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The Democrats’ Looming Chicago Disaster?

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks before participating in a bilateral meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building near the White House in Washington, U.S., May 21, 2021. REUTERS/Sarah Silbiger

JNS.orgFor American Jews, President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will no longer seek reelection is less significant than it appears at first sight. The president’s seesawing between support for and bitter opposition to Israel, between condemnation of antisemitism and enabling it through silence, was partly a result of his cognitive breakdown, but it also reflected a moral degeneration at the heart of the Democratic Party.

That degeneration is a simple one: In the form of the Red-Green Alliance between progressive leftists and Muslim antisemites, the Democratic Party now contains a large and powerful faction that is not just antisemitic but predicated on antisemitism. The question is not if but when the Alliance will make its bid to conquer and colonize the entire party.

The Alliance has made considerable progress towards this end. From the activist industry to the mandarins of academia, the various organs of the American left have enthusiastically joined in the Alliance’s campaign of protester-terrorism. With some honorable exceptions, prominent Democrats—including Biden—have issued at best tepid condemnations. Other Democrats, such as Biden’s heir-presumptive Vice President Kamala Harris, have engaged in craven apologetics on the Alliance’s behalf.

The only conclusion to be drawn from this deplorable spectacle is that the Democrats may not be an antisemitic party, but neither are they an anti-antisemitic party. At best, they are “non-antisemitic.” That is, they take no stand on whether antisemitism is good or bad, desirable or undesirable.

This is, of course, morally bankrupt, but it is not surprising. To oppose antisemitism in a serious way, the Democrats would have to purge a large faction of their party, risk losing millions of votes and instantly become targets of protester-terrorism if not worse. Not being particularly courageous people, the Democrats are utterly unwilling to do this.

For American Jews, then, the question must be: What happens now?

It is not a pretty picture. While Biden has been an unreliable ally, Harris is worse than unreliable. She has expressed sympathy for the Red-Green Alliance and its protester-terrorists. It has been reported that she is one of the more prominent supporters of the Palestinians in the White House. Should she become the nominee—as now seems inevitable—and possibly the president, she could well take the side of the antisemites, if only by default.

This has ominous implications because the Democratic National Convention is only a month away. Put simply, a disaster may be brewing in Chicago.

While Harris will almost certainly have the nomination sewn up before the convention begins, the possibilities for chaos are immense. Put simply, the entire infrastructure of the Democratic Party is badly compromised by leftist and Muslim entryists, none of whom have the slightest compunction about using “any means necessary” to get what they want. Moreover, massive pro-Hamas riots outside the convention are already planned and, given that Chicago has an ultra-progressive mayor, it is unlikely that anything will be done to control them.

Thus, with agents both inside and outside the convention, the Democrats’ antisemitic wing could well seize control of the event or, if not, take satisfaction in causing general bloody mayhem. Violence may break out both inside and outside the venue, with Jews and pro-Israel politicians and delegates harassed, intimidated and assaulted both on the convention floor and the streets outside. A full-scale antisemitic riot is not impossible.

As a result, in order to bring back some semblance of peace and order to the proceedings, the already defeatist “non-antisemitic” Democrats may capitulate entirely to their antisemitic wing.

This is by no means guaranteed to happen. The party establishment, though already badly compromised, may keep control over the proceedings and Harris may be anointed with relatively little fuss.

For American Jews, however, this would be cold comfort indeed. Even in the absence of outright violence, Harris may capitulate to the antisemitic wing out of simple affinity. This would be little better than a hijacked convention. The Red-Green Alliance will declare victory, double down on its protester-terrorism, take to the streets and campuses once again, and possibly escalate its war against the American Jewish community to the point of outright terrorist attacks. With Harris as the party’s leader, no effective action will be taken to stop this descent into pogromism.

Again, there is no guarantee this will actually happen. Harris may attempt to hew a moderate line in preparation for the general election. The non-antisemitic wing of the party may do the math and decide they cannot risk losing the Jewish vote, especially in swing states like Arizona and Pennsylvania, where Biden was running behind by increasing margins. Sanity may prevail.

There is reason to believe that this may be the most likely outcome. While polls of the Jewish vote have been suspiciously absent of late, The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that Republican Jewish Coalition “executive director Matt Brooks said the Republican Party has seen increased support from Jewish voters in swing states, and he expects the GOP to continue to ‘make inroads and build’ among this constituency.”

This is anecdotal evidence, of course, but it suggests that private polls are indicating a not insignificant shift in the Jewish vote, at least in areas outside the traditional Democratic strongholds in the Northeast. This is bound to give the non-antisemitic wing of the party some pause. If they choose to capitulate to the antisemites anyway, it could well swing the election to Trump.

This would be painfully ironic. It would mean that, even if the Democrats avoid antisemitic carnage at their convention, they have already permitted sufficient carnage to bring about their political suicide. They thought they would have the Jews to kick around forever. The Jews may be about to disabuse them of that notion. If so, the Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves.

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Pro-Hamas Group at New York University Promotes ‘Armed Struggle’ in New Statement

Illustrative: New York University students stage a protest in Washington Square Park in Manhattan to oppose Israel and call for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas on Oct. 25, 2023. Photo: Gordon Donovan/NurPhoto via Reuters Connect

A pro-Hamas student group operating at New York University has reiterated its support for political violence and terrorism after being censured by the school, heightening concerns that the new academic year will see escalations of extremist activity on the campus.

“Decolonization and abolition are not metaphors. We uphold the right of any oppressed people to resist their oppression, by any means necessary,” the group, which calls itself NYU People’s Solidarity Coalition (NYU PSC), said in a “Statement of Intention.” “Resistance takes many forms, including armed struggle … As members of the NYU PSC, we will not condemn the brave actions of our allies nor will we limit ourselves to resistance through organizational means.”

Upon learning of the statement, long-time New York University spokesman John Beckman denounced political violence and implored the group remove its statement from social media.

“This university has zero tolerance for the use of violence, and is shocked that any members of our campus community would endorse ‘armed struggle’ as a ‘tactic,’” Beckman said. “We call upon the People’s Solidarity Coalition to immediately retract their statement and repudiate it, as well as related conduct such as vandalism, destruction of property, and threats and intimidation.”

He added, “Just to be crystal clear: NYU will respond to any threat or use of violence swiftly, decisively, and severely. Any violence will result in the immediate involvement of law enforcement as well as university disciplinary processes up to an including expulsion or dismissal.”

NYU PSC reportedly heeded Beckman’s counsel but then rejected it, reposting the statement in its entirety, according to American Council of Trustees (ACTA) researcher Steve McGuire.

Pro-Hamas student groups on college campuses have been proclaiming support for violence against Israel — and in some cases against Jews — since they began staging anti-Zionist demonstrations after Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

In May, a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter at Columbia University endorsed Hamas, heralding the terrorist group as “the only force materially fighting back against” Israel. And then just weeks ago, Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (HOOP) called its actions on campus an “intifada” and vowed to pick up next academic year where it left off the last — roiling the campus with illegal occupations of school property and harassing Jewish students who support Israel.

Earlier this month, a coalition of anti-Zionist groups at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee issued an open threat against pro-Israel Jewish students and organizations, promising to treat them as “extremist criminals.”

“We will no longer normalize genocidal extremists walking on our campus,” the group, which calls itself UWM Popular University for Palestine, posted on Instagram. “Any organization or entity that supports Israel is not welcome at UWM. This includes the local extremist groups such as Hillel, Jewish Federation, etc.”

Reiterating its first point, the group continued, “We refuse to normalize extremists and extremist groups walking around our campus. We are watching Israel’s legitimacy and international recognition fall to pieces on the world stage. Any organization that has not separated themselves from Israel will be treated accordingly as extremist criminals. Stay tuned.”

Follow Dion J. Pierre @DionJPierre.

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White House Blames Hezbollah for Deadly Majdal Shams Rocket Attack, Reaffirms ‘Ironclad’ Support for Israel

A person mourns as he embraces the picture of his loved one killed at a soccer pitch by a rocket Israel says was fired from Lebanon, in Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Golan Heights, July 29, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Ammar Awad

The White House has condemned the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah for a rocket attack on Majdal Shams over the weekend that killed 12 children, reaffirming its “ironclad” support for Israel’s security.

“We have been in continuous discussions with Israeli and Lebanese counterparts since the horrific attack yesterday in northern Israel that killed a number of children playing soccer,” White House National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement. “This attack was conducted by Lebanese Hezbollah. It was their rocket, and launched from an area they control.  It should be universally condemned.”

On Saturday, Hezbollah struck a soccer field in Majdal Shams, a small Druze town in the Golan Heights, a strategic region on Israel’s northern border previously controlled by Syria. The attack killed 12 children.

Majdal Shams is located at the foot of Mount Hermon, directly in the line of fire from the rocket launch site in Shebaa in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah denied responsibility for the strike when it emerged that the victims of the attack were Arab Druze children, although the rocket that hit Majdal Shams was the same one the terrorist group claimed responsibility for firing at the Hermon region at 7:30 pm local time.

Both the US and Israel have also said that Hezbollah was responsible for the strike.

“Hezbollah started firing on Israel on Oct. 8, claiming solidarity with Hamas, another Iranian-backed terrorist group,” the White House said in its statement, noting how Hezbollah terrorists have been firing rockets at northern Israel daily from southern Lebanon since Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre. “Our support for Israel’s security is ironclad and unwavering against all Iran-backed threats, including Hezbollah. The United States is also working on a diplomatic solution along the Blue Line that will end all attacks once and for all, and allow citizens on both sides of the border to safely return to their homes.”

More than 80,000 Israelis evacuated Israel’s north in October due to constant drone, rocket, and missile fire from Hezbollah and have since been unable to return to their homes. The majority of those spent the past nine months residing in hotels in safer areas of the country.

Members of the Druze community have vowed to avenge the strike on Majdal Shams. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu similarly stated on Monday that Israel’s response to the attack “will be severe.”

“These children are our children, they are the children of all of us,” Netanyahu said. “The State of Israel will not and cannot put this to rest. Our response will come, and it will be severe.”

The Biden administration has urged Israel not target the Lebanese capital of Beirut in response to the Saturday strike. The White House fears that Israel’s retaliation could lead to an escalation in the conflict, resulting in a broader war breaking out across the Middle East. 

US Special Envoy Amos Hochstein reportedly warned the Jewish state to be careful in its response to Hezbollah.

“We definitely think an IDF [Israel Defense Forces] strike on Beirut is a potential red line for Hezbollah,” a US official told Axios. 

Hezbollah wields significant political and military influence across Lebanon.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday to express condolences for the weekend strike and urged Israel to exercise caution in its response.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters that during their discussion, Blinken “emphasized the importance of preventing escalation of the conflict and discussed efforts to reach a diplomatic solution to allow citizens on both sides of the border between Israel and Lebanon to return home.”

“The secretary reaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security against threats from Iranian-backed terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah,” Miller added, echoing the White House statement.

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Estonian summer camp removes names of Nazi SS leaders from monument after Jewish group objects

The monument had the names of four Estonian leaders of the 20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS.

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