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“On a Clear April Morning,” a Brazilian masterpiece written by a Jewish author documenting the early Jewish experience in Brazil, is finally available in English

By IRENA KARSHENBAUM On a foggy December afternoon in 2021, I accidentally stumbled on a fascinating website, The Baron Hirsch Jewish Farmers Community. The golden field, on the home page, illuminated by the sun, seemed to shine a ray of light into my gloomy living room. As I clicked through the different pages: Argentina, Brazil, USA, I was intrigued to discover that these countries had Jewish farming colonies and that they had received funding from Baron Maurice de Hirsch, one of the 19th century’s wealthiest men and the most significant Jewish philanthropist of his time who wanted Jews to become farmers, then seen as the most honourable of occupations, and which, he believed, would be the answer to eliminating anti-Semitism.

Engrossed by the stories — the Catskills’ Grossinger’s resort had its start as a Jewish farm located on rocky soil that just could not make a go of it as a farm? Who knew? — I noticed conspicuously missing was a page on the Canadian Jewish farming experience. Since most Jewish farms in Canada received at least some financial assistance from the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA), the philanthropic organization Hirsch established, I thought a Canadian chapter was warranted.
I found an email address and wrote away asking if I could contribute a story on Jewish farming in Canada, specifically about a Jewish farming colony in eastern Alberta that was once home to a synagogue — the 1916 Montefiore Institute — which had received $300 towards its construction from JCA.

Then I waited.
And waited.
Weeks went by and not a word. I forgot my offer and moved on with other projects.

In October of 2022, 10 months after my initial inquiry, I received a frantic note bursting with apologies that my email had somehow escaped the recipient’s eyes. Being so happy to finally receive a reply, I quickly wrote back. A few weeks later, over Zoom, I met the owner of the website, Merrie Blocker, living in Maryland. A retired U.S. diplomat, Blocker was once posted to Argentina and Brazil, among other countries, and proceeded to explain that when she was living in Porto Alegre, Brazil, which had a large Jewish community, she befriended Moacyr Scliar.

I repeated the name to make sure I had heard her correctly. “The Moacyr Scliar, one of the greatest Brazilian writers? Author of Max and the Cats?”

It was the same Moacyr Scliar and it was he who introduced her to a gem of a book, On a Clear April Morning, A Jewish Journey. Written by Ukrainian-born, Brazilian author, Marcos Iolovitch, it was a biographical work of fiction, published in 1940, and the first literary work to document the early Jewish experience in Brazil. Blocker explained that it was this book that inspired Scliar to become a writer. “Let me send you a copy,” she said, and yes, I could also contribute a blog to her website about The Little Synagogue on the Prairie Project.

A memory swept across my mind and I could see, years earlier, while searching through book shelves at Chapters, my hand coming to rest on a slim novella, Max and the Cats. Even back then, I was on the hunt for the obscure, the antithesis of a best seller, a great literary work from some far away place. I purchased a copy and the story unfolded of a German boy escaping Nazi Germany, in the 1930s, who found himself on a dinghy with a jaguar sailing across the Atlantic Ocean before finally finding refuge in Brazil. It became one of my favourite books. I was not the only one who understood its simple brilliance. Yann Martel borrowed the storyline for his novel, Life of Pi — where a young Indian boy finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean in a lifeboat with a hyena, an orangutan, a zebra and a Bengal tiger — which won him the 2002 Man Booker Prize.

Marcos Iolovitch Author of On a Clear April Morning. Photo courtesy: Merrie Blocker.

A copy of On a Clear April Morning eventually appeared in my mailbox and I proceeded to read a moving and heartbreaking immigrant account that began with a relatively abundant life in Zagradowka, a village in the Ukrainian province of Kherson. Yossef Iolovitch, the author’s father, began to worry about his children’s future, while at the same time being slowly seduced by brochures depicting rural Brazilian life of “a soft, blue sky, a farmer, with a wide-brimmed hat… wielding the handles of a plow pulled by a team of oxen turning the virgin land… highlighted in vivid and bold colours, was an enormous orchard, composed principally of orange trees.” The father who “had little education,” but “had no doubts about the truth of the offerings…[and] had complete trust in the goodness of mankind,” sold his business (despite his wife’s objections) and forced his family to endure an arduous journey across the Atlantic Ocean to finally arrive in Brazil — to take up the noble profession of farming.

Settling on a farm in Erebango, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Iolovitch describes the family’s beginning, “One of the first visits we received in the new land was from Death who carried away forever my youngest brother.”

Eventually failing at farming, the family moved to Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. Disembarking off the train with no money, with almost no Portuguese, they were luckily saved by a blind Jewish cart man who “saw the suffering of others” and “generously offered his modest hospitality.” The move to the city did not ease the family’s dire poverty, which continued for years as they struggled to eke out a bare existence.

Scliar republished Iolovitch’s book in 1987, writing a preface to that edition, in Portuguese, that first began by explaining that in any body of literature there exists for some obscure reason a work that is underestimated. On a Clear April Morning “falls into this category,” he wrote.
Scliar continues, “This book’s value as a work of documentation is priceless. It speaks to us of an age, it speak to us of a human experience that decisively marked Judaism and also left an indelible mark on the history of this state, Rio Grande do Sul, and of this country, Brazil.” Scliar reminds readers that emigration, as an experience, over the last two thousand years, has not been a rare occurrence in the Jewish timeline and that the “confessional dimension” of the book, “can move the most indifferent reader with its innocence and sincerity.”

After reading On a Clear April Morning in a single sitting, Blocker made a promise to herself that she would one day translate the work from Portuguese to English and get it published. (This was the reason for the existence of her beautiful website that I accidentally stumbled on, as writers who want to get published need to have a website.) Blocker kept her promise for over 30 years. She translated the book into English and found a publisher, Academic Studies Press, in Brookline, Massachusetts, which released the book, in 2020, to English-speaking readers — 80 years after its initial publication in Brazil.

I urge readers to discover for themselves this unassuming masterpiece.

Irena Karshenbaum is a writer, historian and heritage advocate who led a project that gifted one of the last surviving prairie synagogues — the 1916 Montefiore Institute — to Calgary’s Heritage Park.

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The Davidson Institute at the Weizmann Institute is playing a huge role in advancing an appreciation for the study of science

Dr. Liat Ben-David, CEO, the Davidson Institute at the Weizmann Instittue of Science (Zoom screenshot)

By BERNIE BELLAN Dr. Liat Ben-David is a scientist who has devoted a good part of her life to educating people about science.
Having graduated with a degree in Molecular Biology from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, in 1991, for the past six years Dr. Ben-David has been CEO of the Davidson Institute, which is the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute.
A fourth-generation sabra, Dr. Ben-David speaks flawless English without a trace of a Hebrew accent, although I made the mistake of asking her whether she was originally from the US since, if she hadn’t corrected me, I would have sworn she was either American or Canadian-born.
Dr. Ben-David was in Canada recently to speak at an event in Toronto sponsored by the Weizmann Institute focusing on women in science. She took time out from her busy schedule to participate in a Zoom call during which she explained what the Davidson Institute is all about – and how science education has come to play an even more important role in the lives of many Israelis over the past 11 months than it had previously.

To begin with, here is some information about the Davidson Institute taken from the Weizmann Institute website: “The Davidson Institute of Science Education is a non-profit organization that serves as the educational arm of the Weizmann Institute of Science. We believe in connecting people to science, and therefore we initiate, organize and operate a wide range of educational programs. We strive to be a professional epicenter for students, parents and the general public, as well as for teachers and academics, in both government and education.”

“We create activities for all sectors of Israeli society,” Dr. Ben-David explained. Not only is “scientific education part of our mission,” she continued, “we are also responsible for creating a more logical society for everyone.”
There are “three components of scientific literacy” that the Davidson Institute promotes, Dr. Ben-David said: “knowledge, skills, and values.”
“You have to know which values you want to strengthen,” she noted, “so we can make better lives.”
To that end, the Davidson Institute has made inroads into all facets of Israeli society. “We try to engage everyone in Israel,” Dr. Ben-David says. “We work in both Hebrew and Arabic.”
The Weizmann Institute -and through its education arm, the Davidson Institute, is involved in practically all areas of scientific endeavour. If you look at the Davidson Institute website ( you will find articles on a dizzying range of subjects – from spacewalks to head surgeries in Ancient Egypt, to childhood mental disorders and so on, all written in an easy-to-understand English. You won’t be intimidated into thinking this is way too academic to understand.

The goal of the Davidson Institute is to inspire people to want to do science, Dr. Ben-David said. Educators go out from the institute go out to even the most remote communities in Israel, as well as make deliberate efforts to target “at-risk youths.”
Our goal is to “build esteem and self-confidence” within those young people, she explained, many of whom have dropped out of school.
While not all of them will succeed, the Davidson Institute has had a “40% success rate” in getting those drop-outs to return to school, Dr. Ben-David added.
“Science is a healing tool,” she observed.

Now, more than ever, since life in Israel has been so disrupted as a result of everything that has happened since October 7, educators from the Davidson Institute have been dealing with new challenges.
“During the past year, unfortunately, we have found ourselves working with displaced families” who have had to leave their homes” as a result of the threat posed by Hezbollah in the north, Dr. Ben-David observed. “We are giving them some sense of normality and stability.”
For instance, she noted that “we’ve created seminars at Davidson” where students who have been displaced from their home schools “are given a week where we give them a full blast of science.”
“They work on science projects that can be included in matriculation,” Dr. Ben-David explained.

And, educators going out from Davidson aren’t only working with high school students. “We work with kids in elementary schools age 10 and up,” she said, “also with their teachers.”
Those teachers may not have a particular background in science, Dr. Ben-David explained.
Davidson educators also don’t restrict their attention to trained teachers.
“We work with instructors who are not professional teachers on giving them instruction in science,” she noted.

I asked Dr. Ben-David to give me an example in which someone from Davidson has reached out to a child who has been traumatized by what has been happening in Israel since October 7.
She told me of one particular young girl who had been so afraid that she was going to be killed by a missile that she spent the better part of her day hiding under her bed.
Educators from Davidson came to visit the child and found out that she loved Harry Potter books. They “discussed with her the science of Harry Potter magic,” and whether there was something that might actually be plausible about some of the magic.
“At first she just peeked out at us,” Dr. Ben-David continued, “then she started asking questions” – and soon she was fully engaged in talking with the instructors.

The Davidson Institute runs several programs that aim to attract students, both from within Israel and beyond.
For instance, Dr. Ben-David pointed to a “gap year program,” now in its sixth year of existence – for high school graduates where Davidson sends them to remote communities as “science ambassadors.”
And, until this past year, Davidson also had “several international programs” for students “from all over the world,” she explained. Not only did those students get to do science, “they got to know each other,” Dr. Ben-David said.
There are still many online programs for students, she noted, including one called “Windows to the Future,” in which “once a month students meet a Davidson instructor” online.
“Some countries have approached us to develop different pedagogies,” Dr. Ben-David said. “Covid didn’t stop us; neither did the war.”

I wondered though, whether the trend toward academic boycotts of Israeli institutions of higher learning and, concomitantly, Israeli academics, has had a very adverse effect on Davidson Institute programs that reach out beyond Israel.
“We don’t ignore the elephant in the room,” Dr. Ben-David admitted but, in addition to the “100,000 participants” Davidson Institute programs have in Israel itself – in partnership with most municipalities, we reach another “3 million” outside of Israel digitally, she said.
While Israel’s image in much of the world has suffered greatly as a result of its war in Gaza, Israel’s reputation as a scientific powerhouse has not diminished – and institutions like the Davidson Institute are serving to maintain that image throughout the world.

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Campus program gives Winnipeggers a virtual reality experience allowing them to share some of the same emotions Israelis attacked on October 7 felt

By BERNIE BELLAN It was advertised as “Through Their Eyes – October 7th Virtual Reality Journey.”
On September 16, a small number of Winnipeggers were able to participate in a virtual reality experience during which they were able to watch in 3D as different Israelis described what they went through on October 7 last year.
The event was sponsored by Winnipeg Friends of Israel and Bridges for Peace. It was held in the games room of the Rady JCC.

Map showing homes of subjects interviewed in virtual reality project

As readers no doubt recall, on October 7, 1200 Israelis (and non-Israelis) living in communities situated close to the Gaza Strip were murdered by what turned out to be over 6,000 Hamas terrorists who had managed to penetrate into Israel fairly easily in the early hours of October 7. As well, 220 individuals (not all of whom were Israeli) were abducted and taken to Gaza.
While almost anyone in the world with access to the internet would have been able to see footage of the atrocities carried out by Hamas – and fully understand the absolute terror that people were experiencing, for Israelis living near the Gaza Strip what was happening was all so terribly confusing. People could hear gunshots all around them – but where were they coming from and who was firing them, almost everyone who was there must have wondered?
And, once the realization that an attack was underway, how were you supposed to respond? Were you better off to try and hide in place or to try to make a run for it?
An Israeli production company that goes by the name of Atlantis-VR embarked upon an ambitious project whereby they wanted to interview some of the individuals who experienced that October 7 attack directly. But, rather than simply interviewing those individuals, Atlantis-VR wanted to show each of them in their own homes – in the exact places they were as the attack was taking place. Through virtual reality technology viewers are now able to see a 360° rendition of an entire room in which the interviewees in the presentation created by Atlantis-VR were situated at the time of the attack. At certain points you are also taken outside interviewees’ homes and see the same vistas that those individuals would have been able to see, including roads and fields with the Gaza Strip in the background.

As groups of six different individuals entered the games room in the Rady JCC on September 16 they were greeted by Daniel Zioni, one of the principals behind Atlantis-VR. There were six different sessions held on September 16, each lasting anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour (depending on how long it took each attendee to watch the presentation. In my case, for instance, I spent over an hour as I had so many questions during the course of watching the presentation that I continued to pepper Daniel with questions about what I had just seen after each segment. Poor Daniel – since each of us had donned the headset at different times and were watching the presentation at our own pace, he was constantly racing from participant to participant, adjusting headsets, turning on the next segment, and answering questions.)

After donning the virtual reality headsets, (which takes some getting used to, especially for older participants who had likely never experienced wearing a VR headset before), the first segment began for viewers. We watched as a woman by the name of Yasmin Margolis describe what had happened to her, her husband Sa’ar, and their two young daughters, when Hamas terrorists entered Kibbutz Kissufim, which is where they lived.
Sa’ar bravely left the family home, armed with his rifle, to take on the terrorists. Unfortunately, while his wife’s and daughters’ lives were spared, Sa’ar died that day fighting to protect his kibbutz.
The next segment is about the Marom family, who were living in Kibbutz Re’em. In their case, their house was set on fire by terrorists while they were inside. Still, they managed to escape through a window and were eventually rescued.
The third segment shows a family living in an apartment block in Sderot. The battle for Sderot actually lasted over two days, as IDF forces entered into protracted gun fights with terrorists who had been hiding throughout the city. During that time the Politi family holed themselves up in their apartment and even provided shelter – and food, for a boyfriend of one of their daughters – and his friend, who had found themselves stranded at a gas station where one of them had been working when the terrorists invaded. There was a moment of comic relief when the Politi husband and wife described what happened when they heard banging on their apartment door. The boyfriend shouted that it was him – and Mr. Politi opened the door. At that point, Mr. Polliti, noted, the boyfriend’s friend said: “I’m hungry – have you got anything to eat?”

Rami Davidian – saved 750 young people from Hamas October 7-8

The final segment of the VR presentation – and easily the most mesmerizing of the four segments, consists of an interview with Rami Davidian, who was a 58-year-old member of a moshav by the name of Patish in an area very close to where the Nova Music Festival was taking place. Davidian has become quite a national hero in Israel for what he did on October 7 – and for almost 48 hours non stop thereafter.
As he describes in his interview, he received a phone call from a friend who didn’t quite understand what was happening the morning of October 7, but whohad a daughter who had been attending the Nova Music Festival, which was the site of the murder of 370 young Israelis. The friend knew Rami lived close to where the festival was taking place and asked him whether he could go there to try to find his daughter. Of course, Rami had no idea what he was heading into – and, as he explains during the segment in which he tells his story, even as bullets and rocket propelled grenades began to be fired at his car, he continued on. He managed to find survivors of the massacre and transport them back to his home on the moshav, where his wife took care of them.
But then, he started to receive hundreds of messages from anxious parents who somehow had heard that Rami might be in a position to save their kids. He got back into his car and headed right back to the site of the festival – all the while being fired upon by terrorists. Somehow – and he says he doesn’t know how he survived, he managed to return to the site – over and over again, eventually incredibly helping to rescue 750 young Israelis.

The entire VR presentation is so vivid that I had only wished that more people could have seen it. I asked Daniel Zioni whether there were any plans to convert the four segments of the presentation into one video that, for instance, could be seen on Youtube? Granted, seeing it in VR makes more of an impact, but in terms of reaching a wider audience I wondered whether it might make sense to do what I had suggested. I was especially keen on seeing the segment with Rami Davidian turned into something that could be seen by a much wider audience. While Daniel didn’t give me a definitive answer, he did say that was something under consideration by Atlantis-VR.
In the meantime, if you would like to read more about Rami Davidian and his heroics, there are quite a few articles online that tell his story. Simply Google Rami Davidian.

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5 Ways to Carve Out Gym Time in Your Life

From rewriting your brain and sticking to a disciplined workout regime, find the top 5 ways to carve out adequate gym time in your daily routine.

A Brief Introduction

It can be a hassle to find the time to work out if you are busy with everyday responsibilities. By incorporating a few practical strategies into your daily life, you can start being consistent with your gym routine.

  1. Remember Your Motivation to Prioritize

If you’re trying to be consistent, you need to know why you started out. People may have different reasons to commit their time to the gym. Be it to build muscles, lose weight, deal with stress, or improve overall health, having a clear vision of your goal will help you stick to it. With your reason to start always on your mind, you will now have a reason to keep showing up, day in and day out. This helps cut out excuses and prioritize your wellbeing.

  1. Reduce Your Barrier to Start

The more hurdles you keep on your way to start, the harder it will be to continue with your habit. The easy solution is to cut down on the effort it takes to get started. Pick an accessible gym over a fancier one that you would need to go out of your way to visit. By picking a gym along the route of your daily routine, you can seamlessly incorporate working out as part of your day. Be it near your workplace or your home, the location makes hitting the gym convenient.

It also helps if you plan ahead. Be it your preworkout, your protein shake, or other health supplements from, make sure you are restocking before you run out. Anabolic steroids are possibly one of the most popular items that have methandrostenolone. Injectables, fat burners, and fusion steroids are some of the trending fitness products that have been creating a buzz across the world.

Keep your gym bag ready to go and lay out your workout gear ahead of time so that you are left with no excuses.

  1. Get a Gym Buddy for Accountability

Nothing helps drive athletes more than having a sense of community and camaraderie. People interested in weight training already know about the importance of a spotter. Having a friend, a partner, or a peer in the gym will help keep you on track to consistency. This also provides a sense of community, making it more rewarding to attend workout sessions regularly and push each other towards breaking new personal records.

  1. Incorporate Workouts in Your Daily Activities

It is impossible to make it to the gym every day without fail, be it due to work, family, or other responsibilities. For those days, make it a habit to not skip your workouts. There are many home workout videos and apps available that offer a range of exercise options with little to no equipment. You can start with mini-workouts like planks or squats during short breaks. It can even be as simple as going for a quick stroll for five minutes while stuck at work if you are pressed for time. The easiest way to increase your fitness and stamina is through Sermorelin, Semaglutide, and other cutting-edge peptides to start with.

  1. Rewire Your Brain

Science talks about neuroplasticity and the power of the positive feedback loop. Without having to learn more about cognitive sciences, you can still make use of these hacks to trick your brain into enjoying training. For every achievement, celebrate yourself. Be it a happy shout of victory on breaking a personal record or getting a new flavor of protein bar, with every celebratory action, you reinforce the positive effect of being consistent at the gym. By creating a positive experience, you make it easier for your brain to stay engaged and consistent at the gym.


It takes careful planning to commit to gym life. While hard work is always rewarded in the gym, in order to get to the gym day in and day out, you also need to work smart. By removing the common hurdles and being dedicated, you can make sure you reach your personal wellness goal.

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