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At Limmud: New University of Manitoba president Michael Benarroch speaks of the challenges presented by stepping into his role in midst of a pandemic

By BERNIE BELLAN While there were a great many interesting speakers at this year’s Limmud, the one speaker to whom I was looking most forward to hearing was Michael Benarroch, the new president of the University of Manitoba.
Since returning to Winnipeg last summer after having served as the provost and vice-president of Ryerson University in Toronto since the fall of 2017, Benarroch was thrust headlong into having to take over his position in the midst of a pandemic.
Naturally, there haven’t been many opportunities to see and hear Benarroch, nor to interview him since he returned to Winnipeg, so his appearing at Limmud allowed Limmud participants the chance to hear directly from a man whose career has seen him move steadily up the academic administration ladder in the past 30 years.
At times wistful – in speaking of his family’s having come here from Morocco, at other times contemplative, in discussing how important it is to include Indigenous students and faculty in reshaping the U of M, Benarroch told a story – of how he’s arrived at his present situation in life and what his goals are looking forward.
“My parents never had the opportunity to go to university,” Benarroch explained at the outset of his presentation.
“My family came to Winnipeg (from Morocco) because my mother’s brother was in Winnipeg. My father was a teacher, but when he came to Winnipeg he found a job as a shochet,” Benarroch said.
It was while he was an undergrad at the University of Winnipeg that Benarroch said he developed a “passion for economics”. He later went on to acquire a PhD in Economics from Carleton University – in 1992.
Upon completing his PhD Benarroch returned to the University of Winnipeg. At the time, he explained during his presentation, Lloyd Axworthy was President of the University of Winnipeg and Axworthy asked Benarroch whether the university should have a business school?
“I designed a vision,” Benarroch said, and eventually he became dean of the new Faculty of Business and Economics.
After 19 years at the U of W, Benarroch said he “interviewed for Dean at the Asper School of Business” at the University of Manitoba, which he became in 2011.
“The University of Manitoba is one of 50 research intensive universities in Canada,” Benarroch noted – something that was to prove a factor in his wanting to return here this past year.
In 2017, Benarroch became Provost and Vice-President Academic at Ryerson University.
For Benarroch, Ryerson was a good fit, he explained, because “it had a real focus on community engagement and entrepreneurship.”
As for moving to Toronto, Benarroch admitted that he and his wife, Kim (Bailey), “missed Winnipeg a lot – especially Kim.” Still, by the time they left Toronto this past summer, both their sons (Keenan and Aden) had also moved to Toronto, so returning to Winnipeg was a bit of a mixed blessing for Michael and Kim.
The story how Benarroch came to be president of the University of Manitoba is an interesting one.
When he applied for the position – in 2019, “I didn’t even tell my family I was applying,” he said. And, when he came to Winnipeg to interview for the position, he didn’t even tell his brothers he was here. (Al Benarroch is Executive Director of Jewish Child and Family Service, while Yosef Benarroch is Rabbi of the Adas Yeshurun Herzlia Congregation, although he also lives part of the year in Israel – during normal times. A fourth brother, Yamin, who is also a rabbi, lives in Vancouver).
Ultimately, Benarroch “was offered the position of president (of the U of M) in 2019,” he said, “then Covid hit and turned everything topsy turvy.”
At that point, the host of this particular Limmud session, Faye Rosenberg Cohen, asked Benarroch: “Did you plan out the career part?”
Benarroch responded: “I knew the presidency at the University of Manitoba was coming up. I kept my eye on it, but I thought that (moving to Toronto) was going to be my last move.
“There had to be a good reason for me to move from one institution to another.
“During my time at the Asper School I thought though that I really meshed well with the atmosphere at the University of Manitoba.”
As for Ryerson, Benarroch noted that the school began as a polytechnic institute and it still carries a very large imprint as a technical training school even though it is now a university.
“Ninety-five percent of the students have an experiential background – serving in apprenticeships” and work programs, while attending classes, Benarroch explained.
Part of Benarroch’s mandate while he was at Ryerson, he noted, was to “rebuild the faculty.”
“We went from 700 to over 900 in the three years I was there,” Benarroch stated.
“We hired quite a few younger academics who brought a lot of energy with them,” he added.
Another major change that Benarroch said he helped to foster was a concerted effort to hire more Indigenous instructors.
“When I arrived there were only six Indigenous professors at Ryerson,” he observed.
“Working with students and elders we launched a reconciliation process. We made Ryerson a place where Indigenous people would feel welcome,” including by “hiring 20 new Indigenous staff,” Benarroch said.
“We also brought in a fair bit of scholarship money for Indigenous students,” he added.
Yet, when the opportunity to take over as president of the University of Manitoba presented itself, Benarroch noted, that despite his having fit in well at Ryerson, he said that “you never want to leave a job, but if I hadn’t taken that opportunity I don’t think it would have come up again.”
Rosenberg Cohen asked Benarroch “How has being a religious Jew worked for you, first as a professor, then as an administrator?”
Benarroch replied: “As a prof, it was great. As an observant Jew I was always able to schedule my time so as to be able to observe Shabbat.”
Benarroch mentioned that one of the two sabbatical years he took as a professor was at the University of Haifa, which was of particular significance for him – being able to spend the year in Israel.
However, upon becoming an administrator, Benarroch suggested, “my schedule was not mine as much as it was in the past…At Ryerson, the president was an observant Muslim, so I always I had to make sure I was on campus on Fridays while he was attending prayers.”
Further, Benarroch noted, while the advent of Zoom during the pandemic has certainly enabled teaching and meetings to carry on, Zoom has, in fact, “made it harder to remain Shabbat observant.”
Prior to the pandemic, he explained, if he had a meeting or conference to attend – even on a Shabbat, “I would be staying in a hotel and I could attend a meeting – without taking any notes.”
Now, it’s impossible to participate in a Zoom session during Shabbat, he said – and since the workday seems to have expanded to include almost any hour of the day, Benarroch admitted that, as much as technology has allowed meetings to be held relatively easily, it has presented problems for him having to decide between his obligations as a university president and his religious observance.
As for some of the other more noticeable effects that the pandemic has had on his role as president at the U of M, Benarroch said: “I have four staff members in my office; I’ve seen one of them in person.”
Benarroch told the Limmud audience that, prior to assuming his new role, he read a book offering advice on “how to be a university president”.
(Rosenberg Cohen asked the question that was probably on everyone else’s minds at that point: Are there enough people in the world who would be in the position that they were interested in becoming a university president that it would be worth it to write a book about that subject?)
In any event, Benarroch said that this particular book did offer two really good pieces of advice:
1. Don’t make a major decision during your first six months in the new position;
and 2. Go out and meet as many people as you can off the bat.
(Obviously, the second piece of advice was thrown out the window when Benarroch returned to Winnipeg during the pandemic.)
In terms of how the pandemic will change the way university courses are taught even following the pandemic, Benarroch suggested that what is likely to occur is that professors will teach classes where some students attend in person while other students will take those same classes online.
“We’re also looking to have classes for Indigenous students up north” offered online, following on the success of Zoom teaching during the pandemic, he suggested.
While “there has been a lot of resistance to teaching online among academics,” Benarroch admitted, “students have been adapting.”
With reference to how many students are actually enrolled at the university this academic year, Benarroch observed that, while there are “fewer first year students at the University of Manitoba, there have been more students return for second, third, and fourth year” than in previous years.
“Enrolment is definitely up,” Benarroch said, “and we expect to see the majority of students return again in the fall.”
Rosenberg Cohen asked: “If I were a parent, thinking of spending money to send my child to a university somewhere, why would I spend all that money when they can take their classes online?”
Benarroch’s response was that, while virtual classes will certainly be a major part of whatever format universities eventually evolve into becoming, there is going to be a greater emphasis on “more participation, more research, more experiential. There are going to be more opportunities outside the classroom”, but they are going to be in person, not online.
As an example, Benarroch said he’s planning on creating a “student start-up zone”, in which students will start their own businesses.”
“It’s better to fail at a business when you’re 23 than when you’re 55,” Benarroch observed.
Rosenberg Cohen asked: “What are your hopes and dreams?”
Benarroch said, “Here at the University of Manitoba we have a tremendous testing capacity. Winnipeg could become a testing centre for vaccines,” for instance he suggested.
Continuing on the thread of what his hopes and dreams are, Benarroch said: “I’d like to see the University of Manitoba become a global leader in certain areas.
“I’d like to see the university become a racist-free zone.” (He noted that the previous president of the U of M, David Barnard, “had launched a task force on Equality, Diversity, and Integration.)
“We know we can’t stamp out racism, on campus,” Benarroch observed. “The question is how to deal with it.”
Someone in the Zoom audience wondered how one can maintain a balance between stamping out racism while still allowing free speech?
“We’re still a university. We are going to have debate and disagreement,” Benarroch said in response.
Someone else wondered “How does the university compensate for lab work that can’t get done?
Benarroch answered that “We allow 20 percent capacity in some spaces…We’ve also developed a way to hold some of the labs virtually.”
As well, Benarroch said that, for ten days in January, students in the Faculties of Nursing, Science, Architecture, Engineering, and Agriculture, were allowed back on to campus” to conduct lab work – under strict Covid protocols.
I asked a question along these lines (although the names of questioners were not given): Professors are having to spend more time than ever before finding funding for their programs. With the emphasis on practical, results-oriented programs, where will that leave programs that don’t necessarily have practical applications? (My question was not worded precisely that way, but it was along those general lines.)
Benarroch’s response was that “the university brings in just under $200 million a year in research money – the vast majority of which comes from the federal government.”
He added that he has two goals as far as where the money for research goes: to allow students who were doing research prior to Covid to continue doing that work; and to obtain additional money to keep university labs running.
Benarroch also noted that there is now a “massive reinvestment in science in the US. We have to remain competitive in how we pay faculty and how we keep up our labs.”
It seems quite evident, therefore, that Michael Benarroch is going to be preoccupied with finding ever new sources of funding for the university, while trying to retain whatever sources have been in place until now.
It seemed fitting, therefore, that one of his final observations was that “one of my mandates as president is to speak to government”.
Still, lost in all the discussion about funding and research was any reference to the less practical aspects of a university education. Of course, that’s a subject that’s been debated for a very long time. I just wonder where faculties such as Arts are going to end up with the even greater emphasis on “research” oriented programs.
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Limmud speaker Dan Ronis to introduce alternative way of learning about Jewish history

By MYRON LOVE The study of Jewish history – actually history in general – can be approached in any number of ways. There is the traditional yeshiva way of study, for example. Or, there is the conventional, modern, secular approach – as exemplified by Daniel Kroft (who was profiled in the last edition of the Jewish Post) – who accessed online lectures and university courses as well as readings to prepare himself for the launch of his relatively new Jewish history podcast.
Dan Ronis, who, like Kroft, will be presenting at Lummud Winnipeg on Sunday, March 23, is taking a decidedly different tack in learning about and teaching aspects of Jewish history.
A plant breeder and plant geneticist by training, Ronis, who currently lives in Saskatoon, will be giving two presentations at Limmud. His afternoon seminar will be about presenting Jewish history through the lens of a board game – specifically a visual recreation of the 70 CE Roman siege of Jerusalem.
Now board games recreating historical battles have been around for decades. (I remember as a teenager recreating the Allies’ D Day invasion of Normandy in June, 1944.)
“I have always loved chess and other board games involving strategy,” Ronis says. “With board games that recreate significant historic battles, you can actually see the disposition of the different armies in relation to each other. You can visualize the Roman siege towers, for example, the battering rams. You can visualize Judean forces sneaking out of the besieged city from time to time to launch surprise attacks on the enemy. It helps the players to understand how hard it was for both sides.“
(Ronis notes that there are other board games emulating each of the wars of modern Israel.)
Ronis’s morning presentation will be more esoteric” “No Forbidden Fruit – No Angry God” – which is also the title of one of two books he has written – the other being “Women of the Hebrew Bible: Their Stories”, (both of which are available on Amazon).
“No Forbidden Fruit – No Angry God” tells the stories of the Torah, from information he has gleaned through the practice of “channeling” through a professional medium.
“The women and men who led the way of faith, are more magnificent than is told in our writings,” Ronis claims. “That is what I believe after composing two channelled books which present those people and the events in a different light. I am pleased to be able to share some of these stories at Limmud.”
For readers who may be unsure of who or what a medium is, think of Theresa Caputo of television fame. Mediums claim to be able to converse with those who have passed on through a spirit guide. While many may be skeptical, there are also many believers.
Be that as it may, what Ronis has learned through his medium about the personalities in the Torah is certainly food for thought.
The medium through whom he gained his information is Donna Somerville, with whom he first came into contact while working for McCain Foods in New Brunswick as a potato breeder.
“I got to know some people who had consulted Donna and found what she had to say interesting,” he recalls. “Three or four years ago, I went to see her about some relationship issues and family matters. We became good friends.”
So, a few short years ago, Ronis – who grew up in Washington, D.C. within a Reform family, decided to see if Somerville, who now lives in Halifax, could also channel biblical figures. “We had nine or ten sessions and the results were fascinating,” he recalls. “She described real people.”
The sessions, he notes, focused largely on the five books of Moses. He reports, for example, that she vouched for the reality of Adam and Eve – but suggested that Noah was an amalgam of three God-fearing men who each built arks. One of the three was the story-teller.
He adds that the flood was largely restricted to the northern hemisphere.
“My questions were open-ended,” he says. “Donna, for example, provided intriguing new information about the story of Esther.”
Ronis notes that he was particular interested in stories of women in that long ago era because they have been largely overlooked in Jewish writing.
For the first book he recounts, he recorded the sessions on audio and video before transcribing the information. For the second book, he had free software which allowed him to change the text on the fly.
Readers who may be interested in attending Limmud this year can call 204 557-6260 or email coordinator@limmudwinnipeg.org. Ticket prices are $55 for the full day (which includes lunch and snacks) or $30 for a half day.
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Congregation Etz Chayim’s new Chief Operating Officer is embracing the meaning of Jewish life

By MYRON LOVE In her new role as the Chief Operating Officer of Congregation Etz Chayim, Morissa Granove is focused on the future of synagogue life. She is also committed to creating meaningful Jewish experiences for herself, the synagogue’s members, and Winnipeg’s Jewish community. “We will be working to create something special for everyone at every age with a special focus on engaging the younger members of our community,” she says.
Granove, who was appointed to the position just six weeks ago, is herself an example of a younger person who has rediscovered meaning in community and has taken on a leadership role. It is heartening to see a growing number of younger community members assuming leadership roles in our communal institutions and bodes well for the future of our Jewish community.
The daughter of Bruce and Dina z”l Granove, Morissa grew up in Garden City. She attended Peretz School, Talmud Torah, and Joseph Wolinsky until the end of Grade 9, before attending high school at Garden City Collegiate. After finishing school, she joined her father in business at the Work Boot Factory Outlet Store Ltd. on Regent Avenue, which first opened in 1989. Over the years, Morissa came to assume the management responsibilities.
In 2015, she reports, she stepped back from day-to-day management of the business. Her father Bruce was retired, and her wife, Laurie McCreery, took charge of the daily operations, while Morissa continued to have input and oversee things from afar.
Morissa Granove has been on a spiritual quest since 2003. She notes that she has studied various Eastern philosophies and healing practices over the past 20 plus years. In 2015, she began a private practice that she still maintains in which she helps others overcome being overwhelmed emotionally, using easy-to-learn skills and simple steps that continue to support Morissa herself daily. “I was learning what it means to live a truly good life, and as a deeply sensitive person, I was seeking out how to better control my emotions so they would no longer control me,” she says. Many of the same skills that have supported her personally were also key to her success in business, she adds.
While Granove grew up attending the Beth Israel Synagogue, which later merged with Congregation Etz Chayim (and the Bnay Abraham Synagogue) 25 years ago. She, as with many of her contemporaries, had drawn away from Jewish life as it relates to synagogue attendance. It was the sudden passing of her mother, Dina z”l, that brought her back to shul, she explains.
“I found coming back here after mom died gave me a great sense of comfort and a strong feeling of belonging,” she recalls. “I didn’t expect that.”
Initially, she took on the role as the Etz Chayim’s “Spiritual Concierge & Director of Lifecycle Events.” “I am looking forward to building on our traditions and history,” she says.
It is just over a year since Congregation Etz Chayim moved into its new home at 1155 Wilkes Avenue in south Winnipeg, after 70 years on Matheson Avenue in north Winnipeg. The move was a long time coming. The building needed a lot of upgrading and, with 70% of the membership and 80% of the younger families living south, it made sense to relocate to where the membership is.
“By being closer to our membership, it has made it easier for more people to be involved.” the new Chief Operating Officer notes, “We are getting good numbers coming for Shabbat services. We are seeing more people coming by the office. We are getting a steady stream of new people coming in for exploratory visits, and we are having more young families getting involved in our incredible programs.”
Granove has observed that moving Etz Chayim south has turned out to be so much more than simply moving from point A to point B. Rather, she notes, “the move gave us the opportunity to look at how we can operate more efficiently and effectively. This is so much more than a new location. It is a new opportunity.” At the new Etz Chayim, she continues, “we are able to offer meaningful Jewish events and programming for all age groups in a convenient location.”
She cites, for example, the synagogue’s new USY (United Synagogue Youth) program – in conjunction with the USCJ (United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism) – of which Etz Chayim is a member – for teens which, she reports, has drawn a good number of participants, and is growing. She has also had requests for more seniors’ programming and is excited to be working on some new initiatives for the coming months. As she often says, “Stay tuned.”
“I have been wondering for some time if the synagogue (in the generic sense) could go back to the days when it was a centre of community life,” she muses. “I think we can!”
“I hope that our members come to view Etz Chayim as a home away from home for themselves and their family, just as I have,” Granove says. “I am committed to working for our community and we will continue to create more and more reasons for others to choose Congregation Etz Chayim as a home for their religious needs and community connection.”
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Young pediatrician Daniel Kroft and his Jewish history podcast

By MYRON L0VE It has been said that if you want to make sure to get something done, give the task to the busiest person in the room. That adage would certainly apply to Daniel Kroft.
Although only 30 years old, Daniel, the son of community leaders Jonathan and Dr. Cara Kroft, has emulated both of his parents by being a community leader as well as a pediatrician. In the former category, Daniel is a member of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg’s Community Planning Committee (His father, Jonathan, is a Past President of the Federation).
The younger Kroft is also a co-founder of the Manitoba Maccabim – a young Jewish advocacy group. He recently joined Belle Jarniewski, executive director of the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Manitoba, in a presentation to the Internal Medicine Department of Health Sciences Center on the subject of antisemitism.
Professionally, the Gray Academy graduate (class of 2012) is a member of a clinic run out of St. Boniface Hospital, is on staff at the Children’s Hospital, puts in time at the Health Sciences Centre, and serves as a consultant pediatrician at Brandon’s regional hospital. He also takes trips to northern Manitoba to offer his services.
In addition, he is a member of the Jewish Physicians Association of Manitoba.
With all that on his plate, you wouldn’t think that Kroft would have time for much else. If so, you would be wrong. Four years ago, he launched a new initiative, a podcast – “The Jewish Story” – intended to teach interested listeners about Jewish history.
The idea came to him, he says, back in 2021, when he was still a medical student. “It was the time when Black Lives Matter was in the news,” he recalls. “At med school, we were learning all about Black history and Indigenous history. I realized that I actually didn’t know much about my own Jewish history.”
The first source he turned to was the Anglo-Jewish historian Simon Schama and his book, “The Story of the Jews”. He followed up with online courses from Oxford and Harvard as well as a lecture series led by prominent historian Henry Abramson.
Setting up a podcast, he notes, required another learning curve. “It takes me about a year to do the research and organize my podcasts,” he reports. “I had to learn how to do a podcast and about which equipment to buy. I set up a recording studio in a room in my house.”
On his website (rss.com/podcasts/thejewishstory/), Kroft describes “The Jewish Story” as “a Jewish history podcast for the 21st century”. “We use the latest in archaeology, linguistics and historical methods to sculpt the history of the Jewish People from the exodus from Egypt until the present,” he notes.
He started his series of podcasts going back to the beginning – from the earliest evidence of Jewish existence through the establishment of the Jewish kingdom, its conflicts with neighbouring empires, to its destruction by the Babylonians.
And that is just the first episode.
The first season – seven episodes – encompassed Jewish history up to and including the Roman invasion of Jerusalem and destruction of the second Temple in 70 CE. Kroft points out that some of his podcasts feature guest commentators. In his first season, for example, in the third episode, he interviews Rabbi Matthew Leibl about the relevance to modern Jewish life of the first eight centuries of Jewish history.
In the seventh episode, he discusses with his former elementary school teacher, Sherry Wolfe Elazar ,what lessons modern Jews can learn from the Greco-Roman period for Jewish history.
The second series of podcasts focuses on the development of Jewish life in the first centuries after the Diaspora and the effects of the new Christian and Muslim religions on the Jewish people. The seventh and last episode of season two features Rabbi Anibal Mass, the spiritual leader of the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, talking about a wide range of subjects ,including the breakaway Karaites, he definition of Jewish music, and how technology has shaped modern Jewish practice.
The third season covers the 11th-15th centuries while the most recent series of episodes spans the period from 1500 to 1650. Kroft reports that the next group of podcasts will provide an overview of Jewish life in the 17th and early 18th centuries, including the beginnings of Jewish life in North America.
I asked Kroft when he finds the time to work on his podcasts. His response: in his spare time – weekends and holidays.
The podcaster reports that when he started, he was getting 30-40 listeners per episode. Now his numbers are up to 200-300 from all over the world.
For readers who may want to hear Daniel Kroft’s story in person, he will be one of the presenters at the upcoming Limmud Winnipeg. Kroft will be presenting on Sunday, March 23, at 1:30 at the Campus.
For more information aboutLimmud, contact coordinator@limmudwinnipeg.org or 204-557-6260
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