How to Hate the Jews? The Palestinian Authority Counts the Ways
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) has reported for years on the endless stream of Jew-hatred that the Palestinian Authority (PA) constantly disseminates. This has led many Palestinians to hate Jews.
However, even by PA hate-standards, a recent item published in its official daily deserves honorable mention. The article is written as a letter to the writer’s German friend named Thomas, in which he spews just about every libel he can think of against the Jews — and then uses that as justification for why Europeans and Arabs should hate them:
Thomas, I have been monitoring them [Jews] in my land for 76 years. I have been monitoring their actions and their disgraceful deeds … I have been monitoring their dreams, which seek to concentrate all the happiness in the world in their hands. I have been monitoring their behavior, which is filled with barbarism and bloodthirstiness. I have been monitoring their voices, which call for superiority and arrogance, and claim that they are the only ones close to Heaven…
I have been monitoring what the world says about them, from all corners of the globe, and I see and understand the damage they have done to people, and how they have monopolized life and considered it their property and possession. The same is true of their situation on everything concerning money, power, arrogance, impudence, and declaring publicly — without convincing excuses and in a shameless fashion — that they are the children and beloved of Allah, while the others are his slaves and nothing more … They want to subjugate the entire world, and not just my Palestinian people …
Yes, Thomas. I have been monitoring them to know what kind of people they are, what they are made of, what characteristics they have inherited, and why they behave this way that the world fears and worries about — in the West, in the East, in the North, and in the South — and why they are busy creating lobbies to pressure states, peoples, institutions, bodies, and centers of power and influence in the world …
Thomas, ever since they — and I mean the Israelis — are in our Palestinian land at the expense of a people, land, values, history, and dreams, they operate by the culture of intimidation, not only towards us but towards all the region’s peoples … They have painted our lands with blood and flooded the space with fear, as they have flooded our cemeteries with laments … The only scents lingering there are the smell of gunpowder and corpses. [emphasis added]
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 15, 2024]
Profound Jew-hatred is so entrenched in Palestinian society because it comes from its very leadership.
As PA leader Mahmoud Abbas infamously stated, Hitler had not “killed the Jews because they were Jews,” rather “Hitler … fought the Jews because they worked based on usury and money. In other words, they caused ruin…”
Official PA TV tows the line of the PA leadership, and takes advantage of every opportunity to spread hate about Jews.
A PA TV host recently explained that “the sadism of the invaders [Jews] is embodied … this sadism was not coincidental, but is the result of a criminal, Zionist, racist ideology, which the Zionist movement has fed the Jews’ souls.”
The PA TV “Israeli affairs expert,” Alyan Al-Hindi, concurred that the “Israeli culture of murder and destruction is built on … the European culture, which is based on murder, destruction, and racism [and] on the Torah.”
Another guest on PA TV likewise demonized Jews, claiming that the Torah/Bible is the reason the Jew “enjoys this killing and does not feel pangs of conscience. Why? Because for him, within him, in his experience, in his consciousness, in this core of consciousness, he must kill and he is rewarded for this killing.”
The author is the Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, where a version of this article first appeared.
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Dovid Efune: ‘The Jewish State Has Doused Iran’s Ring of Fire’
At The Algemeiner‘s 11th annual “J100” gala on Tuesday night, the event’s co-chair, Dovid Efune, described Israel’s recent military successes.
“Fifteen months have now passed since the Jewish state went to war, since the Jewish people went to war. A terrible price has been paid,” Efune said. “But it is a different world now. Israel has out-maneuvered its foes at every turn in a complex, multi-front war.”
The crowd applauded.
Efune said that Israel “has firmly reestablished in the eyes of all, a role as a regional superpower. Israel’s young soldiers have shown themselves to be more valiant and more committed to their cause than their fanatic terrorist enemies. Its vaunted intelligence agencies have seized the initiative, reminding the world that the Jewish state’s knack for innovation has multiple applications.”
Invoking Israel’s series of hits against the heads of Hamas and Hezbollah, Efune said “we watched in awe, the systematic elimination of a line-up of Middle East terror chiefs. Those who remain are in hiding. The Jewish state has doused Iran’s ring of fire and replaced it with a ring of Israeli iron. The walls of David’s citadel again stand tall and firm.”
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Algemeiner Publisher Simon Jacobson: ‘Times Like This Define Who’s Standing Up for Moral Clarity’
At The Algemeiner‘s 11th annual “J100” gala on Tuesday night, publisher and chairman Simon Jacobson issued a call for action.
“We’re living in historic times. Events that are happening now are not just going to shape today, tomorrow, but the entire future,” Jacobson said during the event in New York City. “Every one of us senses it, whether it’s events, the different countries around the world, leaderships in crisis, but especially, which is close to our hearts, the Middle East, Israel, the Jewish people.”
Jacobson continued, “So, as chairman of The Algemeiner, I feel especially honored that we are part of making history because it’s times like this that define who’s standing up for moral clarity amidst all the confusion, for values that we all cherish, that are the foundations and the basis of all civilization. That’s the time we’re in, literally every day.”
Describing three types of people — those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who ask “what happened” — Jacobson said “all of you right here and The Algemeiner, are people who make things happen. We don’t just stand at the sidelines and react but are pro-active. This is the time.”
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Algemeiner ‘J100’ Gala Honors Philanthropists David and Debra Magerman
At The Algemeiner‘s 11th annual “J100” gala on Tuesday night, philanthropists David and Debra Magerman appeared as honorees.
After expressing appreciation to The Algemeiner‘s leaders, David said, “I also what to thank my wife, Debra. Her support for me, through all aspects of my life, enabled me to do all the things that I do. She is an equal partner in the merit of all the projects we do to support Torah education in Israel. But most of all I want to thank God. God is the source of all blessing. Baruch Hashem. Round of applause for Hashem, thank you!”
David said that one thing he had learned was “how much God runs the world and how much we are living through the realization of his plan.”
Recalling visiting Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 during Sukkot, David said that, afterward, “as we were flying back to America, I deeply regretted leaving. I had to get my kids back to America and I didn’t expect any of us to be particularly useful to Israel as the attack became a war. Frankly, being there we were a liability. But on the flight back to America, I booked my return trip to Israel and I committed myself to figuring out how I could be useful.”
David spoke about how the anti-Israel animus at the University of Pennsylvania inspired him to cease donations. “I called them out for revealing their true nature,” he said. “They were actively supporting evil and proving time and again that through that support they were showing their true selves. You can’t change your essence. I started a movement to push donors and students away from schools like Penn and that effort has led to a growing number of students and families considering college in Israel.”
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