David & Joan Genser By GERRY POSNER I am betting that many readers will remember the big furniture store on Portage Avenue – Genser’s. That store...
Ian and Rochelle Laing By MYRON LOVE When Rochelle Klasser first met Ian Laing in the early 1970s, she had just begun her career as a...
Lesley Hughescover of “The Dead Candidate’s Report” By BERNIE BELLAN How many times are we going to revisit a story that has already received more than...
Lori BinderGray Academy Head of School By BERNIE BELLAN In our September 1 issue we reported that Gray Academy had become the first school in Manitoba...
Jim Carr/Marty Morantzboth re-elected in Winnipeg By BERNIE BELLAN The recent federal election saw the re-election of all eight Members of Parliament who were at least...
With great sadness we announce the passing of Judith Rebecca Putter z’l, who leaves to mourn her brothers David (Sharon) Putter and Daniel Putter and her...
Unexpectedly, our mother, Henny Paritzky, passed away on August 25, 2021, at the age of 94. She was predeceased by her devoted husband Abraham and her...
A common question that the vast majority of people ask themselves at one time or another is: “What are the most popular apps in my area?”Of...
On September 2nd the Rady JCC held its first in-person program in more than 20 months in the MPR Room with close to 50 participants in the...
With great sadness we announce the sudden passing of Sid Wolchock on August 22, 2021, at the age of 82.
Henry died on August 17, 2021, after a valiant fight with cancer. Henry was married to the late Dena Namak. They both enjoyed a loving and...
Mara Seipp-Katz By MYRON LOVE It was one of the lowest points in Mara Seipp-Katz’s life. The date was March 12, 2020. The personal trainer had...
Maria Tarasova-Chomard, whowill present a talk on Jewish anarchists Oct. 3/Feivel Simkin By BERNIE BELLAN Maria Tarasova-Chomard is a young (24 year old) student, originally from...
Jody Schloss aboard herhorse, Lieutenant Lubin By GERRY POSNER There are not a lot of Jewish equestrians in Canada, female or male, at least not at...
Al BenarrochExecutive Director, JCFS By BERNIE BELLAN Since the first lockdown as a result of Covid was imposed on Manitobans in March 2020 I’ve been reporting...
left: the late Harold Richmanright: Harry Warren Ed. note: It’s been quite some time since we had run a piece by Harry Warren in the print edition...