itself, betraying the brief sense of solidarity that had momentarily surfaced.

Indeed, barely 72 hours had passed since the first wave of Hamas terrorists crossed the border, when the media began laying the foundation for what would soon become a widespread and reckless accusation: that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza.

The “genocide libel” is not new — far from it.

However, the speed and ease with which it was embraced by those who should know better was staggering.

Take Reuters on October 10, when they published a piece with a headline quoting the Palestinian UN envoy accusing Israel of launching a “genocidal campaign against Gaza.”

This accusation, made by Riyad H. Mansour, was based on false claims — none of the alleged actions amounting to genocide had occurred, including the use of “starvation as a method of warfare” or an “attempt to eradicate their national existence.” Yet, Reuters ran with the incendiary headline regardless. From that moment, the dye was set, and the narrative began to take shape. Despite all facts to the contrary, the genocide accusation would take on a life of its own, stubbornly persisting in public discourse.

The Attempted Mainstreaming of October 7 Revisionism

One of the key tactics used to delegitimize Israel’s right to self-defense — and, by extension, its very right to exist — is the spread of October 7 revisionism. This campaign either denies aspects of Hamas’ crimes or downplays the massacre altogether. While these narratives didn’t necessarily originate in the media, those seeking Israel’s destruction have found willing enablers — whether unwitting or deliberate — within mainstream outlets to advance their cause.

This campaign has centered on three main points: denying the sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists, framing the attack as a legitimate act of resistance, and claiming that Israel is exploiting October 7 to “occupy” Gaza.

Denial of Hamas Sexual Violence

The denial of Hamas’ well-documented sexual crimes began with conspiracy outlets like The Intercept and The Grayzone, but these narratives gained some legitimacy through a minority of mainstream media coverage.

Political podcaster Brianna Joy Gray, for example, suggested that believing Israeli women were raped was an “overreach” because none had “offered testimony.” Gray was later fired from The Hill after rolling her eyes at Yarden Gonen, the sister of hostage Romi Gonen, who was appealing for her to believe the accounts of Israeli victims.

Masha Gessen contributed to this narrative in The New Yorker, with a feature that purported to “investigate” the sexual violence on October 7, only to ultimately accuse Israel of “weaponizing” these crimes.

While Gessen did not outright deny that sexual violence occurred, the piece downplayed its extent and gravity, casting doubt on a UN investigation led by Pramila Patten and dismissing witness testimony.

#MashaGessen Tells #BigLies About #10/7 #Rapes

In the New Yorker, Gessen, a freakish anti-Zionist, claims that the #IDF also allegedly rapes Arabs, that all wars involve rapes–there’s nothing to see here. Move right on.

Not so fast. Rape has always been a spoil of war, not a…

— Phyllis Chesler (@Phyllischesler) July 21, 2024

However, organizations like HonestReporting countered this denial early on, preventing the falsehood from gaining a foothold or becoming widespread in mainstream media.

Claiming to be a “report on eight months of claim & counter-claim” about the sexual violence against Israelis on Oct 7, @thetimes foreign correspondent @scribblercat & @gabrielle_siviais’ story is nothing more than a muddle of victim-blaming & bias.

— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) June 9, 2024

Framing the Hamas Massacre as a Legitimate Act of “Resistance”

Another narrative that originated in the antisemitic corners of the Internet has been amplified by sections of the mainstream media: the claim that Hamas’ October 7 attack was a legitimate act of resistance.

The BBC, in particular, has come under significant scrutiny.

An analysis of four months of its coverage, starting on October 7, uncovered a staggering 1,500 breaches of its own editorial guidelines.

This investigation, led by UK lawyer Trevor Asserson and his firm, involved a team of around 20 lawyers and 20 data scientists. It exposed systemic failures in maintaining impartiality and accuracy. Among the findings was the BBC’s frequent portrayal of Hamas in sympathetic terms, particularly as a “resistance movement,” with its fighters referred to as “soldiers.” One of the most egregious examples was a headline that described Hamas’ October 7 assault as a “spectacular” operation.


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Numerous other mainstream outlets have also echoed this narrative of “resistance.” However, continued efforts to counter this grotesque framing have been effective in pushing back against the spread of this dangerous revisionism.

Hinting Israel is Using October 7 as a Pretext to Occupy Gaza

From CNN to the BBC, parts of the media have pushed the narrative that Israel will use the Hamas massacre as an excuse to seize Gaza.

This misleading claim relies on statements from a small group of right-wing Israeli politicians, who do not represent the broader Israeli population or government, to imply that Israel’s long-term strategy is to occupy the Strip.

Guardian columnist Owen Jones, who has also cast doubt on Hamas’s sexual violence, falsely claimed on Good Morning Britain that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had laid the first stone of a new settlement in Gaza.

After HonestReporting revealed that Jones had mistranslated Netanyahu’s speech — he was actually referring to a destroyed kibbutz in the Gaza Envelope, outside of Gaza — Jones issued a correction.

More lies from @OwenJones84 who falsely claimed on @ITV‘s @GMB that Israeli PM Netanyahu was in northern Gaza “laying a rock” for a new settlement & talking about rebuilding Gaza settlements.

Actually, Netanyahu was in the south of Israel, not northern Gaza, laying the…

— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) December 3, 2023

Just want to correct an error I made on @GMB on Thursday.

On my way to the studios, I read this tweet which was widely circulated and understood as Benjamin Netanyahu committing to building new settlements on the Gaza Strip.

In fact it was a Google Translate error which…

— Owen Jones (@owenjonesjourno) December 3, 2023

Exposing and Confronting October 7 Distortion

The battle against the distortion of October 7’s atrocities has demonstrated that swift, decisive action is essential to stopping dangerous falsehoods from taking root. The screening of Bearing Witness– a film that reveals Hamas’ body cam footage of the massacre — was an unflinching and effective way of showing the brutal reality to journalists and key figures. The film struck a careful balance between honoring the memories of the victims and survivors, while ensuring the truth was communicated to the wider public.

Organizations like mine — HonestReporting — have been relentless in exposing those who spread revisionist lies, actively shaming individuals and media outlets that seek to downplay or distort the reality of Hamas’ brutality. Left unchecked, these falsehoods risk becoming entrenched in public consciousness, much like the insidious “genocide libel.”

But HonestReporting’s efforts show that it is possible to stop these distortions before they metastasize into accepted narratives. The truth is not just a countermeasure — it’s a weapon against the lies proliferating online, in social media, and in print.

The author is a contributor to HonestReporting, a Jerusalem-based media watchdog with a focus on antisemitism and anti-Israel bias — where a version of this article first appeared.

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World News Standing with Zionism Is Standing with Liberty and Justice

Theodor Herzl, considered the father of modern-day Zionism, leans over the balcony of the Hotel Les Trois Rois (Three King’s Hotel/Hotel drei Könige) in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

JNS.orgUnderstanding a two-sided conflict requires nuance. In almost all disputes, both sides have merit to their arguments; simultaneously, flaws can also be found in their position.

There are rare conflicts that require no nuance to understand them. These conflicts pit good against evil. One side is so obviously moral and the other so vile that even trying to understand the vile side doesn’t help a person understand the topic of dispute, but rather, runs the risk of demonstrating empathy for a position so objectionable that it deserves no space in a moral society. One doesn’t need to (and shouldn’t) study Nazi thought to understand why antisemitism and murder are wrong. The same is true of racism and rape. There aren’t many conflicts that are so obvious, but when they occur, it’s important to relate to them properly and not treat them as normal conversation.

Zionism is a modern political movement based on a 4,000-year-old ideology that maintains there is an intrinsic connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. The modern political Zionist movement started in the middle of the 1800s and advocated for the rights of the Jewish people to self-determination in their historic homeland, the Land of Israel. Its founder is generally recognized as Theodor Herzl, but hundreds of Zionists came before him. The Zionist movement experienced success in its mission with the establishment of the modern-day State of Israel in 1948. Since its founding, the nation has remained loyal to its purpose of ensuring the Jewish people determine their destiny on their land.

Zionism was the modern age’s greatest liberation movement. For 2,000 years, almost every country the Jews settled in eventually turned on them, persecuted them and expelled them. The Jew was known as a wanderer—always a stranger in a strange land. The Jewish nightmare reached its lowest point when Nazi Germany, aided by antisemites throughout Eastern and Western Europe, murdered 6 million men, women and children. This evil was so singularly unique that it was given its own name: the Holocaust. Many opposed to Zionism or who had yet to understand its merits understood the need for Jewish self-determination and a Jewish state after witnessing the evils perpetrated against the Jews when they didn’t have their own nation to defend them and provide refuge to their persecuted. Zionism stands as an outline for every liberation movement that came after it.

On the Jewish festival of Simchat Torah on Oct. 7, the Jewish people, Israelis and the international community were given a harsh reminder of the violent plots antisemites plan for the Jews. Palestinians by the thousands stormed across the Gaza-Israel border and committed acts equally as heinous as the Nazis perpetrated against the Jews of Europe and North Africa. The barbarians who killed, kidnapped, raped, burned, beheaded and tortured innocent Jews that day targeted civilians. The atrocities weren’t acts of resistance but evil savagery. The acts that day were premeditated and committed out of antisemitism.

In the year since, antisemites around the world have felt emboldened to express their Jew-hatred in ways not seen since Nazi rallies. These rallies aren’t about a free Palestine, justice or human rights. In the past few decades, Palestinians were massacred by the tens of thousands in Syria, uprooted from their homes in Egypt and discriminated against in Lebanon. Not one rally was held anywhere in the world for these genuine atrocities committed against Palestinians in Arab countries. It was antisemitism that awakened the masses to scream vile hate-filled slogans like “Kill the Jews” in cities spanning from San Francisco to London to Sydney. The people at these rallies looked at a conflict that pitted the freedom movement of Zionism against the hate of antisemitism and chose to rally for evil. For shame.

The conflict that has sprung up since the Simchat Torah massacre pits the Jewish state against terrorists who wish for the demise of the one nation that protects the Jewish people. It doesn’t aim to win freedom or rights for the Palestinian people but to reverse global progress that achieved liberation for the Jewish people. The side of the conflict that waves flags of terrorist organizations intends to put the Jewish people back at risk of the extermination they faced throughout the Crusades, during pogroms and the Holocaust.

This two-sided conflict isn’t a normal conflict that requires nuance to understand it. This conflict pits good vs. evil. Israel’s enemies and their supporters use emotion instead of facts, demonization instead of history and victimhood instead of responsibility to trick society into confusing weakness for virtue and strength for misconduct, leading the public to support evil instead of standing up for a liberal and democratic state.

All great justice movements fought for the liberty and rights of their people. These movements weren’t built around fighting against others. They advocated for their people’s rights and used violence to achieve their goals when they were left with no other choice. Zionism followed the American Revolution, among other movements, to earn its liberty. Israel’s enemies have consistently chosen to leave the negotiating table or never join it in the first place and use violence as their first option.

A year after the Simchat Torah massacre, the world has become a more confused place. People who stand for justice are standing on the wrong side of a conflict between the liberation movement of Zionism and violent antisemites who march with terrorist flags, following people being paid by terrorists to disrupt Western, liberal and free societies. There must be a moral reckoning directed by global leaders who don’t try to kowtow to both sides and appease the most evil actors in today’s world. The world must choose—and declare Zionism and Israel just and its opponents the enemies of liberty, democracy and justice.

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North Korean Soldiers Spotted in Russia, Fighting Against Ukraine

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un visit the Vostochny Сosmodrome in the far eastern Amur region, Russia, Sept. 13, 2023. Photo: Sputnik/Mikhail Metzel/Kremlin via REUTERS

i24 NewsFootage has emerged showing approximately 1,500 North Korean soldiers receiving uniforms and equipment at a training ground in eastern Russia, confirming reports that North Korea is preparing to play a more active role in the conflict in Ukraine.

This development underscores the growing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, particularly in the face of increasing tensions with the West.

The video, which aired on CNN, depicts long lines of North Korean soldiers waiting to be outfitted for service. Upon their arrival in Russia, these soldiers were reportedly asked to complete questionnaires providing their measurements for uniforms, hats, and footwear.

This organized effort suggests a systematic approach to integrating North Korean troops into Russian military operations.

In another video shared on social media, a Russian speaker can be heard commenting on the presence of North Korean troops, stating, “We can’t film them… There are more, there are millions of them here. Here are the new reinforcements. This is just the beginning.” This statement raises concerns about the scale of North Korean military involvement in Russia and, potentially, in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed alarm over the alliance between Russia and North Korea, warning during a NATO summit this week that “thousands” of North Korean troops are reportedly en route to Russia. This revelation could mark a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict, as North Korea has one of the largest standing armies in the world, boasting 1.2 million soldiers. However, many of these troops lack combat experience, raising questions about their immediate effectiveness in a frontline role.

The burgeoning relationship between North Korea and Russia has been solidified through recent high-level meetings, including President Vladimir Putin’s visit to the North Korean capital in June. During this visit, both countries pledged to provide mutual military assistance in the event of an attack, signaling a historic defense agreement forged out of shared interests and mutual ostracism from the West.

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Sinwar’s Wife Seen Holding $32,000 Hermès Bag

The wife of recently eliminated Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar seen holding a $32,000 Hermes bag while fleeing through tunnel. Credit: IDF

JNS.orgThe Israel Defense Forces released footage on Saturday showing the wife of recently deceased Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar making her way through a tunnel carrying a $32,000 Hermès Birkin bag.

She is seen walking behind her husband and children the day before the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, in which 1,200 were slaughtered and 251 taken hostage.

The footage was posted to X by Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, head of the Arab media division of the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

“While the people of Gaza do not have enough money for a tent or basic necessities, we see many examples of Yahya Sinwar and his wife’s special love for money,” Adraee posted in Arabic.

IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari on Saturday said of the footage: “For hours, they go up and down, stocking up on food, a television, and other products for a long stay. He [Sinwar] only cared for his personal survival.”

According to the post, Sinwar’s wife was carrying a Hermès Birkin 40 Black Togo Gold Hardware.

It has “tonal stitching, two straps with front toggle closure, clochette with lock and two keys and double rolled handles.

“The interior is lined in black chevre with one zip pocket with an Hermès engraved zipper pull and an open pocket on the opposite side,” according to website Madison Avenue Couture, which sells it for the $32,000 price tag the IDF noted.

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