A deep dive into the lives of some shadier members of our community

By BERNIE BELLAN A few weeks ago I was contacted by a publicist for a publishing company, who asked me whether I’d be interested in obtaining a copy of a new book, titled Jukebox Empire: The Mob and the Dark Side of the American Dream?
Here’s what that publicist wrote: “This fall, Rowman & Littlefield is publishing a true crime book focusing on one of the key figures in the story of organized crime in the 20th century – Jukebox Empire: The Mob and the Dark Side of the American Dream by David Rabinovitch (publishing October 15). Rabinovitch, an award-winning filmmaker from Morden, Manitoba, unravels the story of his uncle William “Wolfe” Rabin, which takes him from the Canadian prairies to Chicago in the 1940s and Rabin’s invention of a jukebox. This is the first book to expose how organized crime infiltrated the jukebox industry and it’s an untold piece of criminal, cultural, and musical history. Rabin was the son of Jewish immigrants.

“Caught between the Mob and the feds in a plot to save the casinos in Havana from Castro’s revolution, Wolfe Rabin pulled the biggest money-laundering scheme in history, but his hubris led to the conspiracy falling apart in a sensational trial. At a time when there was a jukebox in every restaurant, diner, bar, barracks, arcade, and canteen, Rabin’s trajectory from inventor to promoter to outlaw is set against the Mob’s growing influence of the jukebox industry. In a world of music, machines, and money, popular culture and organized crime collide in this true story of invention and greed. Rabinovitch pieces together the puzzle that begins in Chicago and spans the casinos of Havana and the financial giants of Europe, leading to what the FBI called “the biggest bank robbery in the world.”
“Rabinovitch is a winner of Emmy, Peabody, and Gemini awards. His significant films include the documentary Politics of Poison and the mini-series Secret Files of the Inquisition. Jukebox Empire is his first book.”
Of course, the moment I read that email I was interested in reading the book. Here we have some of the essential elements of a story that’s perfect for this paper: A crime story with a Jewish character at its centre – who comes from Morden, Manitoba no less!
I immediately thought of historian Allan Levine, who’s written extensively about Jewish characters with sordid backgrounds – especially in the bootlegging business, and contacted Allan to ask him whether he’d ever heard of this “Wolfe Rabin?”
Allan said he hadn’t previously, not that is, until he was contacted by the author, David Rabinovitch, who asked Allan for some help.
After I began to read the book, however, I was again contacted by the publicist, who asked me to withhold writing a review of the book until October, when the book will be released to the public.
But, to whet readers’ appetites even further, here are some endorsements David Rabinovitch has already received in advance of the book’s actual release to the public:
“A fast-paced, colorful romp through a slice of the twentieth century American underworld”
-David Kertzer, Pulitzer Prize winner
“Jukebox Empire reads like a novel but the characters and events are real and chilling.”
-Peter Edwards, co-author, The Encyclopedia of Canadian Organized Crime
“It has everything: action, incredible characters, suspense, humor. Can’t wait to see the movie.”
-Fred Fuchs, producer, The Godfather, Part III
“A compelling story of family and crime that touches on key events of U.S. history in the 1950s and 60s”
-Scott M. Deitche, author, Garden State Gangland
“An eye-opening, informative, and fascinating book. Jukebox Empire is must-read.”
-Antonio Nicaso, author, Made Men, The Dark Mafia, Angels Mobsters & Narco-Terrorists
“A delightfully entertaining story of jukeboxes, money laundering, and stolen bonds.”
-Alex Hortis, author, The Mob and the City
“A unique combination of family memoir and investigative journalism.”
-Gary Jenkins, producer/host, “Gangland Wire”
“A tour-de-force account of the Mob’s growing infiltration into legitimate American industry and how it affected one man who was obsessed with power and money at all costs.”
-Joe Saltzman, Prof. of Journalism, Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California
I also asked David Rabinovitch whether readers could order Jukebox Empire in advance, so that they could obtain a copy as soon as it’s released.
David responded: The book “is available for pre-order online through the website www.jukeboxempire.com (Chapters Indigo in Canada) or readers should request it at their favourite bookstore.”

All this got me to thinking: Over the years, we’ve published quite a few stories about Jews with mob connections, and some of those individuals came from Winnipeg. Perhaps the story that elicited the most interest was one we published in 2015 by Martin Zeilig about a character by the name of Al Smiley. (You can still find that story on our website’s online archive. Just search for “Al Smiley.” in the “search archive” button on jewishpostandnews.ca)
Smiley, it turns out, was best friends with Bugsy Siegel (whose real name was Benjamin – and who hated being called “Bugsy.”) In fact, Smiley was sitting right beside Siegel – on his living room couch in his Las Vegas home, when Siegel was shot and killed by a Mafia hitman.
That story led to another story about a mobster with a Winnipeg connection who, it turns out, was actually related to me in a very distant way, someone by the name of Harry Altman.
In 2020 I wrote about someone by the name of John Novick in an article I wrote about the children of Jewish mobsters. In that same article I referenced Myer Lansky and his daughter, Sylvia, who was the subject of one of the greatest interviews Anna Maria Tremonti ever conducted when she was host of CBC’s “The Current.” (You can still listen to that interview on the CBC website.)
Finally, a few years back I happened to attend a Fringe show which was titled “Davey the Punk.” The creator of that show – and its sole performer, was singer Bob Bossin (who was a member of a well-known group called “String Band.”) The show was about Bob’s father, Davey Bossin who, while not a “made man” per se (Mafia parlance for someone who is accepted into the Mafia), but who was very “connected” and about whose background Bob Bossin knew nothing until years after his father had died.
What’s my obsession with mobsters, you might ask? Well, I don’t think I’m much different than a great many others when I say that I’m both fascinated and repelled by all these figures – and the fact they’re all Jewish only adds to my interest.
But, it got me to thinking – once again: Where are the stories about Winnipeg Jewish hoodlums from the North End? Even in Russ Gourluck’s masterful history of Winnipeg’s North End, The Mosaic Village, he only mentions two shady characters: Stanley Zedd, a well-known operator of gambling establishments, especially the Margaret Rose Tea Room on Osborne, and Bll Wolchuk, a major bootlegger in the 1920s.

So – to find out more about Jewish hoodlums of a bygone era, I turned to my most trusted source on the subject: Ernie Chisick, whom I first met at the Y reunion in 2019.
For those who don’t know Ernie – he is a raconteur of the first order and his own brushes with the law when he was younger only add to his mystique.
I sat down with Ernie one recent evening and asked him to repeat some of the fabulous stories he’s told me over the years about colourful North End characters with whom he crossed paths over the years. I was especially keen on hearing Ernie recite some of the nicknames of guys with whom he associated when he was younger.
The problem is, as Ernie explained, some of those individuals are still alive and, even if they’re not, they have kids and grandkids, so referring to them by their full names might not even be embarrassing, it might be potentially lethal for me!
I have attempted to reach out to one character in particular who, as Ernie described him, probably knows more about Jewish hoodlums… and criminals, from the North End of the 40s and 50s than anyone else alive, but even if that guy does get back to me, I rather doubt he’s going to want to see his name end up in the Jewish paper in Winnipeg. (I’m hoping that he will respond to my message and I’ll promise him full anonymity if he’s prepared to talk about his former friends – who weren’t quite boy scouts.)
Ernie though, has too many good stories not to at least refer to some of them here. He told me about a gambling club on Selkirk Avenue between Salter and Powers that was run by an individual who was known as “Montreal…..” (Again, I’m leaving out the surname because it’s a name that would be familiar to at least some readers.)
According to Ernie, that club had a lookout by the name of “Srulik Flaxman.” When Srulik would spot a cop coming, he would shout to the guys who were in the back room: “Watch out – it’s the football shoes kimmen!” (Why he referred to cops as “football shoes,” Ernie didn’t know.)
Here’s another story Ernie tells – about a character who went by the name “One-eyed Connolly.”
“They’re playing cards,” Ernie says, “and Connolly says he’s got to take a piss.” But before he gets up to go to the bathroom, he leaves his cards on the table, then takes out his glass eye, puts it on the table, and says to the eye: “Watch them guys; they’re all a bunch of thieves!” Apparently that so unnerved the other players, they sat there frozen in their seats, afraid of that well-known Jewish superstition: “the evil eye.” (But Connolly wasn’t Jewish. Can a non-Jew threaten someone Jewish with the “evil eye?” There’s a Saturday morning sermon for you, all you rabbis and would-be rabbis out there.)
With reference to Stanley Zedd and the Margaret Rose Tea Room, Ernie says that his father, Charlie, once said to him, “Take this to the Rosie (the nickname for the Osborne Tea Room) and ask for Stanley Zedd.” Charlie handed Ernie a paper bag (which, Ernie now says, unbeknownst to him at the time, contained betting slips. Ernie claims he was only an innocent 16-year-old. not yet wise in the ways of the world. Anyway, the statute of limitations protects him now.)
So, Ernie drove to the Tea Room and announced, when he walked into the room, “I have something for Stanley from Charlie.”
He was ushered into the back room where Stanley Zedd held court. “He was very nice to me and told me my father was an honourable man,” Ernie recalls.
Another time, Ernie says, he got a phone call from his father in the middle of the night.
“Charlie,” Ernie asked (Ernie says he always called his father by his first name), “what is it?”
“I’m in jail,” Charlie responded. (He didn’t say why.)
“In the morning,” Charlie continued, “give Roland Penner a phone call.” (Roland Penner would go on to become Manitoba’s attorney general, but at the time he was in partnership with Joe Zuken in the firm, Zuken and Penner.)
“So, I phoned Roland Penner’s office in the morning. I told his secretary who I was and she put me through immediately to Roland Penner.”
“Roland says to me, ‘You heard from your dad? The mounties made a raid in the middle of the night. Eighteen guys (from different cities) were charged with conspiracy to commit bookmaking.’”
“Roland says: ‘I’ve got something for you.’ “ He explained that the mounties took Charlie out in the middle of the night and it was quite cold.
“Your father wanted me to give you his gloves,” Penner continues.
“I put them on,” Ernie says, “and I feel a lump in one of the gloves. They were betting slips that could have been used as evidence in court.’
(Did Penner know that, I wonder? Ernie says he doesn’t know.)
“All the guys were taken to a lock-up in Calgary. Harry Walsh represented the three Winnipeggers,” Ernie continues.
“My dad explained that the Jewish boys were able to get kosher food to eat because one of the mounties was Jewish and he brought them deli.”
The Grey Cup was being held that week, Ernie says. “Charlie said he made $10,000 taking bets on the game” – while he was in jail.
Eventually, when the accused were brought to trial, they were all acquitted, Ernie explains.
“Walsh said they weren’t betting with each other; they weren’t in business together.” As a result, the conspiracy charge didn’t hold up, Ernie says. (If they had simply been charged with bookmaking, then the likelihood is that at least some of them, including Charlie, would have been found guilty.)
I don’t necessarily approve of Charlie’s behaviour. Rather, the stories about the less savoury aspects of Jewish lives don’t usually receive much attention in North American Jewish newspapers. (Some Israeli newspapers, in contrast, are not at all reluctant to publish extensive investigative pieces about the Israeli underword.)Yet, there are so many colourful stories to tell I thought I’d deviate from the Gerry Posner and Myron Love types of stories that extol the virtues of individuals who have led honest, hardworking lives to write about other less honourable fellows who, as the late Harvey Rosen used to say are “of the Hebraic persuasion.”
We’ll have more about members of our community who had connections to activities that were not always on the right side of the law in our Aug. 16 issue. If you might have a story to add about a relative with a shady past that you might like to share, you can email us at jewishp@mymts.net
From Art to Diplomacy: How Jewish Leaders and Thinkers Shaped History and Modernity

In this article, we delve into the impact of Jewish public figures on the global stage, exploring their role in shaping political landscapes and cultural events
The Impact of Jewish Public Figures on World Politics and Culture
From prominent politicians to renowned artists, Jews have made significant contributions that have shaped our world.
With their diverse backgrounds and experiences, Jewish public figures have played a key role in promoting social change, advocating for human rights, and shaping cultural narratives. Their influence can be seen in a variety of fields, such as literature, art, music, and film, where Jewish artists have left an indelible mark on creativity and expression.
By exploring the contributions of Jewish public figures, together with the plinko game team, we aim to shed light on the enormous impact they have had on shaping our world.
Historical Background: The Role of Jewish Intellectuals and Leaders Throughout History
The historical narrative of Jewish intellectuals and leaders is rich and complex, woven into the fabric of many societies across the globe. From ancient times, Jews have contributed to various fields, including philosophy, science, and politics. Figures such as Maimonides and Spinoza have significantly influenced Western thought through their philosophical writings. These intellectuals not only shaped Jewish culture but also left a lasting mark on global intellectual history, challenging prevailing norms and encouraging critical thinking.
The struggle for social justice and human rights has often found expression through Jewish leaders. Throughout history, Jews have faced persecution and discrimination, which has fueled their commitment to advocating for justice. The Jewish experience of diaspora has led to a unique perspective on oppression and resilience, enabling Jewish leaders to become champions for the marginalized. Their contributions to movements for civil rights and social justice have been instrumental in shaping contemporary political landscapes, particularly in the United States and Europe.
Moreover, the integration of Jewish intellectuals into broader societal frameworks has fostered cross-cultural dialogues. Jewish figures have often acted as bridges between cultures, promoting understanding and collaboration. This historical backdrop sets the stage for examining the specific contributions of contemporary Jewish public figures in politics and culture, highlighting how their legacy continues to influence the world today.
Jewish Public Figures in Politics: Notable Examples and Their Impact on Global Affairs
Jewish politicians have played pivotal roles in shaping global politics, often taking on leadership positions that have allowed them to influence significant policy decisions.

One notable example is Henry Kissinger, who served as the United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. Kissinger’s approach to foreign policy, particularly during the Cold War, emphasized diplomacy and realpolitik. His efforts in negotiating peace agreements, such as the Paris Peace Accords, demonstrate the power of Jewish public figures in navigating complex international relations.

Another influential figure is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late Supreme Court Justice known for her staunch advocacy for gender equality and civil rights. Ginsburg’s legal opinions and dissents have had a profound impact on American jurisprudence, often pushing the boundaries of what is considered constitutional. Her legacy as a champion for women’s rights and social justice continues to inspire generations, illustrating the power of Jewish individuals to drive change within the legal and political arenas.
Additionally, figures like Benjamin Netanyahu have made significant contributions to political discourse on a global scale. As the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu has been at the helm during crucial moments in Israeli history, navigating the complexities of Middle Eastern politics. His approach to security and foreign policy has sparked both support and controversy, reflecting the intricate dynamics of Jewish leadership in geopolitics. These examples underscore the diverse roles Jewish public figures have played in influencing global affairs, shaping policies that resonate far beyond their immediate contexts.
Jewish Public Figures in Culture: Contributions to Art, Literature, Music, and Entertainment
The cultural contributions of Jewish public figures are equally profound, spanning various artistic fields and leaving an indelible mark on global culture. In literature, authors like Philip Roth and Elie Wiesel have explored themes of identity, memory, and the human condition through their poignant narratives. Roth’s exploration of Jewish identity in America challenged stereotypes and opened dialogues about cultural belonging, while Wiesel’s memoirs on the Holocaust serve as powerful reminders of resilience and the importance of remembrance.

In the realm of music, Jewish artists have made significant contributions that transcend genres. From the classical compositions of Leonard Bernstein to the revolutionary sounds of Bob Dylan, Jewish musicians have shaped the musical landscape. Bernstein’s work in classical music and Broadway has left a legacy of artistic excellence, while Dylan’s lyrics reflect a deep engagement with social issues and human emotions. These artists not only entertain but also provoke thought and inspire social change through their craft.
Furthermore, the film industry has been significantly influenced by Jewish filmmakers and actors, with figures like Steven Spielberg and Natalie Portman leading the charge. Spielberg’s films often address complex moral dilemmas and historical narratives, while Portman’s work as an actress and director champions diverse stories and perspectives. Through their storytelling, these artists contribute to cultural discourse, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding in an increasingly divided world. The influence of Jewish public figures in culture is a testament to their creativity and commitment to social issues, enriching the global cultural landscape.
Controversies and Criticisms: Examining the Debates Surrounding Jewish Influence
Despite the significant contributions of Jewish public figures, their influence has not been without controversy. Debates surrounding Jewish influence often arise, particularly in the context of politics and media. Critics sometimes allege that Jewish individuals hold disproportionate power in various sectors, leading to accusations of conspiracy and manipulation. These narratives can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to anti-Semitic sentiment, highlighting the need for critical examination of such claims.
It is essential to differentiate between legitimate discussions about influence and the perpetuation of conspiracy theories that seek to scapegoat Jewish communities. Many Jewish public figures have risen to prominence through hard work, talent, and advocacy, rather than through nefarious means. Acknowledging their contributions while recognizing the complexities of their influence can foster nuanced discussions that combat anti-Semitism and promote understanding.
Moreover, the portrayal of Jewish individuals in media and popular culture can contribute to the reinforcement of stereotypes. It is crucial to critically engage with these representations and advocate for more diverse and accurate portrayals of Jewish life. Through education and dialogue, society can challenge misconceptions and celebrate the multifaceted contributions of Jewish public figures to politics, culture, and beyond.
The Jewish Diaspora and Its Impact on Global Networks
The Jewish diaspora has created a rich tapestry of experiences and connections that have influenced global networks. Historically, Jews have migrated to various regions, often forming tight-knit communities that have contributed to local cultures while maintaining their unique identity. This ability to adapt and thrive in diverse environments has enabled Jewish individuals to forge important connections across borders, creating a network of influence that extends beyond geographical boundaries.
The diaspora has facilitated the exchange of ideas, fostering a global dialogue that has enriched cultural and political landscapes. Jewish communities around the world often engage in philanthropy and social activism, addressing pressing issues such as poverty, education, and human rights. Organizations like the Jewish Federation and various international NGOs reflect the commitment of the Jewish diaspora to contribute positively to society, promoting social justice and intercultural understanding.
Furthermore, the interconnectedness of the Jewish diaspora has allowed for a robust exchange of knowledge and resources. Jewish public figures often draw on their diverse backgrounds and experiences, leveraging their networks to advocate for change on a global scale. This collaborative approach underscores the importance of community and solidarity in addressing complex challenges, highlighting the enduring influence of the Jewish diaspora in shaping global networks.
Case Studies: Examining Specific Individuals and Their Contributions
To illustrate the profound influence of Jewish public figures, we can examine specific case studies that highlight their contributions across various domains. One notable example is the late Shimon Peres, who served as the President and Prime Minister of Israel. Peres was a visionary leader known for his efforts in promoting peace in the Middle East. His role in the Oslo Accords exemplifies the potential for dialogue and compromise in resolving longstanding conflicts.
In the realm of art, Marc Chagall stands out as a revolutionary painter whose works encapsulate the essence of Jewish identity and culture. Chagall’s unique style, characterized by vibrant colors and dreamlike imagery, reflects his experiences as a Jewish artist navigating the complexities of the 20th century. His contributions to modern art have influenced generations of artists and continue to resonate in contemporary creative expressions.
Another significant figure is Ruth Messinger, a prominent advocate for social justice and former president of American Jewish World Service. Messinger’s work in international development highlights the intersection of Jewish values and global humanitarian efforts. Through her leadership, she has raised awareness about issues such as poverty and human rights, demonstrating the capacity of Jewish public figures to effect change on a global scale. These case studies underscore the diverse contributions of Jewish individuals, illustrating how their legacies continue to shape our world today.
The Power of Jewish Organizations and Lobbying Groups
Jewish organizations and lobbying groups have played a vital role in advocating for Jewish interests and promoting social change. Organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) have been instrumental in shaping public policy and fostering community engagement. These organizations work tirelessly to combat anti-Semitism, promote civil rights, and strengthen ties between Israel and the United States.
The influence of Jewish lobbying groups extends beyond domestic politics, impacting international relations as well. AIPAC, for instance, has been a significant player in advocating for strong U.S.-Israel relations, leveraging political connections to promote policies that align with Jewish interests. The effectiveness of these organizations highlights the importance of collective action and advocacy in achieving political goals and addressing pressing social issues.
Moreover, Jewish organizations often serve as platforms for community engagement and activism. They provide resources for education, cultural programming, and social services, fostering a sense of community and belonging among Jewish individuals. By mobilizing collective resources and voices, these organizations play a crucial role in amplifying the contributions of Jewish public figures and advocating for diverse perspectives within the broader societal context.
Debunking Myths and Stereotypes: Separating Fact from Fiction
Addressing the myths and stereotypes surrounding Jewish influence is essential for fostering a more accurate understanding of their contributions. Misconceptions about Jewish individuals often stem from historical prejudices and societal biases, which can distort perceptions and promote harmful narratives. It is crucial to engage in open conversations that challenge these stereotypes and promote a more nuanced understanding of Jewish identity and influence.
Many myths surrounding Jewish individuals are rooted in conspiratorial thinking, suggesting that Jews exert undue control over various sectors, including finance, media, and politics. These narratives often lack empirical evidence and serve to scapegoat Jewish communities for broader societal issues. By critically examining these claims and promoting factual information, we can combat anti-Semitism and foster a more inclusive dialogue about the contributions of Jewish public figures.
Education plays a vital role in debunking myths and stereotypes. By promoting awareness of Jewish history, culture, and achievements, we can cultivate understanding and empathy. Initiatives that celebrate Jewish contributions to society can help counteract negative narratives and highlight the diverse perspectives within the Jewish community. Ultimately, fostering a culture of dialogue and education is essential for promoting inclusivity and understanding in our increasingly interconnected world.
The influence of Jewish public figures on global politics and culture is a testament to their resilience, creativity, and commitment to social justice. From shaping political landscapes to enriching cultural narratives, Jewish individuals have made significant contributions that continue to resonate today. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences have enabled them to navigate complex societal challenges, advocating for change and promoting understanding across cultures.
As we reflect on the ongoing influence of Jewish public figures, it is crucial to recognize the importance of diverse perspectives in shaping our world. The contributions of Jewish individuals serve as a reminder of the power of collaboration and collective action in addressing pressing issues. By embracing diversity and promoting dialogue, we can foster a more inclusive society that values the contributions of all individuals, regardless of their background.
In conclusion, the legacy of Jewish public figures is multifaceted and enduring. Their impact on global politics and culture underscores the importance of recognizing and celebrating diverse voices. By continuing to explore and appreciate these contributions, we can foster a deeper understanding of our shared human experience and work towards a more just and equitable world for all.
“Also Here” – a granddaughter tells her grandmother’s story of surviving the Holocaust

By JULIE KIRSH, Former Sun Media News Research Director
(Exclusive to jewishpostandnews.ca)
My youngest daughter, who experiences frequent backaches and headaches, feels that the trauma of her survivor grandparents has been passed down to her. Some third generation Holocaust literature supports this thesis.
Brooke Randel’s recently published “Also Here, Love, Literacy and the Legacy of the Holocaust,” is a biography that feature Randel’s Bubbie and their close, though not always easy relationship.

Bubbie was illiterate and her granddaughter worked for an ad agency as a copywriter. Bubbie wanted her story told. However, she had no way to tell her story. In “Also Here,” Randel has fulfilled her grandmother’s wishes by putting Bubbie’s thoughts to paper.
The reader learns that Bubbie is always on the go. In her Florida condo, she shops, cooks, visits friends, plays cards, and does laps around the pool. “A woman who survives stays surviving.” However, at night when her hands were still, she was surrounded by the memories of the war and her lost family. Bubbie asked herself the eternal question of survivors: “Ehy did she survive when so many didn’t?”
The author’s ancestral family moved to Sighet in Romania which then became part of Hungary. Eli Wiesel, in his acclaimed book, “Night”, paints a vivid picture of the Jews of Sighet, 14,000 mostly religious souls. When Bubbie was six years old, the family suffered a tragedy. Bubbie’s father, the patriarch, died of prostate cancer. Her mother resorted to work as a travelling merchant. The two older siblings went to jobs in Budapest. Everyone had a role to play. Perhaps school was not a part of Bubbie’s upbringing or she had a learning disability, according to the author. In any case, Bubbie was permanently illiterate.
In order to discover Bubbie’s Holocaust story, the author sits with her grandmother and hears the words so that she, the wordsmith, can transcribe them. Providing an historical context, we know that the Nazis formalized their plans at the Wannsee Conference. “Evict, rob, deport, kill” were the words used, buried in obscure bureaucracy. “Words could lead the way to genocide and silence could let it happen.”
In a poignant chapter, the reader hears Bubbie’s words as she relives the road to Auschwitz in her head, telling her granddaughter what happened. In April 1945, 60,000 prisoners, including Bubbie and her sister were held in Bergen-Belsen. They had travelled by foot and boxcar from Auschwitz, covering more than 280 miles to get there. No food, no water, no clothes, no shoes and the winter was particularly bitter that year. In Bergen-Belsen there was typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and dysentery. Anne Frank and her sister Margot were taken and died there.
After the war, Bubbie married at 17 years of age to an older man. This was a typical rushed, survivor’s marriage. My own parents were 20 years apart. They would not have been a match before the war. Bubbie and her husband fought constantly. She was a go-getter with a good job. He was depressed and unsuccessful in his business attempts.
In trying to understand her Bubbie, the author refers to an Israeli study: Female survivors had high levels of avoidance behavior, intrusive thoughts, and an unresolved state of mind. Bubbie grew up in chaos before the war and in the camps. Logic was thrown out the window. She was scattered and impulsive.
From Windsor to Detroit, Bubbie and her family of three children and a sad husband tried to make a better life. However, post-traumatic stress was their constant companion.
In my own Holocaust survivor family, food was all important and came with certain rules set by my father. The chicken soup had to be boiling hot. Onions were to be feared and the plentiful food had to be cooked and served only by my mother’s hands. Restaurant food was considered suspicious, so we didn’t go out to eat very often.
Bubbie also exhibited a survivor’s anxiety around food. It was not to be wasted. She cooked constantly and fed her family delicious food. Without a language of words, Bubbie retained all the recipes in her head. What Bubbie did not have was the ability to read. All efforts to confront her illiteracy came to naught. Her granddaughter learned to see Bubbie differently from other people. In doing so, she unknowingly gained skills that her grandmother had: adaptation, creativity, stealth, and care. Bubbie taught her granddaughter to listen to the chaotic jumble of her memories and eventually the author learned how to write this book.
Being part of the third generation is not the experience of survival but an echo of survival. Bubbie’s journey and her very different American grandchildren emphasized their separateness.
This book could not have been written without the acceptance of that separateness and a willingness to listen to what could not be said.
“Also Here”
by Brooke Randel
published by Tortoise Books, 2024
LUCKY STREAK: Real Stories of Gamblers Who Won Big!

Gambling has long been associated with excitement, thrill, and the possibility of changing one’s life overnight. From the bright lights of Las Vegas to the virtual casinos that now dominate the online world, the dream of hitting it big is what drives millions to try their luck. But what happens when that dream becomes a reality? What are the real stories behind those who walked away with life-altering sums? In this article, we will explore some incredible real-life stories of gamblers who hit it big, the strategies they used, and what we can learn from their experiences.
The Temptation of a Big Win
The concept of winning a massive amount in a casino — whether it’s a jackpot or a series of successful bets — has a unique appeal. It’s the ultimate form of gambling fantasy: the idea that with just one lucky spin, a single bet could lead to instant wealth. But what drives gamblers to take that leap, knowing the odds are always stacked against them?
For some, it’s the thrill of the gamble itself — the excitement of taking a risk. For others, it’s the hope of financial freedom or a chance to live a life they never imagined. While the vast majority of gamblers don’t hit it big, a small group of lucky ones find themselves with wins so big, it changes everything.
Big Wins and What They Mean
It’s one thing to win a few hundred dollars, but it’s entirely different when a single game or bet leads to a life-changing payout. These big wins don’t just alter the gambler’s financial state — they often have emotional and psychological impacts as well.
In the online casino world, players are often drawn to the charm of huge jackpots, massive bonuses, and the promise of easy winnings. For those looking to try their luck, online casinos in Canada offer a wide range of exciting opportunities to chase that life-changing win. Yet, as enticing as it may seem, winning big is never guaranteed. That’s why it’s all the more incredible when it does happen. From progressive jackpots to skill-based games like poker, each big win comes with its own backstory, often involving a combination of strategy, timing, and, of course, luck.
Real Stories of Gamblers Who Won Big
While the odds may be slim, the stories of those who have beaten them are inspiring and thrilling. These are the stories of people who placed their bets and walked away with incredible sums of money. Here are a few noteworthy accounts.
The Poker Pro Who Struck Gold
A Canadian gambler, Alex Turner, had been playing poker for years before his life was turned upside down. He wasn’t one of those high-rolling poker pros you see on TV, but a determined player who spent hours refining his skills online. One evening, while playing at an online poker table at a reputable site, Alex went on an unprecedented streak. After several hours of strategic betting and bluffing, he found himself holding the winning hand in a high-stakes tournament.
“I was just in the zone,” Alex recalls. “I didn’t even realize how big the pot had gotten until the final hand was dealt. That’s when the realization hit — I had just won over $1.5 million.”
Alex’s win didn’t just make headlines, it reshaped his life. He went on to pursue poker professionally, entering larger tournaments and continuing his success.
The Jackpot Winner at an Online Slot
Then there’s the story of Sarah, a stay-at-home mom from Ontario, who stumbled upon one of the largest online slot jackpots ever won in the country. Sarah had been playing a progressive jackpot slot on her favorite online casino, never imagining that her modest bet would change everything.
“I had just played a few spins, really just testing the waters. I was about to log off when the jackpot symbols appeared,” Sarah recounts, her voice still filled with disbelief. “It wasn’t until the casino’s customer support team called me that I knew I had hit it. They had to confirm it for me. I won $4.2 million.”
Sarah’s story is one that resonates with many. She wasn’t a seasoned gambler or someone who spent hours on end strategizing. She was an everyday person who, through sheer luck, hit the jackpot.
Her win not only gave her financial freedom but also the opportunity to live life on her own terms. Sarah now speaks openly about responsible gambling, sharing her story to encourage others to enjoy the excitement of gaming without losing control.
Interview with a Big Winner
To gain deeper insight into what it’s like to win big, we had the chance to speak with Sarah (from the slot jackpot story) about her experience and what it felt like to hit the jackpot.
Q: Sarah, you hit a massive jackpot. What went through your mind when you saw the winning combination?
A: Honestly, I didn’t believe it at first. I thought there had been some kind of mistake, and when I realized it was real, it felt surreal. My heart was racing. I’ve played those slots for years and never imagined something like this would happen to me.
Q: How did your life change after that big win?
A: Well, it was life-changing in so many ways. First, I paid off all my debts, which was a huge weight off my shoulders. Then, I bought my dream house. But beyond the material things, I felt a sense of freedom I’d never had before. I didn’t have to worry about money anymore, which is a huge relief.
Q: What advice would you give to others who dream of winning big like you?
A: The main thing I’d say is don’t get caught up in the idea of winning big. Just enjoy the experience for what it is. If you’re lucky enough to win, that’s great — but the journey itself can be just as rewarding. And always, always gamble responsibly.
The Role of Online Casinos in Big Wins
The rise of online casinos has made it easier than ever for players to access their favorite games and, in some cases, win big. Platforms like 50 Crowns Casino, Spinanga Casino, and Sushi Casino are offering players the chance to experience exciting gameplay and jackpots from the comfort of their own homes.
With the growth of the online gambling industry, it’s essential for players to choose platforms that operate within a secure and regulated environment. In Canada, where the gambling market continues to expand, understanding the legal framework is crucial. Ontario, for instance, has introduced a regulated gambling market, ensuring players have access to safe and trustworthy platforms. According to Statista, the evolving landscape of Canada’s gambling industry highlights the importance of regulation in providing a secure experience for players while holding operators accountable.
What You Can Learn from These Big Wins
The most important takeaway from these big win stories is that gambling is as much about luck as it is about strategy, timing, and mindset. For some, like Michael the sports bettor, success came from studying the game and understanding the statistics. For others, like Sarah, it was pure luck. Regardless, every gambler’s journey is unique, and the key is to enjoy the process rather than chase the impossible dream of instant wealth.
While these big wins are thrilling, they are also reminders of the importance of responsibility. Enjoy gambling, but always keep in mind that the most rewarding part of it all is the entertainment value — not necessarily the potential for a life-changing payout.
The Dream of a Big Win
The temptation of striking it big remains a major part of the gambling experience, but the real takeaway is the thrill, the stories, and the people who make it all possible. Whether it’s through a high-stakes poker win, a lucky slot spin, or a series of strategic sports bets, the gamblers who won big have one thing in common: they embraced the excitement and risk of the game, and sometimes, the stars aligned in their favor. Just remember, while chasing big wins can be fun, it’s important to play responsibly and enjoy the game for what it is — a chance to experience the excitement of winning big, even if that means winning small.