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19 members of BBYO Red River Region attend BBYO International Convention

When Ian Baruch accepted the position of Youth Program Coordinator at the Rady JCC – in charge of BBYO, back in August 2019, he was excited to be leading a program in which he himself had been a member only a few years previously.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Baruch moved to Israel with his family as a baby, then seven years later to Winnipeg.
“I moved to Winnipeg and essentially grew up here,” said Baruch. “Since I moved here, I’ve been pretty involved in the Jewish community. From 2003 to 2019, I went to Camp Massad, either as a camper, counsellor, or, this past summer, as assistant director. I attended Gray Academy of Jewish Education all through elementary and high school. From Grades 9-12, I was part of BBYO here in Winnipeg and was in a chapter called ‘Alophim,’ so it feels like I’ve come full circle – which is a great feeling.”
While BBYO offers four conventions a year, three of them are local and the fourth is the international one. The Red River Region (essentially Winnipeg) has six chapters, three of which are for girls and three for boys, with some 130 teens registered, from Grades 9-12.
This year’s international convention took place in Dallas, TX from February 11th-17th.
“Every year, BBYO International puts on this international convention to bring together all the BBYO regions of the world, so they can share meaningful experiences with fellow Jewish young leaders,” said Baruch. “This year, we had over 5,000 people from over 50 different countries.”
As far as any effects felt on the convention due to the Corona virus, Baruch said, “When the convention was happening, there were only the flying restrictions of China into the U.S., so it was still pretty new. I’m sure if the convention were to be planned now, it would be much harder to actually execute it properly.
“This year, we had 19 people from the Red River Region (RRR) attend. Four of them were internationally recognized for their work in BBYO within RRR, and received awards.
“Another two of our members planned a program that the international boards of teens noticed. And they had them put on this program for other regions at the convention.”
The highlights for Baruch included meeting young leaders from the rest of the Jewish world and learning ideas and tips which he hopes to incorporate into his future programming.
The BBYO formal dance happened on March 7th at the Rady JCC, when BBYO members had a chance to come out with their (non-member) friends, dress up, dance, and have food.
From March 13th-15th, the RRR will host its final convention of the year, holding friendly competitions between the chapters that include, “Before I die, I want to _____.”
“Every year, the theme is in that style,” said Baruch. “They fill in the blank with what they want and make that their theme. They make it as serious or as foolish as they like, as long as it’s appropriate.”
Toward the end of the convention, time is spent on allowing the Grade 12 members to share about their time with BBYO. “This is also a good opportunity for the new members who have never attended this specific convention, to see what they have to look forward to and get an idea of programs that have been run over the years, and things of that nature,” said Baruch.
On March 22nd, the teens will participate in J-Serve, an international day of Jewish service. (Ed. note: As of the time of publication, this event will likely be canceled.)
This year, they will have a variety of stations set up at the Rady JCC with each station led by a BBYO team with an adult representative from various organizations. “For example, we’ll have a sandwich making station, a soup making station, a food sorting station, and more,” said Baruch. “It’s mostly geared to teens, but everyone is welcome.”

BBYO member Adelle Bloom’s report on the convention
This year, I had the opportunity to attend one of the world’s biggest Jewish youth conventions: BBYO’s International Convention, commonly referred to as I.C. I met with over 3,000 delegates from around the world in Dallas, Texas, USA. The convention ran from February 12th to 17th. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement! There were teens from over 40 countries, including 19 people from Winnipeg, all meeting in one place. I met so many people from around the world and made friendships that would have never been possible otherwise. There were chances to go sightseeing, including, The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, The Dallas Aquarium, The Dallas Zoo, and so much more!
I got to hear so many amazing speakers, including Chris Ulmer, founder of “Special Books by Special Kids”‘ and David Dobrik, YouTuber and influencer. Ted Cruz, Senator of Texas, and Prime Minister Trudeau made video statements as well!
Jesse Eisenberg, award winning actor and playwright, talked about his Jewish upbringing, the role mental health plays in our lives, and his activism with domestic violence and sexual assault.
Bari Weiss, writer and editor for the New York Times, and author of How To Fight Anti-Semitism, talked about her experiences with anti-Semitism and growing up at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. She mentioned some questions she had heard as she travelled across the world, speaking to Jewish communities, such as: “Who are we, why are we here, and what are we fighting for, and what is the Jewish future.”
But, the best part was actually seeing how we each come together, to make this community what it is today. It was truly an unforgettable experience, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a place to make lifelong memories, and lifelong friends!
Local News
Young pediatrician Daniel Kroft and his Jewish history podcast

By MYRON L0VE It has been said that if you want to make sure to get something done, give the task to the busiest person in the room. That adage would certainly apply to Daniel Kroft.
Although only 30 years old, Daniel, the son of community leaders Jonathan and Dr. Cara Kroft, has emulated both of his parents by being a community leader as well as a pediatrician. In the former category, Daniel is a member of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg’s Community Planning Committee (His father, Jonathan, is a Past President of the Federation).
The younger Kroft is also a co-founder of the Manitoba Maccabim – a young Jewish advocacy group. He recently joined Belle Jarniewski, executive director of the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Manitoba, in a presentation to the Internal Medicine Department of Health Sciences Center on the subject of antisemitism.
Professionally, the Gray Academy graduate (class of 2012) is a member of a clinic run out of St. Boniface Hospital, is on staff at the Children’s Hospital, puts in time at the Health Sciences Centre, and serves as a consultant pediatrician at Brandon’s regional hospital. He also takes trips to northern Manitoba to offer his services.
In addition, he is a member of the Jewish Physicians Association of Manitoba.
With all that on his plate, you wouldn’t think that Kroft would have time for much else. If so, you would be wrong. Four years ago, he launched a new initiative, a podcast – “The Jewish Story” – intended to teach interested listeners about Jewish history.
The idea came to him, he says, back in 2021, when he was still a medical student. “It was the time when Black Lives Matter was in the news,” he recalls. “At med school, we were learning all about Black history and Indigenous history. I realized that I actually didn’t know much about my own Jewish history.”
The first source he turned to was the Anglo-Jewish historian Simon Schama and his book, “The Story of the Jews”. He followed up with online courses from Oxford and Harvard as well as a lecture series led by prominent historian Henry Abramson.
Setting up a podcast, he notes, required another learning curve. “It takes me about a year to do the research and organize my podcasts,” he reports. “I had to learn how to do a podcast and about which equipment to buy. I set up a recording studio in a room in my house.”
On his website (rss.com/podcasts/thejewishstory/), Kroft describes “The Jewish Story” as “a Jewish history podcast for the 21st century”. “We use the latest in archaeology, linguistics and historical methods to sculpt the history of the Jewish People from the exodus from Egypt until the present,” he notes.
He started his series of podcasts going back to the beginning – from the earliest evidence of Jewish existence through the establishment of the Jewish kingdom, its conflicts with neighbouring empires, to its destruction by the Babylonians.
And that is just the first episode.
The first season – seven episodes – encompassed Jewish history up to and including the Roman invasion of Jerusalem and destruction of the second Temple in 70 CE. Kroft points out that some of his podcasts feature guest commentators. In his first season, for example, in the third episode, he interviews Rabbi Matthew Leibl about the relevance to modern Jewish life of the first eight centuries of Jewish history.
In the seventh episode, he discusses with his former elementary school teacher, Sherry Wolfe Elazar ,what lessons modern Jews can learn from the Greco-Roman period for Jewish history.
The second series of podcasts focuses on the development of Jewish life in the first centuries after the Diaspora and the effects of the new Christian and Muslim religions on the Jewish people. The seventh and last episode of season two features Rabbi Anibal Mass, the spiritual leader of the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, talking about a wide range of subjects ,including the breakaway Karaites, he definition of Jewish music, and how technology has shaped modern Jewish practice.
The third season covers the 11th-15th centuries while the most recent series of episodes spans the period from 1500 to 1650. Kroft reports that the next group of podcasts will provide an overview of Jewish life in the 17th and early 18th centuries, including the beginnings of Jewish life in North America.
I asked Kroft when he finds the time to work on his podcasts. His response: in his spare time – weekends and holidays.
The podcaster reports that when he started, he was getting 30-40 listeners per episode. Now his numbers are up to 200-300 from all over the world.
For readers who may want to hear Daniel Kroft’s story in person, he will be one of the presenters at the upcoming Limmud Winnipeg. Kroft will be presenting on Sunday, March 23, at 1:30 at the Campus.
For more information aboutLimmud, contact coordinator@limmudwinnipeg.org or 204-557-6260
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Former Winnipegger Ezra Glinter to discuss his new biography of Rabbi Schneerson at upcoming Limmud Winnipeg

By MYRON LOVE The Chabad-Lubavitch movement is one of the world’s largest and best-known Hasidic groups. Driven by the belief that we are on the verge of the messianic age. Lubavitch, under the leadership of the charismatic Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson , has, over the past 70 years. engaged in an outreach program to the Jewish world which may bemunprecedented in Jewish history. Wherever there is a Jewish community in the world, no matter how small, you will find a Lubavitcher Rebbe.
I have seen one survey that more younger American Jews – almost 40% -have developed a connection with Chabad than another branch of Judaism.
Last October, former Winnipegger Ezra Glinter published “Becoming the Messiah: The Life and Times of Menachem Mendel Schneerson,” the first biography of Rabbi Schneerson to combine a nonpartisan view of his life, work, and impact with an insider’s understanding of the ideology that drove him and that continues to inspire the Chabad-Lubavitch movement today.
On Sunday, March 23, Glinter will be introducing his biography to his home town as one of the presenters at the 15th Limmud Winnipeg Festival of Jewish Learning.
(Limmud was founded in England in 1980 with the aim to build bridges between professional and nonprofessional educators and between those of differing religious commitments. Today, the Limmud Festival is held in more than 90 Jewish communities in over 40 countries around the world.)
The New York-based son of Nancy and Harry Glinter has had an interesting life journey of his own – a journey that has included his own immersion for several years in the Orthodox world – making him an ideal individual to explore the Rebbe’s life and work and impact on Judaism.
“It was helpful hat I could apply the skills that I learned in Yeshiva to the research,” Glinter notes.
The fact that he is also self-taught in Yiddish was also helpful.
Glinter in a graduate of Talmud Torah. At the age of 16, Glinter chose to pursue a more religious lifestyle. With his parents’ support, he enrolled in Ner Yisroel in Batimore.
In 2004, after four years in yeshiva, he enrolled at McGill, graduating with a BA in English (in 2008), followed by a year at New York University. Since then, he has pursued a career as a freelance journalist. For five years, he served as deputy arts director for the Jewish Daily Forward. Over the past eight years, he has contributed book, theatre and arts reviews and lifestyle stories to numerous prestigious American publications, as well as the Israeli newspaper Haaretz,”and the Paris Review.
The Schneerson biography is his second book. In 2016, he published “Have I Got a Story for You” – a compilation of 42 stories – published in Yiddish in The Forward over its almost 130—year history.
The stories are an assortment of wartime novellas, avant-garde fiction, and satirical sketches about immigrant life in New York – with short biographies of the contributors. Glinter served as editor of the project – with the stories being translated into English by leading Yiddish translators who were able to capture the sound of the authors and the subtleties of nuance and context.
Glinter notes that he spent four years doing the research for his current book. He reports that his Shneerson biography has been generally well-received – although, he adds, there haven’t been a lot of reviews.
“It seems that both followers of Chabad and secular readers appreciate the book,” he comments.
For the past two years, he has been working as the senior staff writer and editor for the National Yiddish Book Centre, which is located in Amherst, Massachusetts. “We have our own press and newsletter,” he points out. “We translate newly published Yiddish works into English.”
Readers who may be interested in attending Limmud this year can cal l204 557-6260 or email coordinator@limmudwinnipeg.org. Ticket prices are $55 for the full day (which includes lunch and snacks) and $30 for a half day attendance. Reduced rates are available for younnger adults (under 30), students and children.
Local News
Bright future for Israeli-born University of Manitoba Science student Erele Tzidon

By MYRON LOVE Erele Tzidon, a second year Science student at the University of Manitoba, seems to have a bright future ahead of her.

The year before last, the Israeli-born graduate of Gray Academy received a University of Manitoba undergraduate research award, which allowed her to pursue research as a member of Dr. Inna Rabinovich-Nikitin’s research team at the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, (ICS) researching the link between pregnancy complications and the risk for heart disease.
The world-renowned institute, directed by Dr. Lorrie Kirshenbaum, studies heart disease and heart function with the goal of researching means to repair damaged heart cells and prevent heart failure.
This past November, Tzidon was presented with a second award – the Dr. James S. McGoey Student Award – based on the quality of her cardiovascular research at the ICS, which operates out of the St. Boniface Hospital’s Albrechchtsen Research Centre.
“We are very proud of Erele and her achievements,” says Dr. Inna Rabinovich-Nikitin. “We believe she has a promising future in medical research.”
Originally from Moshav Ginaton in central Israel, Tzidon came to Winnipeg in 2018 with her parents Ofer, formerly regional manager for a car rental agency in Israel and now an RBC branch Manager, and Sharon, an emotional therapist in Israel who is currently working as an educational assistant at Gray Academy. Tzidon also has three younger brothers.
The 19-year-od reports that it was through a connection she forged with Rabinovich-Nikitin at G ray Academy (where the latter has three children enrolled in the elementary program) that opened the door to a summer position at the ICS in 2023. She notes that she is at the ICS two days a week and at the U of M three days a week.
“I have always wanted to do research,” she says, “because I have an unlimited number of questions. And I love working with the great team at the ICS.”
One of the primary focuses at the ICS in recent years has been on women’s heart health. Three years ago Kirshenbaum created a new research program within St. Boniface Hospital specifically for the study of heart disease in women. Dr. Rabinovich-Nikitin was the first faculty member seconded to the new research program
In an earlier article I wrote about her in the Post (in 2021), I noted that she, like Erele Tzidon, is originally from Israel, having arrived in Winnipeg in 2016 with her husband Sergey, and their two children (a third child was born here) to further her scientific knowledge through working in Kirshenbaum’s lab.
Rabinovich-Nikitin is graduate of Tel Aviv University with a Ph.D. in biotechnology.
“I was always interested in science, how things work,” she notes. “I have a particular interest in women’s cardiac health.”
Four years ago she herself was presented with the Winnipeg Foundation’s Martha Donavan Leadership Development Award. The award is intended to provide leadership development opportunities for women in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. Eligible applicants include women who are full-time or part-time academic faculty members, students of the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, and students as well as post-doctoral trainees (including residents), presently enrolled in a program of study within the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.
In 2022 Rabinovich-Nikitin, was the winner of the Louis N. and Arnold M. Katz Basic Science Research Prize for Early Career Investigators awarded by the American heart Association (AHA). This award is the highest international recognition of research excellence for an early career investigator to receive, and Rabinovich-Nikitin is the first ever Canadian scientist to receive this award.
That same year she joined the University of Manitoba Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology as an assistant professor, studying heart disease in women. Rabinovich-Nikitin observes that heart disease in women presents itself in a different way than in men. She notes that one of the new lab’s initial findings was that there is one specific gene that leads to cardiovascular issues in some pregnant women that can point to heart disease later in life, and also have negative implications for the development of their children. Those children are smaller at birth and, as adults, are prone to hypertension, diabetes and obesity,
“We are looking into how that particular gene increases the risk of heart disease.” she says.
Rabinovich-Nikitin would like to invites readers who may be interested in learning more about women’s heart health to a free program the ICS is offering on Sunday, February 23 at the Wellness Institute at 1075 Leila Avenue from 1:00-4:00. The afternoon will feature speakers, children’s activities and Zumba sessions.
“I would encourage everyone who has questions and wants to learn about women’s heart health to attend,” she says.
You can find more about the event at https://megaheartevent.com/
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