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International President and CEO of Bridges for Peace, Rebecca Brimmer, visits Winnipeg

Rebecca Brimmer
International President & CEO
Bridges for Peace

By BERNIE BELLAN Two years ago we ran a press release from Bridges for Peace, in which the organization announced that an interview that I had been planning on doing with BFP International President and CEO Rebecca Brimmer when she was slated to arrive in Winnipeg that April had to be postponed because of – you guessed it: the onset of Covid.

That seems like eons ago, but when I was invited to attend a luncheon at the Asper Campus to hear from Becky (which is what everyone who knows her calls her), along with other representatives of BFP, I was only too glad to do so (although, as I explained to the person who contacted me from BFP: I wanted to be absolutely sure that proper protocols were in place, including safe distancing, also that I would be wearing a mask. I said that I’m still not comfortable being in public places where there are large groups of people, when not everyone is masked.)

Peter Fast
Executive Director, BFP Canada

As it was, it was only a very small group of invited guests, representing various Jewish organizations, who were on hand to hear from Becky, also from Peter Fast, Executive Director of BFP Canada (and soon to be CEO of BFP International, taking over from Becky next year). We were also told that we were going to be hearing from one more speaker: Tom Brimmer (Becky’s husband), whom I had the pleasure of meeting – along with Becky, in 2011, when they were both here to attend a function at the Shaarey Zedek honouring then-Executive Director of BFP Canada John Howson, upon his retirement from that position.
Tom Brimmer, by the way, is a licensed tour guide in Israel. I told him that I recalled meeting him back in 2011 when he was wearing a plaid shirt and heavy boots. I told him that he looked like a lumberjack back then. If you take a look at his picture here, I think you’ll agree that he is still not likely to make the cover of GQ.

For those of you not familiar with Bridges for Peace, it’s a Christian organization whose purpose is to foster good relations between Christians and Jews and to provide a range of services for Israeli citizens (of all denominations) who are in need of assistance. Through food banks which it operates in two Israeli cities (Jerusalem and Karmiel), BFP provides over three tons of food a day to over 24,000 Israelis. Now, with the influx of refugees from Ukraine, BFP has stepped up its food donations to meet the needs of many of those refugees, also refugees who have arrived from Ethiopia, Becky explained during her talk. In addition to food banks, BFP volunteers also do home repairs, and help Israelis with medical and dental needs.

During Becky’s talk, she told of her own experiences with BFP in Israel, where she has lived since 1993 (although she and Tom have now moved to Missouri, she told me during lunch, but they both travel back and forth from there to Israel on a regular basis).
Explaining what it is that BFP is attempting to achieve, Becky said the primary purpose is “having a future when Christians and Jews are good friends. There are so many things we share in common.”

While Peter Fast’s role in Canada has been to promote good relations between Jews and Christians, primarily by reaching to members of over 500 churches across Canada, Becky noted, her role in Israel has been “on the other side of the bridge” – reaching out to Jews to demonstrate how supportive so many Christians are of the State of Israel.
By doing so, she continued, “We are doing everything we can to educate the Christian world to undo the damage done in the past. We want to show a different face (to Jews) by acts of kindness.”

While one may have thought that, with the advent of Covid in 2020, donations to BFP and subsequently, support for Israel, might have dried up, just the opposite has happened, Becky observed.
“Christians saw the need to give more,” she stated. In 2022 already, “we’ve raised 50% more than we had budgeted” as a result of the generosity of donors. Becky gave the specific example of BFP in Japan, which has only a very small Christian community. Since the war in Ukraine began, however, and thousands of Ukrainian Jewish refugees have arrived in Israel, over $500,000 has been donated to BFP Japan, she said.

Referring to the Holocaust and how few Christians intervened to help save Jewish lives, Becky noted that many people like to say: “If I had been alive then I would have helped.”
“Well, this is my time to help now,” Becky said. Bridges for Peace “will help as many Jews from Ukraine as we can, also Jews from Ethiopia.”


Since Bridges for Peace officially began (in 1976), it has helped over 100,000 individuals make aliyah to Israel, Becky noted.

Tom Brimmer
helped to start something
called the “Zealous Israel Project”

Following Becky’s remarks, her husband Tom took the podium. Tom explained that he wanted to talk about tourism – and how much of a hit Israel has taken to its tourism industry since Covid first emerged worldwide in 2020.
For Tom Brimmer, tourism has given him the opportunity to show Christian tourists what Israel is all about, he said. “Tourism changes people,” he observed.
“Christians come to Israel with every kind of attitude you can imagine,” he said, “but they leave with a changed attitude.”

“The tourism industry,” in Israel, he added however, “has suffered a terrible blow the last two years.”
Yet, while it now appears that tourism is set to make a huge rebound in Israel, as Covid restrictions have been lifted, there is one huge problem, Tom suggested: Almost all the tour guides who lost their jobs as a result of Covid have found other jobs in the meantime. Will they want to leave those new jobs and return to being tour guides? he wondered.

Further, “90 percent of the restaurants that depended on tourists closed,” he added.
Something else Tom noted: Seven hotels were transformed into Covid hotels exclusively. Are they going to revert to normal hotel operations now?
Still, he was optimistic. “We’re going to make a comeback. It’s going to be okay,” he predicted.

As of this moment, “it’s hard to book a tour – they’re in such great demand,” Tom said. On top of that, he said, “we’re training a whole new crop of tour guides, but it does take two years to train a tour guide.”

At that point Tom switched gears and began talking about a Bridges for Peace program with which he’s been heavily involved since it first began in 2006, something called the “Zealous Israel Project.”
How that project began, Tom explained, was with his idea of taking a leaf out of the very successful Birthright program, and bring groups of from 18-30 young Christian adults to Israel for 10-12 days at a time.
In time the project morphed into something quite a bit more comprehensive when it was transformed into an 11-month internship program, based in Jerusalem, with ten different young adults participating at a time. (The mix is usually five males and five females, Tom noted, although it doesn’t always work out that way.)

“We want participants to see the land and experience training sessions with Israelis,” he added. “We teach young Christian adults why Israel is important.”
One of the first graduates of the program was none other than Peter Fast, who has gone on to become Executive Director of Bridges for Peace Canada and, as noted, is about to step into the role of International CEO of BFP.

In his own remarks, Peter Fast paid tribute to two of his predecessors who served as Executive Director of BFP Canada: John Howson, who was Executive Director from 1997-2011 (and who hardly looks much older than when I first met him over 15 years ago) and Eric Malloy, who served in that role until 2019.

Peter said that he and his young family will be moving to Israel in January next year and that he hoped to visit Winnipeg often once he moves into his new position in Israel.

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Inspirational Gray Academy teacher Sheppy Coodin retiring

By MYRON LOVE After 20 years at Gray Academy – and 30 years overall as a teacher, Dr. Sheppy Coodin is retiring – leaving behind many indelible memories – not only for himself  but also for the numerous students he has taught over the years.
“I tried to inspire my students – and I was in turn inspired by them,” says Coodin, the son of Kayla and the late Fischel Coodin, who was one of the longest serving teachers currently teaching at the school.
The beloved biology teacher’s relationship with our community’s Jewish school system actually goes back much longer than 20 years. He is an alumnus of both the former Talmud Torah School and Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate and his father-in-law, Jerry Cohen, served as principal of Joseph Wolinsky for 17 years – from 1980-1997.
Coodin recounts that his teachers at Joseph Wolinsky – in particular the  Grysmans and Binenfelds – inspired his passion for Judaism.
Coodin earned his Ph.D. in Biology from Western University  – graduating in 1993.  He says though, that his goal all along had been to become a teacher.  After Western, he and his late wife, Naomi, returned to Winnipeg where he earned his B. Ed at the University of Manitoba.
He first taught for a year in the Seven Oaks School System – followed by eight years at St. John’s-Ravenscourt.  At Ravenscourt, he taught Grade 8-12 Sciences.
Coodin taught at Ravenscourt for eight years before moving to Gray Academy.  At the latter, he taught high school Biology and Judaic Studies.
Coodin describes Gray Academy as a very special school. “My colleagues and the students – we are a family,” he observes.
One important trait that Coodin brought to his role as a teacher was his enthusiasm.  “I have always loved lesson planning,” he says.  “I loved the challenge of finding new ways to help my students connect with the material.
Coodin also has one talent that is unique among his fellow teachers:  He can juggle…no, not in the sense of juggling responsibilities – but real juggling.  It was an avocation that he learned in high school.  In his younger days, he occasionally worked children’s birthday parties as “Sheppy the Clown” – an act that naturally included juggling.
And from his first year as a teacher, he taught interested students to juggle as part of his school’s extracurricular activities.  At Gray Academy, he started a yearly Purim variety show which included his student jugglers as well as other students and staff offering stand-up comedy, song and dance.
He happily reports that the variety shows will continue even though he will no longer be a part of them.
Living and modelling an observant Jewish life has also been important to Coodin.  For 30 years, Jewish scholar Barry Bender form New York would fly into Winnipeg in January – with a dozen yeshiva students,  to lead a weekend Shabbaton for the school’s high school students – a Shabbaton that Coodin was involved in helping organize.
That came to an end with the Covid lockdowns in 2020 but, Coodin reports, last year, he and his fellow teachers organized their own Shabbaton for their students.
“All 14 of us high school teachers who went were actively involved,” he points out.
Another initiative that Coodin started – with fellow Gray Academy High school teacher Avi Posen (who made aliyah in 2019) was the annual “Shabbat Unplugged.”  The two created Shabbat Unplugged in 2016 with the idea of building on the annual high school Shabbaton and organizing an annual Shabbaton for Jewish university students, not only from Winnipeg, but also from other Western Canadian Jewish communities.
The Shabbaton is now run by Hillel, he notes.  “It was nice to be invited back by (Hillel director) Raya (Margulets),” Coodin commented in an interview with the Post a few months back. “Raya is also a former student of mine who took part in the 2017 Shabbat Unplugged.”
One of the highlights of his teaching career at Gray Academy, he notes, was being able to teach his own sons, Yoni and Elly.  “That was really special,” he recalls.   
In retirement, he says, he is looking forward to spending time at Gimli over the summer with his partner, Leslie Singer, who is also retiring from teaching this year.  “I am planning on renewing my gym membership and getting back to golf,” he continues.  “Leslie and I will most likely do some traveling in the fall. I am also looking forward to spending time with family. ”
And though his teaching career is at an end, Coodin fully expects to keep in touch with many of his former students.

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Winnipegger Mark Joseph leading efforts to fund treatment for rare genetic disorder that afflicted his daughter

The Jospeh family (clockwise from top left): Mark, Jennifer, Edison, Darwin

By MYRON LOVE It’s not likely that many readers are familiar with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), but it is a condition that Mark and Jennifer Joseph know all too well, as their ten-year-old daughter, Darwin, lives with this disorder.
Prader-Willi Syndrome is a rare life-threatening genetic disorder that occurs in approximately one out of every 15,000 live-births. PWS affects many aspects of an individual’s life. A particular symptom is a relentless and insatiable hunger.
“We were fortunate that we were living in Toronto when Darwin was born so that we had access to many, many specialists and the Hospital for Sick Children,” says Mark, a pilot with Westjet who moved to Winnipeg in 2021. Immediately at Darwin’s birth the doctors knew there was something atypical about Darwin. The room flooded with specialists to assess and treat the newborn, who was labelled “failure to thrive,” as she was as limp as a rag doll, and wasn’t crying. “This was definitely one of the scariest and most traumatic experiences of our lives,” adds Mark.
“The hospital’s lead paediatrician had no experience with PWS, but remembered hearing of it. Genetic testing began, and by one-month-of-age, we had a definitive diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome – a diagnosis that would change the trajectory of our lives,” notes Jennifer.
“Darwin’s diagnosis required us to become experts in her condition,” says Mark, who is the newly installed President and Chair of the Foundation for Prader-Willi Research Canada. “Most medical professionals have never encountered anyone living with it. We had to learn all we could to best advocate for our daughter so that we could have the best possible outcome for her future.”
 “Darwin’s early years were filled with therapies – physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, hippotherapy, even feeding therapy, as an infant due to her low muscle tone. We still have therapies, but nothing like in Darwin’s first year of life. Before the age of one, we had attended over 165 medical appointments and therapies. It was exhausting and mentally very hard. This was our first child and definitely not how we had envisioned parenthood,” says Jennifer.
As Darwin has aged, her insatiable appetite has grown with her. In order to keep her safe and provide her a bit of independence in her own home, Darwin’s parents have had to put locks on the fridge and pantry.  “Anywhere that food is stored needs to be locked. This helps us keep Darwin safe from overeating, as individuals with PWS have a high pain threshold and can unfortunately eat until they rupture their stomach. But it also helps Darwin manage her food-related anxiety so she doesn’t have to worry about gaining access to food and hurting herself,” notes Mark.
Food needs to be controlled and scheduled in any environment in which Darwin is present. Her school has taken great lengths to ensure food safety and open communication about food-related activities. Every meal has to be nutritious and portion controlled, as not only is Darwin always hungry, her slow metabolism requires her to need only half the typical calories of her peers – otherwise she will face life-threatening obesity and its related diseases.
Locally, on Sunday, June 9, Mark and Jennifer – in conjunction with three other Winnipeg families who are raising children with PWS, organized their second annual “One Small Step” Walk for Prader-Willi Syndrome Research at Kildonan Park. Mark reports that this year’s walk attracted 130 participants and raised over $22,000 – about $6,000 more than last year.
The funding, he reports, is being directed toward research. Clinical trials are taking place around the world to help understand the mechanisms of Prader-Willi Syndrome and investigate new treatments. One such trial is being conducted by Dr. Jennifer Miller, a professor and researcher in the division of Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Dr. Miller, the world’s leading specialist in PWS, currently works with over 500 patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome from around the world, and has been working towards achieving an effective treatment for hyperphagia (insatiable hunger) for the past 12 years.
The Josephs report that research may be close to a breakthrough in developing a treatment that can minimize some of the more challenging aspects of PWS. “Right now, Darwin is in public school,” Mark notes. “She can read and write and is fairly high functioning, but she is constantly hungry and anxious about food and distracted by the desire to attain food. This obviously has a huge effect on her ability to concentrate and learn. Without treatment, she will not be able to manage the demands of high school or look forward to a career.”
“A treatment will be life-changing for her and for us as a family – she may be able to lead a full and independent future… something we never thought we’d see in the early days of her diagnosis,” adds Jennifer. “Mark himself was responsible for much of the increase in the amount of money raised at this year’s walk thanks to the extensive network of contacts that he has built up over the years through his career in the aviation industry, and as a part of the Jewish community.
“A lot of people are willing to help, but they don’t know how,” Mark observes. “Our fundraising walk provides focus for friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers who want to help.”
For Mark, this is his second go-around in Winnipeg. He previously lived and worked here in 2008. That was when he met Jennifer. He himself is originally from Toronto. He notes that his father is from Haifa and his mother grew up as part of a small Jewish community in Cornwall – which is about 90 km southeast of Ottawa. Although his wife Jennifer is not Jewish, the couple agreed to raise their children – Darwin and younger brother Edison, in the Jewish faith.
“In Ontario, we were living in an area called the Blue Mountains, two hours north of Toronto, and there was no Jewish community,” Mark notes, “So when the pandemic happened, we decided that it was time to move back to Winnipeg to be closer to Jenn’s friends and family.  Knowing that there was a large and vibrant Jewish community here made the decision an easy one.”
The Josephs enrolled their son Edison in Gray Academy for junior and senior kindergarten, and then transferred him to the Brock Corydon Hebrew Bilingual program. “We want him to have a strong foundation and connection to his Jewish roots,” Mark says. And though Darwin is not enrolled in the Hebrew program, she enjoys many activities and programs through the Rady JCC. “We are looking forward to deepening our involvement in the Jewish community,”Mark adds.
Readers who would like to support the Josephs’ efforts to develop a treatment for PWS and alleviate the challenges that Darwin and those afflicted with PWS face, can do so by visiting their One Small Step fundraising page at:
 To learn more about Prader-Willi Syndrome and the research being conducted you can visit: or

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Former Winnipeg JNF Shaliach and Ben-Gurion University Executive Director Ariel Karabelnicoff has new gig with Haifa University

By MYRON LOVE Ariel Karabelnicoff left an indelible mark on our community over the 16 years that he and his wife Grabriela and their daughters lived here.  Originally from Argentina, Ariel and Gabriela came here – by way of Israel – in 2003.
On first arriving, Karabelnicoff worked for investment firm Jory Capital.  Subsequently, by turn, he served as the State of Israel Bonds’ point man here, then executive director of the local chapter of the Canadian Associates of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – followed by filling the same role for the JNF here.  In 2019, he was lured to Toronto by former employer Israel Bonds to serve as national sales director.
About two years ago, Karabelnicoff left Israel Bonds for a new gig as executive director of Canadian Friends of Haifa University.
“I was excited to take on this new role,” Karabelnicoff says.  “I strongly believe in the importance of higher education.  Higher education broadens the mind and is a path to opening doors to multiple opportunities in life.  It is a key to social mobility.”
Karabelnicoff reports that, among the largest universities in Israel, the University of Haifa is the youngest.  Fully accredited in 1972, he notes, the university has an enrolment of 18,000 students – with a student body that reflects the diversity of Israel’s population.  About 40% of the students come from the Druze, Circassian and Arab communities and – among the Jewish students – there are many whose families are from Ethiopia.
The University of Haifa , he adds, also boasts the highest percentage – among Israeli universities – of students who are the first generation  in their families to attend university.
The university has several campuses. The original campus – a 30-floor structure – on Mount Carmel – houses several  faculties, among them the Faculty of Law – in its  new building  – and the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, which offers the only graduate program in Israel in that field. The Computer Science Faculty is located in the port area. The Faculty of Design and Architecture – formerly the Neri Bloomfield School of Design under Hadassah-WIZ Oauspices –  is situated in Haifa’s German Colony neighbourhood.
Coming soon for the University of Haifa,  Karabelnicoff reports, will be a new School of Medicine.   “There is a serious doctor shortage in Israel,” he points out.  “The plan is to work in cooperation with Carmel Hospital.  The University of Haifa is proud to lead in the efforts to train medical doctors and to be able to serve and take care of the population in the north of Israel.”
He adds that, as a result of the ongoing war, thousands of young Israelis that fought and are fighting right now, will be able to receive treatment and rehabilitation to their injuries and physical disabilities at the “Rehabilitation Training Center,” which will be built as part of  the new Medical School of the University of Haifa . The Center, he says, will be one of the most important facilities to be developed at the School of Medicine to train doctors in rehabilitation.
Karabelnicoff further reports that the new School of Medicine was inaugurated at an event during the recent Board of Governors meeting held on June 2, 2024.  The school will start teaching its first 50 students in October 2025. In subsequent years 150 students a year will begin training annually.
The school will be built on the grounds of the main campus of the University of Haifa on Mt. Carmel. The capital campaign that was recently launched totals US $120 million.  The university has already secured US$65 million – including US$50 million from the Amir Family, US$10 million more from the Bloom Family in Boston, and another US$5 million from other donors around the world so far. 
The Canadian Friends of Haifa University, he notes, has been in operation since 1973. The Canadian chapter has been, until now, largely focused on Toronto. The new executive director is working to expand the CFHU outreach to other Canadian Jewish communities.
“There are a lot of Israelis living in Winnipeg, for example,” he says. “I have begun reaching out to them.
“I would also like to see if we could negotiate some joint programming between Haifa University and the University of Manitoba.”
Karabelnicoff reports that the school year, which was delayed by the October 7 attacks and the current ongoing IDF operation in Gaza, began at the beginning of January.  “Things are slowly getting back to normal in Israel,” he says.  “We had about 1,500 students and faculty fighting in the reserves. Two-thirds are back in class.”
A current fundraising goal for the CFHU is to raise money for students  returning from the fighting to provide scholarships to help pay tuition and rent to make up what they had to sacrifice financially while serving in Gaza.
As an individual whose work history has been all about building relationships, Ariel Karabelnicoff may be just the man to expand CFHU’s footprint across Canada.
For readers interested in contacting Ariel about supporting Canadian Friends of Haifa University, his email address is

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