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Yvonne Singer, a Toronto artist who was saved by Wallenberg as an infant, is still on a voyage of self-discovery

As an artist herself, Yvonne Singer can well appreciate the esthetic merits of the open-air monument to Swedish Second World War hero Raoul Wallenberg that was unveiled over the summer at Churchill Park in Hamilton, Ont.
Though she had not, as of this writing, personally viewed the installation, dubbed “Be:longings,” Singer spoke admiringly of the 10 bronze-cast suitcases dispersed along a gravel path adjacent to the Hamilton aviary. She knows Simon Frank, one of the project’s three creators, and is aware that suitcases have been a potent symbol of the Holocaust.
“I like the fact that the suitcases are scattered,” Singer, a well-established visual artist and teacher in Toronto, said in an interview over lemon tea in her sun-drenched kitchen. “I think the imagery and symbolism are very effective in conveying the idea of displacement and emigration.” The old-timey valises evoke not just Wallenberg, Singer noted, but all victims and survivors of that terror-stricken era.
The outdoor project is also “minimal, which I like. I don’t like public sculptures that scream at you or are clichéd.”

Singer connects to the installation on a whole other level. The 78-year-old resident of Toronto’s Cabbagetown neighbourhood is Wallenberg’s goddaughter. She was born on his bed.
It’s a Hollywood-worthy tale that evolved over time, in a series of eye-popping twists, turns and coincidences—all amid Singer’s own personal voyage of self-discovery.
The backstory is its own blockbuster: The non-Jewish scion of a wealthy Swedish industrial and banking family, Wallenberg, then just 32, was recruited by the U.S. War Refugee Board and dispatched to Budapest to assist and rescue as many Jews in the Nazi-occupied Hungarian capital as possible. He arrived in July 1944, just as the Nazis had shipped some 440,000 Jews from the countryside to Auschwitz. They now set their sights on the Jews of Budapest.
Accorded diplomatic status, Wallenberg famously set off on a frenetic pace. He designed, printed and distributed thousands of the famous “Schutzpass”—an official-looking document that placed the holder under the protection of the neutral Swedish Crown. He also scoured the city for buildings to rent, finding 32, and crammed in as many souls as possible. The “safe houses” flew the yellow-and-blue Swedish flag and were declared protected by diplomatic immunity.
Known for his bluster and bravado, his greatest coup came when he persuaded Nazi commanders to call off the liquidation of Budapest’s Jewish ghetto, with its 70,000 inhabitants. The number of Jews Wallenberg is said to have rescued peaks at 100,000. In any event, he is credited with saving more Jewish lives during the war than any single government.
By January 1945, the Red Army was laying siege to Budapest, and Wallenberg was taken into custody, supposedly on suspicion of being a U.S. spy. He promptly vanished into the gulag. A Soviet report in 1956 stated he had died in July 1947 of a heart attack in Moscow’s notorious Lubyanka prison, but supposed eyewitness sightings and stories of contact with him from former inmates continued well into the 1970s.
In 2012, the diaries of a former head of the KGB, discovered in the walls of his Moscow home, stated there was “no doubt” that Wallenberg was “liquidated” in 1947.
But back to Singer.
On the night of Nov. 3, 1944, a desperate Tibor Vandor, who worked for Wallenberg as a courier and liaison to the underground, needed help for his wife, Agnes. She was in labour and had been turned away from Budapest’s hospitals, which barred Jews. Wallenberg allowed the couple to use his own room, while he slept in the corridor.
The next morning, he was called in to see a newborn girl. Asked by the grateful parents to name her, Wallenberg chose Nina Maria Ava (Nina was his half-sister’s name, Maria his mother’s). The couple changed the first name to Yvonne, and Wallenberg agreed to be the child’s godfather.
Singer knew nothing of this until she was 34 years old.
It was October 1979 when she read an article, reprinted from a U.S. newspaper, in the Toronto Star about Wallenberg’s plight. The story included a reference to Singer’s unusual birth taken from a Hungarian book on the Swedish hero written after the war. The baby with the Toronto connection, the parents, the godfather—were all there, mentioned by name.
When she read the piece, “I burst out crying,” she told the Star after contacting the paper. Her story spilled forth a week later in a large Saturday Star article headlined “Swedish hero saved my life: Metro woman.”
Singer is still struck by “the incredible coincidence of it all. Here I am in Toronto in 1979, reading the paper… it boggles the mind. I could have easily gone through life not knowing the story. Suddenly, I had a connection to this man, who sounds like he was fascinating.”
Her parents had not told her the story. And there was another missing piece of the puzzle: their Jewishness.
At war’s end, the Vandors went to Switzerland and Holland before settling in Montreal in 1949, where the parents shed their Jewish identities, doubtless seeking to forget. Tibor Vandor even became an elder in the United Church.
“I always pressed them for more information, and they always refused,” even following the revelations in the Toronto Star, Singer recalled. “They told me very, very little.” Her parents never revealed being Jews. Their silence encompassed “anything to do with the war. They were just not forthcoming.”
Singer graduated from McGill University and went on to teach English and French at local high schools. She converted to Judaism to marry her husband, Ron Singer, a theatre director and educator, in 1966. A few years later, a cousin in England recalled being a flower-girl at Yvonne’s parents’ wedding, which she said took place in a synagogue. The parents denied it but their daughter believed it.
Singer’s feelings of alienation as an immigrant child would evaporate on discovering that she had been born Jewish, whether the knowledge came from a cousin or the Toronto Star. “I felt like I’d come home, part of a history that goes back thousands of years. I no longer felt rootless.”
The Singers moved to Toronto in 1971, where Yvonne later began a prolific art career in various media and teaching visual arts at York University. Raising three daughters and a busy life meant there was little time to get involved in the Wallenberg file (though she was pleased when he became Canada’s first Honorary Citizen in 1985 and when Canada Post issued a stamp commemorating Wallenberg a decade ago).
It’s little surprise that Singer’s art has explored themes of identity, history and memory. The outsider status she felt in her early life “is what made me think about ways of expressing that, either through language or visual imagery. So you go to what you know when you’re an artist.”
In 2016, the Swedish government declared Wallenberg officially dead, but to Singer, that offered no finality. “From what I learned, the Swedish government is not exempt from blame for trying to get Wallenberg out. I cannot reconcile the fact that [Wallenberg’s family] could not exert any kind of leverage over the Russians to find out what happened to him.”
In Judaism, being a godparent carries little or no religious obligation. Singer considers the godfather connection to Wallenberg an honour, “but I’m also very sad that I never met him. I think he would have been a fascinating person to talk to. The story is just very, very tragic.”
The grandmother of nine sighed. Over the decades, the story for her was obviously very personal, “and I was still processing it. Maybe I’m still processing it, for a long, long time.”
A version of this article originally appeared in the Hamilton Jewish News. It is reprinted with the author’s permission.

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Exploring 8 Innovative New Services in In-Home Care

In-home care has evolved significantly in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, changing demographics, and an increased focus on personalized care. These innovative services are transforming the way support is delivered, enhancing the quality of life for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Here are some of the most exciting and groundbreaking innovations that families can depend on when it comes to their space and the best practices to ensure comfort and safety.

Telehealth and Telemedicine

Telehealth and telemedicine have revolutionized health care by providing remote access to services. Through video consultations, seniors and caregivers can communicate with doctors, nurses, and specialists without leaving their homes. This reduces the need for frequent visits to health facilities, which can be challenging for those with mobility issues. Telehealth also enables continuous monitoring of chronic conditions, allowing providers to adjust treatments promptly and prevent complications.

Remote Monitoring and Wearable Devices

Wearable devices and remote monitoring systems are becoming essential tools. These devices can track vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, providing real-time data to caregivers and health professionals. Advanced systems can detect falls, monitor medication adherence, and even predict health issues before they become severe. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, improving outcomes and enhancing the safety of in-home recipients.

Virtual Companionship and Social Engagement

Loneliness and social isolation are significant concerns for seniors living at home. Virtual companionship services, such as those provided by robots or virtual assistants, offer interaction and engagement to mitigate these issues. These technologies can remind individuals to take their medications, guide them through exercises, and provide cognitive stimulation through games and conversations. Additionally, platforms that facilitate virtual social gatherings and activities help seniors stay connected with family and friends, promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Personalized Care Plans and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a crucial role in developing personalized plans. AI algorithms can analyze data from various sources, including health records, lifestyle habits, and genetic information, to create customized strategies. These plans are tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each individual, ensuring they receive the most appropriate and effective solutions. AI can also assist caregivers by predicting potential health issues and suggesting preventive measures, thereby enhancing the overall quality of support.

Smart Home Technology

Smart technology is making it easier for seniors to live independently. Voice-activated assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home can control lights, thermostats, and appliances, reducing the physical effort required for daily tasks. Smart systems can also include sensors that detect movement, alerting caregivers if there is unusual activity or inactivity. This technology not only improves safety but also provides peace of mind for both the recipients and their families.

On-Demand and Flexible Care Services

The gig economy has introduced on-demand services to the in-home care industry. Platforms like Honor and CareLinx allow families to find and hire support quickly, providing flexibility and convenience. These services offer a wide range of options, from a few hours of assistance to round-the-clock support, accommodating the varying needs of individuals. The ability to schedule help on short notice ensures that support is available when it’s needed most. This includes teams like the one at Parners for Home Care; more on their services and support options can be found on their website:

Integrative Health and Wellness Programs

Holistic approaches to health and wellness are gaining traction – and for good reason. Integrative health programs combine traditional medical care with complementary therapies such as yoga, meditation, nutrition counseling, and physical therapy. These programs focus on the overall well-being of the individual, addressing physical, mental, and emotional health. As a result of promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle, integrative health services can enhance the quality of life and prevent the onset of chronic conditions.

Enhanced Training and Support for Caregivers

Innovative training programs for caregivers are crucial in improving the quality of in-home care. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies provide immersive training experiences, allowing support workers to practice and develop their skills in realistic scenarios. Additionally, online platforms offer ongoing education and support, helping individuals stay updated on best practices and new developments in the field. Enhanced training ensures that everyone is well-prepared to meet the diverse needs of their clients.

The Future of In-Home Care Services

The way we grow and age in comfort is rapidly changing, thanks to these innovative services and technologies. Telehealth, remote monitoring, virtual companionship, AI-driven plans, smart technology, on-demand services, integrative health programs, and enhanced training are all contributing to more personalized, efficient, and effective support. As these innovations continue to evolve, they hold the promise of significantly improving the lives of those who rely on in-home care, allowing them to age gracefully and independently in the comfort of their own spaces.

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New online casinos to try in Canada

Canada is jumping aboard the online gambling train and following the same path as many other countries and territories throughout the world that are all rushing to check what this new gambling golden age is all about. Gambling in Canada varies from state to state, and before we get started today, we must advise you that you need to check out the laws and legislation in your local area before you look to play a casino game online.

Favorable changes in legislation

Gambling in Canada is legal at central government level, but it is left to the individual provinces to write up the local legislation that applies to their residents. Ontario was the most recent province to legalize sports betting and online casino gaming. Although April 2022 wasn’t too long ago, gambling platforms operating within the province are firing on all cylinders.

You don’t have to be the sharpest tool in the box to observe how significant it was for Ontario to legalize online casino gaming for all residents over the age of 19. Ontario is the most populated province and is home to two of the most prominent cities in the country, thus opening up the potential for a multibillion-dollar tax base for provincial legislators.

There has been an enormous wave of platforms looking to get in on the action, but a handful of new online casinos, which can be found on, are proving to be slightly ahead of the rest, at least in our opinion. Let’s take a look at some of these platforms, what they have to offer, and the sort of components you should look for when deciding which casino to play at.


First up today, we have BetBeast, and it ticks many of the boxes that are often indicators of a quality casino:

  • Customer service that is easy to contact and available 24/7 – an integral feature for any digital casino.
  • A great VIP program.
  • Impressive bonuses for existing customers.
  • Over 7,000 games to choose from.

There are some areas where BetBeast could improve, such as increasing the withdrawal amount for high rollers, and given it’s such a new provider, it’ll be harder for it to muscle in on the more established names, but it does all of the things you’d expect from a casino that has aspirations of getting in among the big names in Canadian casino gaming.


While Gamblezen does all of the basics well, including great game selection, easy-to-contact customer service and a quick signup process, what grabbed our attention most about the Curaçao-based gambling platform was what other people are saying about it online.

Despite being in the space for less than 12 months, there’s a wave of people waxing lyrical about its service, both on social media and via independent reviews. We checked out what it has to offer, and find that it’s impressive for the short time it has been active in the Canadian online casino industry.

Casino Adrenaline

Opting for a high-octane name, Casino Adrenaline has clearly used the opportunity to name its platform as a marketing strategy, which is not a bad idea. However, it isn’t just about the face value of the intriguing name – Casino Adrenaline has a new customer, no-deposit offer of 100 free spins, which first caught our attention. Another interesting approach is its range of payment methods.

In our experience, new casinos will usually opt for the main two or three payment methods before branching out into others. However, Casino Adrenaline has been around since 2014, so its venture into the Canadian market isn’t its first rodeo. Online gambling in Canada captured national and local news and attention in 2022, while Casino Adrenaline has been offering digital betting services since 2014, and it’s clear from their website that they know what they are doing.


Belabet has over 2,000 games to choose from, and if you’re a slot gamer, this might be the one you should put at the top of your list to check out. It’s the newest name on our list today, launching in April 2024, but is clearly eager to get going in the casino gaming market and has one of the broadest selections of slot games we’ve seen.

Of course, as you’d expect with a brand-new casino, there are still elements of the site that could do with a few adjustments, but there’s nothing major, and it’s showing a lot of promise as a site for Canadian slot fans.

MoonWin Casino

MoonWin has 3,000 games available, fewer than some of the other names we have touched on today. However, this isn’t a deciding factor in a casino’s overall quality. There are plenty of examples where quality is more important than quantity, and MoonWin definitely makes a strong case for this argument with the quality of their platform.

In addition, you can find plenty of crash games and niche casino games to check out, so you aren’t confined to traditional games if you’re looking for something a little different.


We’ve only scratched the surface with our selection today, and given that Canadian casino gaming is one of the fastest-growing domestic gambling markets in the world, expect the competition to continue growing – most importantly, to the benefit of the customers, continuing to drive innovation and increase choice.

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Transform Your Space: Creative Ideas for Decorative Concrete

Concrete has long been valued for its durability and versatility, but it’s not typically associated with aesthetics. However, with the advent of decorative concrete, this modern and simple material is making a stylish comeback, as it offers endless possibilities for adding beauty and personality to your Calgary home or business. Here are just a few innovative ideas to inspire your next home renovation project.

Stamped Concrete

Stamped concrete in Calgary is one of the most popular options for decorative appeal. This technique involves pressing patterns into freshly poured concrete to mimic the look of other materials such as brick, stone, tile, or even wood. Stamped is an excellent choice for patios, driveways, walkways, and pool decks. It offers the aesthetic appeal of more expensive materials at a fraction of the cost while maintaining the strength and durability.

Stained Concrete

Stained concrete is another versatile option that adds color and depth to your surfaces. There are two main types of stains: acid-based and water-based. Acid stains penetrate the material and react chemically to create rich, variegated colors that resemble natural stone. Water-based stains, on the other hand, offer a broader palette of hues and can be mixed to create custom colors. Stained works well for floors, countertops, and outdoor surfaces, providing a unique and long-lasting finish.

Polished Concrete

For a sleek, modern look, polished concrete is an excellent choice. The process involves grinding the surface with progressively finer abrasives until it reaches the desired level of shine. Polished can be further enhanced with the use of dyes and stains to add color, even though this finish is highly durable, low-maintenance, and reflective, making it ideal for indoor floors in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Concrete Overlays

Concrete overlays are a fantastic way to rejuvenate existing surfaces without the need for complete replacement. An overlay is a thin layer applied over the old surface, which can then be stamped, stained, or polished. This technique can fix minor imperfections and give your surfaces a fresh, new look. Overlays are perfect for driveways, patios, and interior floors that have seen better days but still have a solid foundation.

Exposed Aggregate

Exposed aggregate concrete in Calgary is a decorative option that showcases the natural beauty of stone and pebble inclusions within the mix. After pouring, the top layer is removed to reveal the aggregate beneath. This finish provides a textured, non-slip surface, making it an excellent choice for driveways, walkways, and pool decks; the variety of aggregate materials available allows for customization to suit your design preferences.

Engraved Concrete

Concrete engraving involves using special tools and equipment to etch designs, patterns, or text into the surface. This technique can transform plain surfaces into an artistic statement, and engraving can be combined with staining to highlight the designs and create intricate, eye-catching details. It’s a great option for adding logos, borders, or custom artwork to floors, patios, and entryways.

Concrete Countertops

Concrete countertops are gaining popularity for their durability and modern aesthetic. They can be customized in terms of shape, size, color, and finish to suit your kitchen or bathroom design. Integrating decorative elements like inlays, embedded stones, or glass can further enhance their visual appeal. Such countertops are heat and scratch-resistant, making them a practical and stylish choice for any home.

Colored Concrete

Adding color to concrete is a simple yet effective way to enhance its appearance. Integral color, which involves adding pigment directly to the mix, ensures consistent color throughout the material. Alternatively, surface-applied color options like stains, dyes, and tinted sealers can create a wide range of hues and effects. Colored can be used for driveways, patios, floors, and even garden paths to add a pop of color and complement your overall design scheme.

Concrete Furniture

Concrete furniture is an emerging trend that combines functionality with artistic design. From tables and benches to planters and fire pits, these sturdy furniture pieces are durable and weather-resistant, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The versatility allows for unique shapes and designs that can serve as statement pieces in your home or garden.

Endless Possibilities for Concrete in Calgary

Decorative concrete opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing the beauty and functionality of your spaces. Whether you’re looking to update your patio, revamp your floors, or add a unique touch to your countertops, there’s a decorative option to suit your needs. With its blend of durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, decorative concrete in Calgary is a smart choice for any home or business improvement project.

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