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Message from Israel: A Different Planet

By ORLY DREMAN Prepare yourselves and your tissues before reading. Before they go into battle, our soldiers are asked to write farewell letters to their loved ones in case they will not return.
They write that they do not regret anything and if they die then it is for their country. They ask their relatives and friends to remain happy, to be good people and to touch hearts and celebrate life. They thank their parents for the values they instilled in them and how it fulfills them to participate in saving the country. For them family and friends are everything and they wish the tragedy will make them stronger people.
Three weeks ago we experienced the “Entebbe” operation over again with the heroic rescue operation of four hostages, among them Noa Argamani whose picture at the moment of being brutally kidnapped by Hamas became world famous. T.V broadcasters were drowning in their tears. The rescuers were worried that the women in captivity might be pregnant and were ready to bring back a mother and a baby because nine months have passed and we don’t know how many of the young women who were raped gave birth and are still alive. We so needed that rescue day and when the lifeguards on the beaches announced the good news live, the crowds were overwhelmed and cheered loudly. It was a day of national pride. There is no recovery for any of us if we do not bring them all home. There are still one hundred and twenty hostages in Gaza, maybe fifty are alive. At least we do not have any more holidays till Rosh Hashana in October, since it is very difficult to go through a holiday when they are not back home. The hostages were moved from place to place and when they were notified that they are to move again they were scared because they had already become accustomed to it. One weekend we had great happiness and the following weekend we had a dozen killed. Several weeks earlier a few bodies of hostages were also returned by heroic actions of our soldiers. It feels absurd to say those families received a grave “as a present” since it was not obvious that the bodies would be brought back. The mood in the country changes instantly as it does when the sun sets on Memorial Day and then immediately we start celebrating Independence Day.
Some of our friends tried to take a trip abroad “to breath a little”, but they were not able to enjoy themselves. They felt as if they were on a different planet. To illustrate, a friend of mine took a trip to Thailand, when a British tourist heard her speak Hebrew she was brutally beaten.
After the Holocaust the revenge was to build a country. Now we should build a big and strong south and be united. We have what our brethren the Holocaust survivors could only dream about- a country and an army of our own. The survivors chose to look forward. With the loss, the bereavement and the orphanhood they chose to build a new life. I hope our people can imitate them. Thousands of Holocaust survivors experienced Oct 7t.h. They had more emotional strength than the youngsters at the Nova festival or the kibbutzim.
The Hamas wants us all dead. We give them a finger they want the whole hand. If two months ago they were ready to accept just the end of the war, now they are back to their original goal that Israel will cease to exist. They still want to burn us, murder us and dance on our grave. Seventy percent of the humanitarian aid given to Gazans the Hamas steals, which leaves their needy citizens with only thirty percent. They also threaten that they will not receive food and medicine unless they join them in their military struggle. Therefore, it is not surprising the four rescued hostages were found in the homes of both a doctor and a journalist. If Hamas wants a cease fire they must return our hostages. Unfortunately, they indoctrinate their children to hate all Jews and to want to exterminate them.
Many Israelis have dual citizenships but they do not leave the country. We love our country. We are patriots and loyal.
Whenever a baby is born, at the Brit we bless the child that by the time he grows up he will not have to go to the army. I desperately have to say that we cannot keep this promise. We live in chaos, desperation and fear. This country is facing collapse. We are bankrupted in every area. We are facing an existential threat led by Iran that also supplies Hezbollah, Hamas, the Hutim in Yemen and the Shias. Their plan is to carry on a war of attrition for some years until they destroy us. How do you fight a guerrilla warfare against an ideologically armed body? It resembles how the Americans were in Iraq 20 years ago and had believed they accomplished their mission but a democracy was never established there. The Hamas is surviving even though they were badly hurt and they are still the landlords in Gaza. Some of the residents of the south were told they could return home like in “Shderot” (2 miles from the Gaza border), but they are still suffering from artillery just as they did for dozens of years even before Oct 7th. They drive with their car windows open so they can hear the sirens. They feel cheated; where is the victory they were promised? Let’s face it: We will not attain “complete victory”.
In the north for nine months now Hezbollah has been the main threat to Israel….burning the north of the country with hundreds of missiles each day. Tens of thousands of Israelis will not be able to return home even when the hostilities are over because their homes, farms and businesses are destroyed. Small animals do not survive the fires and the bigger ones can run but have no food since almost all the forests are burned down.
In addition, there is the problem of education with the pupils in the north who were not evacuated. They studied under sirens – running to shelters. It was a lost year. Parents do not know where to register their kids for school in September…- to the place they were moved or will they be moved again? The teachers and students experienced major losses. The main goal of the present educational system is not academic right now, but to build personal and community strength.
In the West Bank we see daily parades of armed terrorists creating havoc, trying to reach our populated centers half an hour away and they are dealt with. There is Iranian money flowing to those areas -meant to promote attacks against civilians.
On the international level- the U.N deliberately falsifies the facts. They report tens of thousands less humanitarian supplies going into Gaza than what really does.
What “land” are they fighting about? When was Palestine born? Did it have currency, history, a leader? The answer to all the above is NO. They are not fighting over land, it is their ideology to kill all the Jews.
I would like in this context to mention the bereaved grandparents who built the country, fought in its wars in order to provide their descendants a safe place. However, the nightmare occurred and left these grandparents broken hearted.
On Oct 7th three of my cousins who lived far away from the kibutsim on the Gaza border heard what happened, immediately took their M16s and drove to kibbutz Beeri. They fought against the terrorists for many hours and saved 100 residents. The three did not live there, they were not called for duty but volunteered. Menachem and Itiel received the Israeli Prize in the name of their brother and uncle Elchanan who was one of the three who fought, but did not survive. In the prestigious ceremony for the Israeli prize speech Menachem said:” We believe in our way, together we shall continue this wonderful journey of the Jewish people because we deserve it.”
All those pro-Palestinian young Western supporters of Hamas do not understand that they are exploited. At the end the Palestinians will get rid of them too since Jihad wants to exterminate all the infidels who are not Muslims, including Christians, Buddhists, Hindus etc. One could ask why are these Westerners not fighting for women’s rights in the Muslim countries… women who get murdered for not covering their faces completely or not obeying their husbands.
In spite of the turmoil prevailing in Israel today, the apartment market in Israel has risen 82% because Jews in the diaspora are beginning to feel the anxiety of antisemitism. They feel Israel is safer than the diaspora.
To conclude, we are strong and have resourcefulness in extreme situations even though we have differences of opinion. I believe we are an eternal nation and we shall not give up.
This has proven to be true for thousands of years, where the Jewish people even when they did not have a homeland prevailed despite centuries of antisemitism and oppression.
Your job North American Jews, is to invite your non Jewish friends to stand with the Jewish people internationally and in Israel.

World Jewish News

Samidoun: Organization founded in Canada listed as terrorist entity by Government of Canada

Supporters of Samidoun burn a Canadian flag on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery this past spring

On October 15 the Government of Canada officially listed an organization known as Samidoun as a terrorist organization.

Here is part of the statement released by Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc on October 15 :
“Violent extremism, acts of terrorism or terrorist financing have no place in Canadian society or abroad.”
“The listing of Samidoun as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code sends a strong message that Canada will not tolerate this type of activity, and will do everything in its power to counter the ongoing threat to Canada’s national security and all people in Canada.”
Leblance also noted that the listing was made alongside the U.S. Treasury Department’s own decision to list the group as a specially designated global terrorist entity.

Charlotte Kates – founder of Samidoun (Screenshot)

Samidoun is an organization founded by someone by the name of Charlotte Kates.
According to the National Post, Kates has a long history of supporting violent terrorist organizations.
Born in New Jersey, Kates, now 44, attended Rutgers University. Kates, who is Caucasian, describes herself as “not religious.”
According to the National Post. Kates began Samidoun in 2011.
This past spring, according to the Post, “she made headlines after Vancouver police arrested her for praising the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas against southern Israel as ‘heroic and brave.’ At the same rally on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery, she led the crowd in a chant of ‘Long live October 7.’ She has yet to be charged, but national Jewish advocacy groups say she ought to be for hate speech.”

Here is what the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs posted on October 15: “Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network) is a registered Canadian not-for-profit with direct affiliation and clear ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – an organization that has been placed on the list of terrorist entities under Canada’s Criminal Code since 2003.  
“There is ample open-source information that ties Samidoun to the PFLP. In 2021, Israel designated Samidoun a terror group based on the organization’s direct affiliation with and ties to the PFLP. In 2023, Germany outlawed Samidoun due to their activities that promoted terrorism. Samidoun’s leadership was deported from Germany in 2019 and denied entry to the EU in 2022, both times being returned to Canada. 
“Most disturbing to Canada’s Jewish community, Samidoun has a significant and active presence in Canada where it holds events, raises funds, runs advocacy campaigns, and organizes activities on university campuses. Regularly, Samidoun officials call for violence and glorify terrorist organizations at these events.”   
Now, by being listed as a terrorist organization by the Government of Canada, it becomes a crime to provide Samidoun with “material support.”

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World Jewish News

Secret documents reveal Iran, Hezbollah knew of Oct. 7 plan

Hamas pleaded with Iran to join its Oct. 7, 2023 attack months in advance, the New York Times reported on Saturday, citing documents seized by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza back in January.

According to the report, the deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau, Khalil al-Hayya, informed senior Iranian commander Mohammed Said Izadi of the plot in July 2023, in Lebanon.

Although the Iranians denied any involvement in the Oct. 7 attack, Hamas leadership meetings, obtained in transcribed form and verified by the Times, reveal that al-Hayya asked Izadi to strike sensitive sites in Israel in “the first hour” of the attack.

The documents further reveal that Hamas also intended to convene with Hezbollah’s late leader Hassan Nasrallah, but that the meeting was postponed. It was not clear whether a later meeting was held in person.

According to the recordings, Izadi said that Iran and Hezbollah sanctioned the attack in principle, but that more time was needed “to prepare the environment.”

Hamas was encouraged that its allies would not leave it “exposed,” but concluded that it might launch the attack on its own, the Times reported.

Three factors propelled Hamas’s decision to act alone, based on the recordings:

• Concern over Israel’s development of a new laser defense system.

• Israel’s election of a right-wing government with growing Israeli presence on the Temple Mount, which “can’t make us be patient.”

• The expanding divisions within Israeli society over issues such as the government’s judicial reform push.

• The desire to quash normalization talks between Jerusalem and Riyadh.

The documents moreover showed that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar held secret meetings with a small syndicate of the terror group’s political and military seniors for a period of more than two years. They named the plot “the big project” and deliberately schemed to deceive Israel, conveying the impression that Gaza was focused on “life and economic growth.” The Hamas leaders further stated that they “must keep the enemy convinced that Hamas in Gaza wants calm.”

The Hamas leadership expressed its relief that several instances of rising Israeli-Palestinian tensions had not developed into confrontations.

Sinwar conveyed his hope that the attack, alongside a broader regional war, would bring about Israel’s “collapse.”

The Times also reported that Hamas initially planned to execute the attack in the fall of 2022, but was delayed, perhaps due to efforts to persuade Iran and Hezbollah to join in.

According to the Times, the recordings were discovered on a computer found by Israeli troops in an underground Hamas command center in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.

On Oct. 7, thousands of Hamas terrorists, as well as Gazan civilians, invaded Israeli communities in the western Negev, massacring 1,200 individuals, wounding thousands and kidnapping 251 more into the Palestinian enclave. The attack instigated a war that has expanded into multiple fronts, with Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, Iraqi paramilitary groups and Iran directly attacking the Jewish state.

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World Jewish News

Hezbollah’s finances dry up as cash sources cut

Graffiti in Tel Aviv showing Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, two days after Israel's targeted killing of the terrorist leader in Beirut, Sept. 29, 2024. Photo by Miriam Alster/Flash90.

Hezbollah is running out of money, as three of its main sources of cash dry up, the Voice of America (VOA) reported on Friday.

The Iranian terrorist proxy relies on three key funding channels: Al-Qard al Hasan, or AQAH, a Hezbollah-owned quasi-bank operating without a government banking license; Licensed Lebanese commercial banks: and cash from Iran, Researchers told the broadcaster.

Israel targeted AQAH in its initial airstrikes during the current campaign in Lebanon. They hit Hezbollah’s “cash storage centers, including a large part of the AQAH vaults,” leaving the group in a “financial crisis,” VOA reported, quoting a Sept. 30 report by Murr Television, aka MTV Lebanon.

Hilal Khashan, a political science professor at the American University of Beirut, also told the VOA that Israel “destroyed” most of AQAH’s branches.

“Hezbollah is facing a very serious financial problem. They are unable to pay rank and file members who have fled their homes and need to feed their families,” Khashan said.

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), a group of Israeli intelligence veterans, describes Al-Qard al-Hasan (“The Benevolent Loan”), as an institution that mainly provides interest-free loans to the Shi’ite community in Lebanon.

The main idea is to support Shi’ite society so that it in turn will support Hezbollah, becoming a “resistance society,” ITIC explained.

The U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned AQAH in 2007 and individuals associated with it in proceeding years. The sanctions did not, however, affect the number of loans provided by the organization, which continued to grow, ITIC said.

David Asher, a former U.S. Defense and State Department official who focused on Hezbollah’s drug trafficking and money laundering operations, told VOA that the group is in “deep trouble” as it is also losing access to Lebanese banking.

“I’m hearing from Lebanese bankers, including Hezbollah financiers, that Lebanon’s wealthiest bankers who can afford to fly have fled to Europe and the Gulf, fearing they could be targeted next by Israel for helping Hezbollah,” Asher said, now a senior fellow at the Washington-based Hudson Institute.

“These Lebanese bankers, most of them billionaires, see the wind is blowing against Hezbollah, so they are not going to let it take millions of dollars out of their banks, which still have cash despite being bankrupt on paper,” Asher said. “They know that if they do, Israel probably will eliminate them, too.”

Another Hezbollah funding source is cash delivered by plane from Iran. It, too, is drying up.

On Sept. 27, Israel warned it would not allow hostile flights carrying weapons to land at Beirut’s airport. The next day, an Iranian flight from Tehran made a U-turn over Iraqi airspace.

Lebanon’s Transport Ministry said it had ordered the Iranian plane to turn around after an Israeli threat that it would use force against Beirut’s air traffic control tower if the plane attempted to land.

“I’ve heard from my Israeli counterparts that the Iranians are scared to send money to Lebanon right now because Israel is threatening to target flights into Beirut. The Israelis are warning they will target flights full of money, not just weapons,” Asher said.

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