Two Arabic-Speaking Men Arrested for Antisemitic Attack in Switzerland
i24 News — The Swiss authorities arrested two men in late August for an alleged antisemitic attack on a 19-year-old British Orthodox Jew in Davos.
The victim said the two men, who speak Arabic and French and are rejected asylum seekers in Switzerland, spat on him and knocked off his kippah while shouting “Free Palestine.”
Peter Peyer, canton Graubünden Director of Justice, told Swiss media outlets that “we do not tolerate people who are allowed to stay here attacking other people, whether it is because of religion or skin color.”
The Swiss authorities quickly released the two suspected perpetrators, who are aged 24 and 29.
“If people insult a Jewish guest, there is a high probability that it has an antisemitic background,” said Peyer. The Swiss authorities ruled out that the attack was linked to terrorism.
Writing for the popular Switzerland-based, pro-Israel website “Audiatur Online,” Lukas Joos said that the incident in Davos “is one of the most serious antisemitic violent crimes in recent years.”
He criticized the Swiss justice system for not jailing the suspects and the seemingly lax attitude of Jonathan Kreutner, the General Secretary of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG), toward an ostensible outbreak of Muslim antisemitism.
The title of Joos’ article is: “Muslim hatred of Jews? The SIG has ‘no evidence at the moment.’”
Joos wrote: “But Muslim violence against Jews is a sensitive topic, so it’s best not to say anything without hard and fast evidence. As Kreutner explained to the NZZ, you have to be careful not to ‘generalize’ or ‘stigmatize entire population groups.’”
According to Joos, “Kreutner doesn’t think anything about it. The fact that the two thugs are already back in the wild does not seem to be a ‘generalization’ nor does it ‘stigmatize entire population groups,’ which is why it probably does not affect his professional activity. And so only one question remains unanswered: Which organization is responsible for the (security) interests of Swiss Jews?”
Kreutner refused to respond to numerous i24NEWS press queries. Davos was engulfed in a second antisemitism scandal in August when it invited the reported German antisemite Michael Blume to deliver a talk on the meaning of antisemitism. Israeli government spokeswoman Tal Heinrich sharply criticized Blume in May, declaring “Comments that we have seen from Mr. Blume in the past about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and throughout this war demonstrate that he often lacks moral clarity.”
The journalist and Swiss Jew, David Klein, asked in the headline of his “Audiatur Online” piece about Blume: “Is an anti-Semite raising awareness about anti-Semitism in Davos?”
According to a June i24NEWS report, after Blume told the German media that Israel’s government is to blame for the increase of antisemitism in Europe, Roman Haller, a Holocaust survivor who lives in Munich and is the former director of the Jewish Claims Conference, blasted Blume as antisemitic and urged him to resign.
Davos-based pastor Astrid Fiehland, together with Eike-Harriet Riga, managing director of the Kulturplatz Davos, invited and hosted Blume. Fiehland refused to respond to i24NEWS press queries about her alleged role in making antisemitism socially and politically correct in Davos. Klein sent extensive information about Blume’s alleged antisemitism, including two legal rulings from Hamburg courts that Blume can be termed antisemitic based on his previous statements against Jews and the Zionist icon Orde Wingate, the “father of the IDF,” according to Israeli historian Michael Oren.
Klein wrote that “The Davos audience learns nothing about the controversy surrounding Blume in the text announcing the event” and “Pastor Fiehland angrily denies the accusation of anti-Israel agitation, saying she ‘lived in Israel for nine years.’ However, this argument is not convincing.”
Blume is a member of the Christian Democratic Union party (CDU). The CDU politician, Jan Jacobi, called for Blume’s removal on X: “The dismissal of Michael Blume is long overdue.” Kreutner did not respond to press queries about Davos hosting Blume.
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Joy and Community Are Essential to Jewish Fulfillment — Even in the Darkest of Times
In his evocative 1964 book, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, C.S. Lewis used a series of fictional letters to a friend to explore various aspects of prayer and religious life. By using this intimate literary device, Lewis made his profound insights more accessible to a broad audience.
“Joy is the serious business of Heaven,” Lewis wrote to Malcolm, suggesting that our deepest longings point us toward something beyond the earthly. “All joy … emphasizes our pilgrim status; always reminds, beckons, awakens desire. Our best havings are wantings.”
Although Lewis didn’t quote the famous verse about joy in Ki Tavo (Deut. 28:47) — which warns of potential consequences “because you did not serve God with joy and a glad heart when you had an abundance of everything” — it is clear that, like many others who have deeply reflected on faith, Lewis understood that without joy as a constant companion, and without recognizing that joy is not an add-on but a necessity, the life God gives us is squandered and pointless.
Shawn Achor, author of the bestselling book The Happiness Advantage, is a leading expert in positive psychology. According to Achor, “Happiness is not the belief that we don’t need to change; it is the realization that we can.” Rather than seeing happiness as the result of success, Achor’s research shows that happiness and positivity are actually the fuel for it.
When we cultivate a positive outlook and engage in meaningful activities, we not only enhance our mood, but also improve our performance in nearly every aspect of life. Achor’s studies demonstrate that happier individuals tend to be more productive, creative, and resilient. This is because a positive mindset opens us up to new possibilities, allows us to think more broadly, and equips us to tackle challenges with greater energy and enthusiasm.
Achor’s findings have profound implications for how we understand the role of joy in religious life. If happiness is a precursor to success, then joy in serving God isn’t just a pleasant byproduct of religious practice; it is a critical component of spiritual fulfillment and effectiveness. When approached with joy, the performance of any religious act as directed by Jewish ritual law is not just a duty but a source of strength and spirituality.
Modern neuroscience has also increased our understanding of how joy and happiness are wired into our biology. Research on the brain’s reward system reveals that acts aligned with our values — like altruism or community service — release chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine, enhancing our well-being.
This creates a positive cycle — because the more we engage in value-based actions, the more joy we experience, which encourages us to continue. Studies from Harvard and Berkeley confirm that individuals who regularly participate in community service report higher levels of life satisfaction, much like those who perform mitzvot with genuine intention and enthusiasm.
The scientific data aligns beautifully with the Torah’s perspective. The verse in Ki Tavo warns us that the absence of joy in serving God can lead to negative consequences, and neuroscience supports this wisdom. without the neurochemical benefits of joy and fulfillment, our spiritual practices can feel hollow, and our efforts become burdensome.
It’s not enough to merely go through the motions; deep-seated joy must drive our actions. When mitzvot are performed with joy, they engage both our minds and our bodies, transforming religious practice from mere obligation into an experience that elevates and fulfills our spiritual potential.
But how do we make this happen? How can we ensure that joy truly infuses our lives? Everyone faces moments of grief and disappointment — those are inevitable parts of the human experience. The challenge for all of us is to cultivate and nurture a default setting of joy, so that we have a natural inclination to embrace it daily. How do we do it?
Viktor Frankl, the renowned Holocaust survivor and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, offers a profound insight. Even in the direst of circumstances, he said, we have the power to choose our attitude.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way,” Frankl wrote. For him, joy wasn’t just a fleeting feeling; it was intertwined with meaning. Finding purpose, even in hardship, can transform our experiences into something worth celebrating.
Another powerful way to cultivate joy is through gratitude, which can fundamentally shift how we see challenges in our lives. Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading researcher in positive psychology, has demonstrated via his research that gratitude helps us move our focus from what we lack to what we have, creating a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. This shift in perspective not only increases happiness but also helps us approach life’s obstacles with a more optimistic outlook.
Gratitude, in essence, reframes challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. When we consistently focus on what’s going well in our lives, setbacks appear more temporary than permanent. This aligns with the concept of “learned optimism,” introduced by psychologist Martin Seligman, which suggests that we can train ourselves to respond to adversity with resilience and hope. By embracing gratitude and optimism, we will reinforce a sense of joy that will sustain us even in the toughest times.
Most importantly, the company we keep is critical. The people we spend time with and the environments we choose shape our emotional and spiritual state. Surrounding ourselves with positive, joyful, and supportive people helps create an atmosphere where joy becomes automatic. Community—whether it’s a synagogue, a group of friends, or a supportive family—is vital for sustaining a joyful life.
President Ronald Reagan was famous for his optimism and infectious humor, even when things looked bleak. After he was shot in 1981 during an assassination attempt, Reagan was rushed to the hospital in serious condition.
As he was being wheeled into surgery, Reagan looked up at the doctors and, with that signature twinkle in his eye, said, “I hope you’re all Republicans.” The room burst into laughter — a moment of joy even in that life-or-death situation.
When questioned about it later, Reagan said there’s no better way to help people—and yourself—than making everyone smile. Because joy isn’t just something to feel, it’s something to give. And maybe that’s the answer to all of life’s challenges: keep joy as your default setting and share it with others, even when things get tough. Everything else will follow from that.
The author is a rabbi in Beverly Hills, California.
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The PA Covers Up a Murder, While Hamas Celebrates It and Offers Congratulations
A few days ago, a Palestinian terrorist veered his truck into an Israeli soldier and murdered him.
Hamas immediately glorified the “heroic” murder, while the Palestinian Authority (PA) just as quickly covered up the murder as a “car accident” and libeled Israel for “executing” the terrorist driving the truck.
You can see a video of the murder below (viewer discretion is advised; the Israeli man’s death is visible on screen).
After seeing the evidence, who do you believe?
Here is Hamas’ praise of the murderous attack:
“The heroic car ramming operation… led to the killing of an [Israeli] soldier and the wounding of others”
“A natural response to the occupation’s [i.e., Israel’s] crimes in the Gaza Strip and West Bank”
“A new heroic operation that joins the record of our resistance”
“The perseverance of the resistance’s operations … proves the resistance’s ability to kill the enemy”
“Indeed this is jihad; victory or Martyrdom”
[Hamas, Telegram channel, Sept. 11, 2024 — emphasis added]]
Here is a trasncript of the PA TV’s news report denying the attack:
The occupation forces opened fire at Palestinian truck driver [Hayel Deifallah] … and claimed that he carried out a car ramming operation, but eyewitnesses claim that it is more likely that what happened was a car accident…
This is the [Israeli] version we always hear: That the driver of the car or truck carried out a ramming attack, and [the Israelis] immediately execute the driver on this pretext. [emphasis added]
[Official PA TV, Sept. 11, 2024]
Palestinian Media Watch has reported numerous times on the PA’s denial of terror attacks and their presentation of them as Israeli “fabrications.”
The PA has even denied Hamas’ massacre on Oct. 7, 2023, in which terrorists murdered approximately 1,200 people.
Itamar Marcus is Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch, where a version of this article first appeared.
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Examining the History of Mount Gerizim: The Samaritans’ Holy Temple
After two weeks of the most important laws of the Torah, Moses now gives instructions about what the Jewish people should do when they enter the land of Israel.
The first command concerns first fruits. Moses says that since they now have a land of their own, the Jewish people should dedicate their first harvest to God, out of gratitude.
The Torah specifies that we should take them to, “the place which God has chosen to be the repository of his name,” which was taken to mean the Tabernacle (which, in due course, would be transferred into a permanent temple). Then the Torah goes on to command them to erect two stone tablets and cover them with plaster, onto which the laws of the Torah would be written for all to see. This was an important signal that the law had to be accessible to everyone.
This would be followed by a public ceremony that would take place on the West Bank at two mountains, Gerizim for the blessings, and Eyval for the curses. The tribes would be divided into two, with half on one and the other half on the other. They would say aloud the blessings that would follow if they were true to God, and the curses that would follow if they abandoned him.
I do not like the translation of blessings and curses. Rather, I believe we should emphasize that good things or bad things will happen depending on people’s behavior. The Torah is emphasizing that for a country, a people, or a community to function effectively, the laws are not enough. The spirit of the law is what matters, and the relationship between people is what will bring blessings as opposed to what will bring curses.
Returning to the two mountains, Gerizim and Eyval, King David conquered Jerusalem roughly 3,000 years ago, and his son Solomon built the temple there. Why was no temple built on Mount Gerizim, which was specified in the Torah? Some 300 years later, the country split into two kingdoms, Judah in the South and Israel in the north. In 720 BCE the north was destroyed by the Assyrians, and its inhabitants were exiled and scattered around the empire, which extended from the Euphrates River eastwards. Other peoples defeated by the Assyrians were then resettled in that conquered territory to make sure that the original inhabitants would not re-constitute.
According to our Bible, some of these other conquered people settled in the north, Samaria, and became known as Samaritans. And they adopted the Torah as their religious authority, but built their temple on Mount Gerizim in the north.
The Samaritan version of their origins is different from ours, in that they claim they were the remnant of the Ten Lost Tribes of the North who managed to hide from the Assyrians, and reconstituted the community in the absence of the Judeans. The rivalry between the Jews and the Samaritans continued until the Roman exile, and was sometimes close and sometimes distant.
Mount Gerizim, which is near Nablus on the West Bank, remains their holy place to this day — even though their temple was destroyed by the Maccabean King John Hyrcanus, and later by the Byzantine Christians. To this day, there are still small communities of Samaritans in Samaria as well as settlements in Holon in Israel and in parts of America.
And it might seem from this week’s Torah portion that their choice of Holy Mountain was more authentic than ours.
The other is a writer and rabbi, currently based in New York.
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