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Former Winnipegger Jack Tadman a veritable international pinball wizard

Jack Tadman with son Earl

By MYRON LOVE Jack Tadman has had a lifelong passion for gaming – pinball games in particular – a passion that he continues to pursue both professionally – as one the few lawyers in Canada specializing in serving clients involved in the gaming industry – and in his private life as one of the world’s top-ranked pinball competitors.
Yes, pinball competition is a thing and, last June, the son of Shelley and Marty Tadman finished in 44th place in a field of 80, competing in the annual Flipper Pinball Association World Championships which were held this year in Germany.
“We play eight rounds,” he reports. “After the fifth round, I was in third place – but I had a tough time in the next three rounds.”
Now, finishing 44th may not sound that impressive but, when you consider that the IFPA ranks 100,000 players and only the top 80 players worldwide are invited to participate in the world championships – well, that puts Tadman’s accomplishment in a whole new perspective. His best finish was in 2019, when he finished in 12th. He is currently ranked 62nd in the world, and 3rd in Canada.
The pinball champ notes that he has been manipulating pinball machines since he was four years old. “Growing up (in River Heights), I would spend Saturdays with my dad and his best friend, (long time University of Manitoba law professor, the late) Barney Sneiderman,” Tadman recalls. “Barney had a pinball machine in his basement.. While dad and Barney visited, I was downstairs standing on a step-stool, playing with pinball.”
The graduate of Ramah and the University of Winnipeg’s Collegiate program (he also attended Joseph Wolinsky from junior high through Grade 10) became a fixture at pinball arcade,s such as the Pirate’s Den at Grant Park Shopping Centre and spent a lot of time in the summers at Playland and SilverCity on the boardwalk at Winnipeg Beach.
Tadman left Winnipeg after high school – attending university, first at Simon Fraser in Burnaby, later earning his law degree from Queens University in Kingston, Ontario. He began his practice of law in Toronto in 2011.
In that practice, he has built up an international stable of clients in the gaming industry, ranging from casino operators to equipment manufacturers and other suppliers. He reports that there are very few law firms in Canada engaged in his area of expertise – a few in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, and that is about all.
While Tadman never lost his enthusiasm for pinball, it was only in 2012 that he first dipped his toe into competitive play. A friend who knew Tadman enjoyed pinball told him about the Canadian Pinball Championships being held in Toronto. Much to his surprise, he finished second.
Later that same year, while on a trip to Ottawa, he entered a second pinball competition in the capital city and won. It was that early success that persuaded him that he might be good enough to compete on a larger stage.
In order to move up in the international rankings. Tadman explains, you have to do well in as many local and regional competitions as you can get into. That means that he travels at least once every two months to participate in larger tournaments outside of Toronto.
Fortunately, he notes, his wife Leanne is also a pinball enthusiast – sometimes they travel and compete together – and she fully supports her husband in his pastime.
While Tadman notes that there are cash prizes for the top players in the sport, you aren’t going to strike it rich from pinball games. The largest prize pool for a pinball tournament ever was $150,000, which was divided among the top players in various divisions.
“The most I have ever won,” Tadman reports, “is $2,500.”
At home, the pinball gamester has seven machines to practice with. He says that he puts in as many hours honing his skills as time allows after he sees to his business and family commitments. He and Leanne are parents to three children – an eight year old and four-year-old twins.
Incidentally, last year, Tadman and his family moved back to Winnipeg for a year so that his children could get to better know their family here, in particular, his grandmother Laya Bramer, who recently celebrated her 97th birthday.
“I was able to work remotely,” Tadman says. (He works with a couple of colleagues in Toronto.)
The family is back in Toronto now and Tadman is looking forward to next year’s Flipper Pinball Association World Pinball Championship, which is scheduled for June 7-9, 2024, in California.

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James Gershfield’s new book a paean to his illustrious father

Edward Gershfield

By MYRON LOVE About 25 years ago (or so), I took a class given by Rabbi Allan Green, then still the rabbi at the Beth Israel Synagogue –  delving into the meaning of the opening prayers that are recited daily during the morning service. It was one of the more interesting classes that I have taken.  Regrettably,  he didn’t follow up with more classes exploring the origins and meaning of the prayers we recite in shul.
After reading James Gershfield’s new biography of his father, the late Rabbi Rabbi Edward M. Gershfield, who passed away in 2019 at the age of 86, and his passion for the meanings of words and prayers, I think I would have enjoyed studying with him.
James Gershfield’s “Rabbi Scholar Father Friend: The Life, Thought, Humor, and Wisdom of Rabbi Edward M. Gershfield” is, in a sense, a sequel to “Rainy River Girl,” a memoir of his mother, Toby Gershfield, co-written and published by her son – a former computer  software developer who decided a couple of years ago to change direction and founded Scribal Scion Publishing LLC, a small publishing company dedicated to publishing – under the Scribal Scion imprint – Jewish books that inspire and comfort.
As reported a few weeks back in the pages of the Jewish Post, “Rainy River Girl” is the story of Toby Gershfield’s early years growing up in the small southwestern Ontario community where her father Dr. Nathan Helman served as the town dentist.  Her mother, Sophie, was the daughter of the esteemed Rabbi Israel Kahanovitch – Western Canada’s foremost rabbi in the interwar years and beyond.

While “Rabbi Scholar Father Friend” does have aspects of a biography – largely in the opening and closing chapters – the 180 page book is more an ode to a beloved and illustrious father.  
In his short introduction to “Rabbi Scholar Father Friend”, Gershfield observes that “every person is unique, which is a ‘truism,’ as my late father would say. However, some people have a very unusual combination of personal strengths, knowledge, insights and personality that make it worthwhile to get to know them and their life stories”.
He notes that his father combined a variety of qualities that made the elder Gershfield’s life, thought, humour, and wisdom worth studying.  His  father,  he writes, “was a rabbi, a scholar, a father, and a friend.  He was  also a beloved teacher, an innovative thinker, a gifted orator, a respected adviser to other rabbis, an expert on comparative Jewish and Roman law, a beautiful singer of Jewish prayers, and a talented Hebrew scribe who administered and wrote many Jewish divorce documents, known as Gittin.”
Ed Gershfield was born and grew up in Winnipeg.  “Rabbi Scholar Father Friend” chronicles his early years here.  The future rabbi actually had a largely secular education – having attended Machray Elementary School  and St John’s. 
While he did attend synagogue – the Tiferes Israel (aka the Mezhiricher shul) regularly with his father, it was at Talmud Torah (evening school) that his love of Judaism was inculcated.  The most important influences were his cheder teacher Mr. Klein and Rabbi Avraham Kravetz, the school’s principal.  It was Rabbi Kravetz who recognized promise in the young Gershfield and encouraged him to consider the rabbinical life.
Rabbi Kravetz encouraged his young protégé to enrol in the Jewish Theological Seminary with the idea that, according to James Gershfield, after he received his ordination he would return to Winnipeg to lead a new Jewish Studies Department that Rabbi Kravetz was hoping to establish at the University of Manitoba.  When that didn’t materialize, the newly ordained Rabbi Gershfield decided to remain in Manhattan.
Although he did serve as a congregational rabbi for a couple of years early in his career – and again in the early 1980s, his true passions was for teaching and scholarship.  In addition to his study at the JTS, he earned an MA in Latin from Columbia University and a PhDl in the study of Jewish law, as compared to Roman Law. 
He was one of America’s pre-eminent experts in the field. He also became a specialist in granting Jewish divorces (gittin).  His son devotes entire chapters to the subject  of gittin and his father’s study of Roman law.
Readers, I am sure, will also enjoy Rabbi Gershfield’s thoughts on Jews and Judaism, examples of his words and wisdom and humour, some of his stories and his analyses of the meanings of some Hebrew words, expressions and prayers in  the siddur.
“This book was written from my perspective as his son,” writes James Gershfield, “and is based on both my personal experiences and the knowledge that I have gained about his life from people who knew him, and from his writings and audio recordings.
“Once my father turned 80 years old, I felt that there were many times in my life when I had not paid enough attention to what he was saying, and I was sure that there were many things that he said that I didn’t remember. So, I made an extra effort during the next several years to listen carefully to any stories that he would tell, and to write them down so that I could remember them and preserve them. Many of those stories and thoughts are in this book.”
Rabbi Gershfield passed away in 2019 at the age of 86.
“While I worked as a software engineer for over forty years,” notes James in the book, “I gradually came to understand that you don’t need to be a pulpit rabbi to have a strong connection to Judaism and Jewish learning. As I got older, I gradually figured out a way to connect with my father in a way that we could both understand each other. That is the intended meaning behind the title of this book: “Rabbi Scholar Father Friend”. My relationship with him developed over time from him being my rabbi, which never changed, to a scholar, to my father and finally to being my friend.”

“Rabbi Scholar Father Friend” is available in both paperback and hard cover on Amazon.

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What Are the Dos and Don’ts of Online Trading?

Dos and don’ts of online trading, things to keep in mind when looking at an online brokerage account and how to keep your information safe from fraud.

Trading online can be a very beneficial way to grow your wealth, and it can be much more efficient and easy than traditional trading. There are several things that you should keep in mind if you choose to trade this way, however. You shouldn’t simply dive into online brokerage sites without knowing the rules.

In the following sections, we will review the dos and don’ts of online trading, to give you a better grounding to get started on. When you find a reliable site, you may be lucky enough to get one that offers a no deposit bonus Forex to help you get started.

Dos of online trading

When you trade online, there are certain things that you should always do. These include the following:

  • Keep an eye out for “assured” returns. Everyone wants to make a lot of money and do so quickly. However, you should beware of sites that offer you assured returns, because this isn’t the way that the market really works. To grow your wealth takes time and effort, and consistently watching the market over a longer period. Therefore, anything that looks overly flashy or too good to be true should be avoided.
  • Make a concerted effort to review and adjust your account regularly. You should take the time to review your trading account on a monthly or quarterly basis for several reasons. It will help you keep track of your funds and securities. It will also help ensure that all of your transactions are legitimate and that there haven’t been hacking attempts on your account. And it will help ensure that there are no idle funds or securities that have remained and should be eliminated.
  • Keep your broker informed of any changes. If you see any anomalies or suspicious looking activity in your account history, you should immediately notify your broker. The longer problems exist, the bigger they can become. Also, you should always keep your contact details up to date so that representatives can reach you if necessary. This should include an email and mobile number.
  • Choose to settle your accounts as often as possible. When you choose the frequency of receiving your account statements, you should be sure to choose 90 days or less. This will help ensure that you are on top of your account changes, and it is also the official policy of many exchanges.
  • Make sure that your funds payouts are received into the bank account with which you registered on the site. Exchanges work via bank accounts that match information provided on the corresponding brokerage sites. Any unrelated bank information could cause issues with the site.

Don’ts of trading

What you should avoid doing with regard to online trading is just as important as what you should do. Therefore, keep the following don’ts in mind when you trade online:

  • Never transact with unfamiliar brokers. When you choose an online broker, be sure to make sure that it is registered with the SEC and is properly regulated. Unregistered brokers do not have to follow official rules of transparency, data storage, and banking, and you could be risking your money if you trade on them.
  • Don’t ignore any type of communication that you might receive from the exchange. When people receive frequent messages from their exchanges – many of which are simply updates or general information – they tend to ignore messages that might be critical to their accounts. Therefore, you should always at least look through messages to make sure your account is in good shape.
  • Don’t share your banking information with anyone. When you find a secure exchange site, you will have to enter your banking information in order to receive payouts. However, you should never share this information with anyone outside the site, which should be encrypted and ensure the security of your information. Also be sure never to share your password or login information.
  • Don’t transfer any funds to people that are not designated to receive them. Even if you are sending to someone that you know and trust, exposing this information can leave you open to hackers, and you could end up getting your account information compromised.
  • Don’t follow investment advice that doesn’t come from an official or objectively trustworthy source. There are many TV and Internet ads, social media sites, and other sources of false and misleading information out there. When you hear about a company, be sure to do independent research on it to make sure that it is reliable before getting involved.


Online trading is making a huge difference in people’s ability to grow their wealth, and do so more efficiently, comfortably, and successfully than ever before. But you should be careful to do it in the right way to make sure that you maximize your profits and avoid falling victim to fraud.

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The Risks of Playing Live Roulette Online in Canada


When it comes to playing online, everyone can have a lot of fun. However, at the same time, everyone can experience different issues while trying to have fun with live roulette in Canada. Of course, it’s not the only game that poses such risks, as other gambling games online are also not always secure due to a number of different reasons. In this article, we would like to take a look at the most often discussed risks associated with not only playing live roulette online but also overall attempting to gamble online.

Security Risks

The most important thing is to focus on using only secure gambling platforms. It’s especially important while playing live roulette online, as the player needs to be sure that his personal and financial information are properly secured. Otherwise, hackers could use that knowledge to their advantage, and that’s something nobody wants. Luckily, Canada requires online casinos to meet strict security protocols, but it is still advised to be cautious of new platforms.

Security measureDescription
LicenseA casino should be properly regulated and licensed
CertificatesInclusion of such trust seals as iTechLabs or eCOGRA ensures a high level of security
EncryptionUse of SSL and TSL vastly improves protection of user’s financial and private data

The Problem of Addiction

The moment we decide to take part in live roulette online, we need to remember that it can lead to developing the problem of addiction. However, if the player is sensible about his gameplay and knows that gambling is only a way of having fun, instead of making money, it should not pose a significant risk. Still, there are a lot of different casino games, including roulette variants, that are not only fast-paced but also immersive. Due to that, for some players it may be easy to lose track of their finances as well as the time. To avoid impulsive decisions, set a budget before attempting to gamble and stick to it no matter what.

Unregulated Platforms

Most casinos that offer online roulette Canada are worth your time and are properly secured, so you won’t experience any problems with them. However, there’s a certain number of gambling platforms that aren’t really trustworthy. They may operate without using a license or do not comply with the rules of a particular jurisdiction. You should always consider such a situation to be a red flag and immediately resign from attempting to play in this kind of casino. Rogue gambling platform may not only rig games, but also withhold your winnings or deliver weak player data protection. Always check the license to avoid such problems.

Technical Problems

Live roulette online is a fun game, but it requires a stable internet connection coupled with well-functioning software to operate effortlessly. Games that aren’t designed well are going to have such problems as glitches or delays in streaming. This is unacceptable as players’ gameplay cannot be disturbed in any way, as it leads to frustration, especially when real money is at stake. In order to ensure lack of technical issues, make sure that you use a licensed casino that is recommended by experts and also have a stable internet connection to avoid unnecessary difficulties on your side.

Unclear Bonus Terms

There are a lot of different promos and bonuses in online casinos that only seem to be worth the money and time of the players. In reality, bonuses include a lot of different requirements, aside from the wager, and the player needs to be properly informed about all of them. Otherwise, it’s impossible to properly assess if a given bonus is actually worth trying. A casino should provide all the necessary information about game, time, wager and win limits when offering a particular bonus. If there are any hidden details by the platform, it means that the casino is simply not trustworthy in this regard.

Financial Risks

At the end, it’s necessary to highlight the financial risks associated with playing live roulette online. Due to the fact that this kind of gambling game cannot be played in a demo version, the player should always remember to properly prepare for a gaming session. Due to the fact that roulette is a game of chance, it’s possible to lose a lot of money quickly, even if you are a seasoned player. 

Due to that, it’s best to set a particular budget before starting a game and divide it into a given number of bets. Canadian players should always remember about approaching live roulette online in accordance with responsible gambling rules. Do not gamble more money than you can afford to lose. In case you want to have a stricter control of your actions, use limits provided by casinos or decide to use the self-exclusion option if things go too far.

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