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North Carolina Lawmakers at Risk of Losing Re-Election Over Virulent Anti-Israel Activism

Raleigh City council members Mary Black, right, and Christina Jones. Photo: Screenshot

Two City Council members seeking re-election in Raleigh, North Carolina — Christina Jones and Mary Black — are in danger of losing their seats due to widespread concerns from the Jewish community and prominent local Democrats over their history of attacking Israel and working closely with pro-Hamas activist Rania Masri, despite their jobs having no apparent responsibilities concerning Middle Eastern affairs.

On Nov. 28, Masri spoke at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), where she referred to Oct. 7 — when Hamas-led Palestinian terrorists invaded southern Israel and perpetrated the biggest single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust — as “a beautiful day.” Masri demanded “the eradication of Zionism” and added, “We know that one of the most powerful places we can exert our influence is the city councils.” Masri then mentioned the importance of bringing her activism to the Raleigh City Council.

In December, Masri posted a video on Facebook that called Hamas “our heroes.”

Jones and Black — along with Masri — are widely viewed as leading several failed efforts to have the Raleigh City Council pass a one-sided, anti-Israel ceasefire resolution to stop the war in Gaza.

A local news network reported at the time, “Jones says while she can’t promise a ceasefire resolution, she wants to make sure this comes up before her colleagues as much as possible.” A local newspaper reported that during one of the council meetings on the issue, Jones chanted slogans such as “Free, free Palestine” along with other anti-Israel activists. In the end, the ceasefire resolution did not pass.

Raleigh residents and Jewish leaders are appalled that Jones was photographed publicly embracing Masri in January following a Raleigh City Council meeting in which speakers spent almost four hours targeting Israel — the only Jewish-majority country in the world.

“It is sickening to me to see Christina Jones, a member of the Raleigh City Council, embracing Rania Masri, who called Oct. 7 ‘a beautiful day,’” Marcia Harris — a Raleigh resident, Jewish leader, and retired UNC administrator — told The Algemeiner.

Stefanie Mendell, a former Raleigh City Council member who held the same seat currently occupied by Jones, told The Algemeiner that she was once a “huge supporter” of Jones, having worked to place about 800 election signs for her initial campaign and having hosted, with a friend, a “meet and greet” for the local politician. Mendell now opposes Jones’s candidacy for re-election.

In a Sept. 7 email to her large mailing list, Mendell endorsed Jones’s opponent, John Cerqueira.

“Where Christina [Jones] has been particularly active is in international issues that council has no ability to influence. She has promoted divisiveness in the community with her flagrant support of Palestinian demonstrators, including her public embrace of Rania Masri who has called Oct. 7 a ‘beautiful day’ in praising Hamas’s terrorist attacks on innocent civilians,” Mendell wrote.

“Christina insisted on trying to push through a one-sided ceasefire resolution despite calls from her Jewish constituents to refrain from involvement in a very complex issue that she clearly doesn’t fully understand,” Mendell continued. “Christina encouraged Palestinian demonstrators to continue coming to council meetings despite their intimidation of speakers with whom they disagreed. The inordinate amount of time devoted to this resulted in many Raleigh residents opting to forego their opportunity to address council — both because of the intimidating atmosphere and because of the time restrictions imposed as a result of the huge turnout of people speaking on issues that council has no ability to influence.”

Mendell concluded, “In sum, Christina has not lived up to her campaign promises and has disrespected a large segment of her constituency.”

Conner Taylor, 2nd vice chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party Jewish Caucus, told The Algemeiner that Jones’s public embrace of Masri is now “infamous” and a “slap in the face” to the Jewish community.

Jones and Black were both recently endorsed by Solidarity with Humanity, which describes itself as “North Carolina’s first and only grassroots political action committee (PAC) building power for Palestinian freedom.” Jones and Black were pictured with a smiling Masri while attending a “Raleigh United for Gaza” fundraiser held by this new PAC. The two lawmakers were also photographed wearing keffiyehs at the event. In addition, Jones has recently donated to the PAC, as has Masri.

In a recent Wake County Democratic Party questionnaire, Jones stated that since Oct. 7 she has met “community members from both sides” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In response, Taylor told The Algemeiner, “I find that very concerning. That she [Jones] would have met with leaders from the Jewish community after Oct. 7, listened to the pain and fear our community is going through, and then still embarked on this very cozy political relationship with someone [Masri] who called Oct. 7 ‘a beautiful day.’”

The Algemeiner has reported extensively on Jones’s colleague on the council, Black, who has used social media in ways such as trivializing the Holocaust, using the antisemitic, white supremacist term “zios,” and dismissing concerns she is antisemitic as being “funny.”

Taylor recently explained to The Algemeiner the “betrayal” felt by the Jewish community observing Black and Masri’s close working relationship, seeing Black pose for photographs with Masri, speak on a panel with the pro-Hamas activist, speak at a fundraiser with Masri standing behind her, and speak at a local rally standing with the controversial figure.

The Wake County Democratic Party — which endorsed Black in 2022 — recently endorsed Black’s opponent, fellow Democrat Mitchell Silver. Political insiders told The Algemeiner that Black now has very little chance of winning her re-election bid. The North Carolina Democratic Party Jewish Caucus also endorsed Silver, as did Rabbi Eric Solomon of Beth Meyer Synagogue, the largest congregation in Raleigh.

However, community members, local Democrats, and Jewish leaders are furious that the Wake County Democratic Party — which includes Raleigh — recently endorsed Jones.

Solomon, a political progressive, wrote a widely viewed social media post condemning the decision.

“By endorsing Council Member Christina Jones, whose behavior has been just as abhorrent as Mary Black’s, the Wake County Jewish community’s worst fears were confirmed. Namely, that the local Democratic Party supports candidates who obsessively and singularly criticize Israel,” the rabbi wrote. “Christina Jones has done precious little to honor the trauma the Raleigh Jewish community is experiencing while she continues to embrace outspoken, violence-urging, pro-Hamas organizers like Rania Masri.”

Because of Jones’s endorsement from the Wake County Democratic Party, her re-election bid against fellow Democratic Cerqueira is expected to be close, according to political insiders.

The Algemeiner requested public record emails from the city of Raleigh for Jones and Black that contain keywords such as “Israel” and “Gaza” that were sent or received since Oct. 6. A representative of the city responded, “We’ve run the search you requested, and the volume of results that came back would take a long time for us to process.”

On Sunday, the Jewish Federation of Greater Raleigh and two Raleigh synagogues hosted a “Meet the Raleigh City Council Candidates” event where community members could “get to know” the candidates. About 15 candidates attended. Jones and Black were both invited. Neither attended.

Peter Reitzes writes about issues related to antisemitism and Israel.

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Republican Jewish Coalition Announces $10 Million Anti-Harris Ad Buy in Bid to Bolster Trump Support

Matt Brooks, CEO of the Republican Jewish Coalition, holds a kippah in support of former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as he speaks on Day 2 of the Republican National Convention, at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, July 16, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Mike Segar

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) announced a $10 million ad buy targeted at the US Jewish community and in favor of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump amid new polling showing he is trailing his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, significantly among Jewish voters.

“This is, by far, the largest and most comprehensive effort ever to turn out the Jewish vote for President Donald J. Trump,” RJC CEO Matt Brooks said in a statement on Monday announcing the ad buy.

“Never before have American Jews felt so unsafe,” Brooks continued. “Never before has antisemitism in the United States been so prevalent. Never before has Israel’s survival been so threatened. Never before has there been a candidate for president [Harris] that embraces and defends the antisemitic, anti-Israel ‘Squad.’”

As a result, the RJC is launching the $10 million ad buy opposing Harris, the incumbent US vice president, that will first air during Tuesday night’s presidential debate between Harris and Trump, who served as president from 2017-2021.

The ad seeks to link Harris with members of a group of progressive lawmakers in the US House colloquially known as the “squad” — including Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It claims the members of the Squad are “antisemitic” and “anti-Israel” and juxtaposes pro-Hamas protesters chanting in favor of an “intifada revolution” with Harris saying she understands the concerns of the protesters.

The message of the ad is summed up in the RJC’s press release, which argues, “Kamala Harris is no ordinary Democrat. She stands with the Squad, not with us.”

The ad buy comes amid newly announced bad polling news for the RJC. On Monday, the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) released polling showing that Harris is leading Trump among Jewish voters by a 47-point margin — 72 percent to 25 percent.

“Trump clearly has animus for the overwhelming majority of American Jews. This poll confirms that the feeling is mutual,” said Halie Soifer, CEO of the JDCA. “The data is clear: Jewish Americans do not want a Trump second term. If we get Jewish voters to the polls, we will win in November.”

Harris’s net favorability was found to be 13 points higher among Jewish voters than US President Joe Biden’s was, rising from +25 to +38.

Meanwhile, when prioritizing issues, only 9 percent of American Jews said Israel is their top issue, putting it 10th out of 12 issue options, according to the poll. Among Reform Jews it is ranked last and among Orthodox Jews it is ranked fourth.

The results contradicted a July poll conducted by pollster Richard Baris showed that Jewish voters prefer Harris over Trump by a narrow margin of 52.7 percent to 45.9 percent.

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Jewish US House Democrats Slam Tucker Carlson for Hosting Holocaust ‘Revisionist’ on Podcast

Tucker Carlson speaks on July 18, 2024 during the final day of the Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Photo: Jasper Colt-USA TODAY via Reuters Connect

Every Jewish Democrat in the US House of Representatives issued a joint statement on Monday condemning conservative commentator Tucker Carlson for platforming a Holocaust revisionist. 

In the statement, the 24 House members wrote that they were “appalled” that Carlson “hosted and promoted Nazi apologist and Holocaust denier Darryl Cooper on his podcast.” The lawmakers argued that Cooper downplayed the Holocaust by stating that “Jews in concentration camps ‘ended up dead’ only because the Nazis did not have the resources to care for them.”

This revisionist and morally repugnant retelling of history is an insult to the six million Jews who were methodically murdered at the hands of the Nazi regime and is especially dangerous now as antisemitism is on the rise globally,” the representatives wrote. 

“The normalization of Nazism is unacceptable and dangerous, and must be forcefully condemned,” they continued. “Americans deserve to know that their leaders will rebuke the cancers of antisemitism and Nazism whenever and wherever they appear.”

Carlson hosted popular historian Cooper on his podcast last Monday for a wide-ranging discussion on topics ranging from World War II to the Jonestown cult. During the conversation, Cooper appeared to downplay the Holocaust and argued that the US was on the “wrong side” of the war. He also asserted that Winston Churchill, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom, “was the chief villain of World War II.” Cooper also suggested that the slaughter of six million Jews in concentration camps was “humane” because the Nazis did not have food to feed the “prisoners of war.”

The interview drew widespread backlash from both sides of the political aisle. Conservative commentator Ben Domenech called Carlson’s interview “extremely disappointing.” Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (WY) accused Carlson of spreading “pro-Nazi propaganda.” Political analyst Francois Valentin wrote that the interview between Carlson and Cooper “feels like a skit from ‘Succession,’” referencing the popular HBO show. Jewish US Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) called Cooper’s Holocaust revisionism “deeply disturbing.”

The White House also issued a statement blasting Carlson, saying that “giving a microphone to a Holocaust denier who spreads Nazi propaganda is a disgusting and sadistic insult to all Americans, to the memory of the over 6 million Jews who were genocidally murdered by Adolf Hitler, to the service of the millions of Americans who fought to defeat Nazism, and to every subsequent victim of antisemitism.”

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Doc Featuring Netanyahu Interrogation Tapes Premieres at Film Festival Despite Court Motion to Block Screening

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a news conference in Jerusalem, Sept. 2, 2024. Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg/Pool via REUTERS

A documentary that features never-before-seen interrogation footage with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu related to his corruption investigation made its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) on Monday night and will screen again on Tuesday night after facing failed attempts by Netanyahu’s government to prevent the screenings.

“The Bibi Files” also includes interrogation footage with Netanyahu’s wife and son, as well as new interviews with key figures who have knowledge of the corruption investigation, including former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Netanyahu’s former spokesman Nir Hefetz, and former Shin Bet leader Ami Ayalon. The anti-Netanyahu documentary details the prime minister’s corruption indictment and the charges of fraud, breach of trus,t and bribery that he faced in 2019. It also details how he has stayed in power despite the three corruption cases brought against him and the postponement of his corruption trial.

“The Bibi Files” is directed by Alexis Bloom and produced by Oscar-winning documentarian Alex Gibney, who is also a winner of a Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award. The film, which was being edited until days before TIFF began, is featured in the film festival as a work-in-progress and is in search of distribution.

A source reportedly approached Gibney last year with the leaked interrogation tapes of Netanyahu. A privacy law in Israel blocks the footage from being shown publicly in the country; however, Netanyahu’s lawyer Amit Hadad requested the judge in his corruption trial block the TIFF screening of “The Bibi Files,” arguing that the film is still bound internationally by the statute of the Israeli privacy law, The Jerusalem Post reported. On Monday, Judge Oded Shaham rejected the request to block the film’s two screenings at TIFF.

After the screening of “The Bibi Files” at TIFF on Monday night, roughly a dozen audience members held signs calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal to end the ongoing Israel-Hamas war that has raged for almost a year, according to The Hollywood Reporter. On the street outside the theater before the screening, protesters chanted in Hebrew for new parliamentary elections in Israel, as well as a ceasefire and hostage deal.

“People are dying every day, and we wanted to make a statement with this film,” Gibny told the audience after Monday night’s screening, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “For a lot of Americans, the war goes on and on and on. And a lot of people are wondering ‘why does it continue?’ And I think one of the reasons for taking this film on is to explain a lot of the events that we now see through the corruption, the moral corruption, of this one individual.”

Netanyahu has denied wrongdoing and characterized the corruption probe as a politicized witch hunt.

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